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  1. Fire
    twists got a reaction from Pifferfish in Stockholm Vikings Press Conference   
    1. We got this. It's going to be a lit playoffs 🔥
    2. He's definitely gonna get one, and I totally called him being the new points leader
    3. I think we've got figure skating on lock
    4. Gorlab or Kachur its a hard choice
    5. The ability to forget to tell Doom anything that I'm doing with our VHLE team
    6. Definitely LVA, because their mascot would just literally be gorlab
  2. Like
    twists got a reaction from vincentlg2007 in Newest GM in town   
    I love that gif lol
  3. Haha
    twists reacted to vincentlg2007 in Newest GM in town   
    The rumors were true, there is indeed a new man at charge in Mississauga. At least he was a man before...
    Starting as AGM for team europe in S84's World Juniors with a bronze medal he didn't really make a name for himself there with a smaller role all the credit for this cause to the gm Mr.Carson.
    His first notable role was Cologne's Agm. Once again a smaller assistant role but it's the role that ultimately got him on the spotlights. In his first season as Cologne AGM under Zef Goncalves in 85 the team ended up 3rd in the VHLE with 91 points. They made a beautiful playoff push before sadly falling short to Oslo in the final.
    In the offseason, Vincent became the gm of Toon Squad in the Pro-Am his first Gm job. The team ended up falling short against the Oakville Ongoles in semi-finals but redeemed themselves by winning the bronze medal in 5 games !
    Then it was time to get back to Cologne! According to rumors the most important touch LG bringed on the table during his time as Cologne AGM is draft scouting. In the first draft of the tandem they didn't have a lot of draft picks only having 2 4th, a 5th and a 6th. But they completely robbed the show drafting Ben Dover, Justin Lion, Sigma Freud, Justin Lion and Keon Jeannot. All very important piece of the team to this day. While the final choice ultimately was Goncalves' his AGM pitch probably influenced him for a couple of these picks. Now let's get on to the season, what can I say? Well The Season 86 Cologne Express had the best VHLE season of all time! Yes, that team ended up with 120 pts the most ever in a single regular season in the league's history. Like every 1st seed in the NHL, Cologne ended up eliminated by Oslo in their first playoff round. A sad end to a wonderful season. Oslo once again had the express' number.
    For the off-season, Vincent once again became a Pro-Am gm. This time for the Babylon Wonders one of the best team  name ever. After an intense battle in regular season the Wonders ultimately ended up on top of the league. Come playoff time, they swept the blue shells to reach the finals against the detroit dodos. Sadly, the team fell short but had a silver medal to compensate.
    In the same 86 offseason, Vincent also became the gm of the Steel in the Junior Showcase tournament. Despite leading for the first few days the team had a rough phase and ended the regular season last. They had to start the playoff in a wildcard best of 5 against the warriors. After losing the first 2 games by 1 goal the Steel came back to form and won 8-1 before going on to win the 2 other game and reverse sweep the warriors. Their first match of the semis was against the royals. They won the first game 8-4 but lost the 2nd one 4-3. They lost the next 2 games 4-3 in Ot now being down 3-1 in the series. The next game Royals won 4-1 ultimately eliminating the Steel. The Royals ended up winning in 7 in the finals which means steel won the bronze medal.
    Back in Cologne, it was time for the draft. Express had a 1st round pick and a 3rd round pick. With the 1st they drafted Tim Riggins a pick that looked like a reach but quickly looked like a genius move by the team. Sadly, Warsaw called him up before he could play for Cologne. This pick looks like it was pushed by Vincent since Tim Riggins was the star of the Steel team. With their 3rd round pick they selected Jarkko Laakkonen who is currently playing with the team. Cologne once again finished the season has 1st seed. In the playoff, they started by winning in 5 games against the Geneva Rush. In the finals they were against the dynasty and their bitter rivals of the last couple of season the Oslo Storm. This time around the story had a better ending with Cologne finally winning the cup! 
    In the S87 offseason, once again, VLG choose to gm in the Pro-AM this time for the Atlantis Apocalypse. The team was a complete success. They started off pretty badly 10-10 because he couldn't find the right chemistry between his troups. But he quickly found it and dethroned the Playfull Pretty pandas playing piano in Paris. In the playoff they continued their dominance and VLG won his first Pro-Am! 
    For the last time, he was back in Cologne for the draft. Cologne had one pick in each round except the 1st. For this draft we know who VLG pushed for Goncalves to pick. It was Brad Marchand in the 3rd round which is looking like a good move for the team. VLG didn't have time to end the season in Cologne.
    In the middle of the season, the Hounds gm had to resign from the position following an unexpected event. Vincent was chosen to replace him. His first full gm position. But something weird happened. The second it was revealed he got the position, he turned into a creature called Coleman Trebor/Robert. This is a very bizzarre occurence and no one knows how it happened. But here we are. As gm, he only completed one trade it was to acquire James Macavoy for a conditionnal 3rd and a 4th. He quickly hired the most wanted management rookie Subject as AGM. Under his management, the team started off very well but had a pretty meh stint after 10 games. These few bad games saw the team drop to 4th place behind Halifax, Mexico city, San Diego. But he quickly found the right chemistry between his troops and the team is currently on a 13-1-0 run which makes them tied in 2nd place with San Diego. 
    There we are now you know all the story of the man turned dino man as we are close to the playoff of his very first full time GM position.
