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Everything posted by scoop

  1. im so excited and i just cant hide it im about to lose control and i think i like it
  2. I would have just ended up trading you anyway, Bushito.
  3. To be honest, if I were Jericho, I wouldn't waive the NTC.
  4. Ottawa free claims Arthur Grosberg.
  5. With the criticism that GMs get from the members if the trade appears to be bad for them, I can somewhat understand why they want to let people know that there is more to come. Then, at that point, can the GMs be harshly judged.
  6. scoop


    Frank was worried that without Moher all season, Quebec wouldn't be able to beat Calgary or Seattle for a playoff spot.
  7. At least Riga's inmates have chance for parole.
  8. I know, there was no point being made. But Damien's realization that he had the story backwards means that if he had the story correct in his comic, then what Jardy said in the last panel would mean...
  9. scoop


    It's really not a race, considering every lottery team has an equal shot at 1st, regardless of where they finish in the standings.
  10. You don't need any help becoming an elite defenseman!
  11. Jarkko Olsen and Lennox Moher are ready to take on the VHL.
  12. And if Kendrick is "dating Jardy's sister" as the joke used to go...
  13. Oh, this was posted before the deal with Helsinki. Now I get it.
  14. "his gurf tugd mai rope if u no wut i mean" If I correctly know what you mean, then realizing that the joke was that Kendrick was dating Jardy's sister...hmm...
  15. The next person to assume they'll be playing for the team will not be.
  16. I'm gonna need your summoner name. I gave you mine, so it's only fair I at least have yours.
  17. Not a bad league from my short experience there, but personally I just don't think I'll ever get into another league besides the VHL. Unless maybe a baseball league pops up and it looks really solid.
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