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Everything posted by Aimee

  1. Jesse Teno was spotted last night getting off of a flight from Orlando, Florida where they took a 4-day vacation with their partner to Disney World. Jesse looked exhausted as they seemed to rush for the nearest bathroom. Flight status updates tell us that their plane had been circling the airport for over a half hour before landing, during which time the bathrooms are inaccessible. They were also spotted hobbling a bit and favoring their right leg. Hopefully this injury won’t affect their performance as the Cologne Express hang onto round 1 for dear life. Jesse was later spotted in a taxi line and when we approached to ask about their vacation, only a nod and a small grunt were given in response before they climbed into the back of a cab with their luggage. Hopefully Jesse will reach out with a statement and let us know if they at least had a good time. 155 words for week ending 10/23/2022
  2. Look who's back in the real world and crying because it's the real world.

    1. Shindigs



    2. Dil
    3. JardyB10


      Because the real world is kind of like Real World.


  4. 1. Marc-Andre Fleury! 2. I just wanted to get Jesse to a winning season which I did. 3. I'd like Jesse to be able to get a few more shut outs under their belt. 4. Honestly I think Vegas could three-peat. 5. Posting my first graphic and not getting run out of town lol 6. None planned lol. I tend to wear "I am my own costume" shirts.
  5. Now, I may be biased here due to the model used but this is seriously awesome!
  6. WHO WANTS SOME SWEET SWEET TPE?? Answer 3 for 2 or all 6 for 3! 1. The season is almost over. How are you feeling as we round the bend into the playoffs? 2. What color is your players hair? 3. What do you think your player's biggest improvement has been since the start of the season? 4. How do you think your GM and AGM have done this season? 5. Do you have any suggestions on how your GM or AGM could improve the locker room? 6. If you could steal one thing in the entire world and never get caught, what would you steal?
  7. With 40 games played, Jesse Teno has seen some improvement in their production. Not only have they finally managed a shutout, but they had a second one as well. Compared to last week, Jesse still sits in 5th for most wins, but has backpedaled a bit in their goals against average moving from 6th to 5th (2.08). When we spoke with Jesse they mentioned how close a lot of games had been. “It can be frustrating when most games are a one goal game. Thankfully in a few of our last games we managed to pull away but it makes for some high octane endings when that go-ahead goal isn’t coming.” Jesse also mentioned not blaming their teammates. Shots have been so far pretty evenly matched in Cologne’s games to the point where it really does come down to the goalies being able to keep their wits about them and hold down the net. 155 words for week ending 10/16/2022
  8. Got me some delicious Wawa for lunch. What about yous guys?

    1. Gustav


      You have no idea how much of a running joke Wawa is in our Town of Salem games. @Doomsday would like a word for sure...

    2. N0HBDY
  9. I need a presser so I'm jumping on board! 1. So excited! This team is seriously doing amazing and I cannot wait to see what they can do in the final stretch and the post season. 2. LETS GO PENS! And sometimes the Devils because I live in their demo. But f- the Rangers and Caps and Flyers and Islanders 3. I have jumped on board the Disney Dreamlight Valley train and honestly, it's a hell of a lot of fun. 4. I really enjoy the fall weather. Jeans and hoodies? Yes please! 5. Probably Miami. But for me, personally, SSK lol. 6. A big bowl of matzoh ball soup. Rainy, cold, and a holiday.
  10. G'mar chatima tova to my fellow Jews. 😃 

  11. Thanks! Still working on framing and filling in spaces. Definitely where I need to learn a bit more.
  12. With about a third of the season left to go, Jesse Teno has finally found the success that they could not get in Saskatoon. Jesse has led the Cologne Express to a so far record of 17-9-2 with a save percentage of 0.923. Compared to the abysmal record in the VHLM, Jesse has been given the chance to show what they are really made of. We hear it’s pretty refreshing for them to have such a healthy win loss ratio. Currently, Jesse sits in 5th for most wins and 6th in goals against average (2.33). It’s a nice turnaround for the goalie who last season was leading in losses, goals against, and shots against. The only thing Jesse has stated frustration with is a lack of shut outs this season. With the final 18 games of the season coming up, they are hoping to get just one. I speak for myself and others when I say that we all hope Jesse can manage it just once while in the VHLE. 170 words for week ending 10/09/2022
  13. While Jesse Teno’s body played games on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, their spirit was far far away celebrating Rosh Hashana. They were a corpse who just happened to get a 3-3-0 record for the three days. Impressive, no? We thought so too. So we asked Jesse what that was like. Happy New Year (Shana Tova)! Congrats on the 50/50 win/loss ratio the last few days. “What? No, I wasn’t here. What are you guys talking about?” Haha, very funny. We all saw you doing pretty good out there. Even a few games where you only allowed 1 goal. “Guys, I went back home to Vermont for the holiday. You can even ask my parents.” That’s Jesse, always the jokester of the team. But how did it feel winning 3 in a row then dropping 3? “I still have no idea what you’re talking about. I just got back yesterday morning.” And that’s all the time we have for Jesse Teno today. Come back next week when we see how they do on Yom Kippur, the fasting holiday! 179 words for week ending 10/02/2022
  14. 1. Pretty good! Having a better season than the last one so I'm already pumped. A winning record? Yes please! 2. I'm so excited. And I just can't hide it. 3. Movement and hopefully some suprises. 4. Nah. I don't know anyone who is recreating personally and half the time in the discord I don't know who the GMs are talking about lol. But interested to keep learning from reading and watching. 5. I like a good mix of player/VHL questions and the fun questions. I once asked if a hotdog was a sandwich. Got some really interesting responses. 6. There we go! Like I said. Fun questions lol. Definitely Yoda. I already have asthma so I don't feel the need to feel worse.
  15. So. 500 words about General Managers and their general managing, huh? Shouldn’t be too hard. I’ve been fortunate enough in my almost 4 months in the VHL to have experiences regarding GMs and GM’ing. @Shindigs was an amazing mentor when I first joined, I had the fortunate opportunity to be picked as a JST GM, and now I work as an AGM under @jacobcarson877. Really, I couldn’t have asked for a better route to leadership. Maybe one day I’ll be a GM myself but for now, I’m happy to sit in the lower rung and learn from the best. I have stated this before in previous articles that Shindigs really took me under his wing and took the time to teach me everything he could. Not just about the leadership but also the everyday basic stuff that most people would be bored of repeating over and over again to new players. I would ask what I thought was a simple question and instead of a few word answers, I would receive anywhere from a paragraph to a novella of an answer. At first it intimidated me that there would be so much to learn but really at the heart of those long responses was just a really good guy trying to explain as much as possible in order to help me best understand what I was asking. I don’t think I would be as far along with my player if it hadn’t been for him holding my hand those first two weeks. It really gave me an amazing start. Now, when I was selected as a GM in the JST, I was honestly surprised. I know that it’s a way to help newer players understand leadership roles but I thought maybe I was too new. But I guess they saw something in me that I didn’t. It was an interesting experience and I wish I had had a bit more of an active team in order to get my social and leadership skills in order but I will take the lessons that I learned there and go with them. Hopefully I’ll have another chance to help the JST in another way the next time around. And that all leads me to where I have been the last few weeks: AGMing for San Diego. It’s certainly been an interesting experience and I have been working on flexing my leadership muscles. Jacob has been great at delegating tasks to me of which I am able to use as an excuse to force myself to learn how to analyze games better. I know I could be better at conversing with my team but I think I’m getting better at including myself into a conversation. That’s a personal thing that the VHL has really allowed me to work on. Hopefully as we approach the VHLM playoffs I can have a better experience as an AGM than I had as a player. Beyond Shindigs and Jacob, I just want to once again thank all the GMs and higher-ups who have ever made me a graphic, answered a question I had, or considered me for a job. I appreciate it all. 525 words for week ending 10/02/2022
  16. Work. Life. THEN I can come back to normal activity. Man I miss being productive on here.

  17. Shana tova. See y'all after the holiday. 

  18. Press Conference 2 of the S85 VHLM Season! Answer all 6 for 2 TPE or 3 for 1. 1. We had some tough losses this week. How are you feeling? 2. When do you grab up your TPE? First thing Monday morning, last minute Sunday night, or somewhere in the middle? 3. Next week is theme week! Any thoughts on what the theme might be??? 4. If you could pick any entrance theme, what would it be? 5. If the Marlins could get a sponsor, what company would you want it to be and why? 6. Is a hot dog a sandwich?
  19. After a rough 1-1-0 start for their first two games in the VHLE, Jesse Teno struggled as they began to feel like their time in Saskatoon might be repeating. They struggled in the VHLM and they had gone into Cologne hoping things would be different. Having played on a lower tier team meant not truly being able to prove themselves as a winning goalie. But yesterday, after a brief break from being in the crease, Jesse was given a shot at back-to back games. To their own surprise, Jesse helped Cologne to two wins and a save percentage of .909 in both games. Off the ice, Jesse has been working hard trying to get ready for whichever games they may get to play. Constant hard work and dedication are definitely something that Jesse still focuses on and it seems that they have no sign of stopping. Even this morning Jesse was back on the ice working on their skills. 159 words for week ending 9/25/22
  20. I'm back peoples! Felt like my time away would never end. 

    1. diacope


      So flamin' hot before I didn't even notice you left!

    2. Lemorse7


      HI back peoples! I'm lemorse7 nice to meet you 

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