  4. Like
    twists got a reaction from jacobcarson877 in The new guard of the VHL   
    The new guard of the VHL

    In honor of theme week I thought I'd take us on a trip down memory lane of who used to be the "old guard" of the VHL, and all of the new members we have now forming the "new guard". I joined back when the pandemic was in full swing and a lot of us didn't have a whole lot to do other than the VHL (with lockdowns and what not). That was around early 2020. It was an interesting, but tense time in VHL history. I think everyone had a little too much personal stock in the VHL since it was out main thing to do during the pandemic. I was no exception and to some extent its why I got so pissed off I went inactive. ENough about me though, let's take a look in the past.
    The Old Guard
    @.sniffuM - Muff was one of my favorite members. We we're constantly down in the gaming voice channel playing something random that we had recently discovered. I'll never forget the Sims 4 drug dealer streams he used to do. Plus, I'd dare consider us friends. We'd share personal issues we were going through with each other and help the other out best we could. Plus you were so fucking funny, please never change man. Last I spoke with Muff he had entirely burnt out on sim leagues, and was done with them. We don't keep in touch too much anymore, but I definitely miss him here in the VHL.
    @gorlab - Haha, oh Gorlab. Literally the most degen of the degens here in the VHL. From classic topics such as Lick or Bust, to his pretty damn good graphics, he was always an enjoyable member to have around. Yes, I know he was absolutely a shit stirrer and that rubbed a lot of people the wrong way, but he provided forms of entertainment that we really don't have anymore. Past midnight you could always find him in a voice chat with one or two others doing online gambling lol.
    @McWolf - Ahh my GM in Saskatoon when we won it all. Along with @Doomsday as the AGM. What a great team and fun season we had. McWolf helped make me feel at home while I was still acclimating to the league. Especially considering there had been some fallout during my first season in the M as a first-gen. The fallout caused me to fall a bit in the draft and McWolf was able to draft both me, and @a_Ferk back to back. I'll always look back on our days fondly wolfy.
    @Hatter - Wtf you deleted your forum account? Or do you just have some weird name on the forums that I forgot. Hatter put out some of the best VSN content the forums ever saw. Again, a super genuinely nice guy that was fun to game with. Remember teaching me to play rocket league with @Nykonax and @Josh? That was always a hilarious disaster. Miss you man.
    @Sonnet - Not really part of the old guard per se, but was obnoxious enough in chat that you'd see him everywhere. He ended up pulling a twists, and fully deleted his account on the forums. He was by far the biggest weeb the VHL has ever had, and someone probably made fun of his favorite anime character so he ended up REEEing out of here.
    @Proto - Again, not exactly old guard, but yeah. Proto joined here just before me. He was a VHLM GM and pulled a twists before it was cool. Ironically, he left for the same reason I did. ANTI AMERICAN SENTIMENT.
    @Advantage - You can still consider adv part of the guard, but he's around so infrequently I'm going to consider him a part of the old guard. Adv was always on a health kick trying to get in shape. I honestly always appreciated that, because during the pandemic I was fucking overweight as shit. We'd share tips in the health channel of the discord and make notes of our progress. He was also by far the nicest and most reasonable members of the BOG. We had some fun late nights where we'd bullshit for a few hours. Great guy 11/10. 
    @Gustav  - In the same vein as ADV, I'm going to bring up Gustav. I know he's an M commish, but I still just barely seem him around. Back in the day he had every copypasta ever created in the VHL in his back pocket. A personal favorite has to be when Shawn didn't understand how timezones worked and got really pissed off about when sims happened. Gus would drag us into voice chat and play the most awful music I've ever had to listen to. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about Gus. The thunderdome section of the forums and discord used to be nonstop fights, memes, and just all kinds of insanity. Gus probably started half of that. It's been sad to see those don't really have any activity in them anymore.
    @Renomitsu - Hiiiiiiiii reno. I miss you, can you take a break from doctoring and come be active again? Never forget the garden gnome story, and all the fun we had hanging out. There's so much I could write in this section about you, but I'm going to keep it short. Reno is genuinely the nicest person I have ever met, and if you haven't ever had any interaction with him I highly suggest you try to.
    @Beaviss - Please don't come back from being IA.
    I'm sure there's a bunch of you I forgot, but don't hate me for it. If we talked even semi-often back then you probably had a pretty big impact on my life. Also, if you're still currently a part of the guard, I didn't count you either. This is simply a old vs. new comparison and if you're still around you don't exactly qualify.
    The New Guard
    @Lemorse7 - Hi, I love you. Immediately when I came back from my two years of inactivity Lemorse and I became friends. He's a lover of red pandas, I'm a lover of red pandas, there wasn't a chance we wouldn't become BFFs. Honestly I'd love to game with you or something here. It would be fun to get to know each other a bit better.
    @Blazzer - I think you showed up just after I had quit. It was a pleasure playing for you in Vegas (even though you betrayed me and didnt draft me). We can't always have consistent chats because our timezones are so flipped, but you're a blast to talk/hang with. 
    @Moon - Hi mooooooooooner. We need to game again soon. Plus I can teach you tekkit and we can start a minecraft server or something. You've been fun to hang around with, keep being you.
    @N0HBDY - Fuckin' trivia guy smh. You've been fun to chill with since coming back. I'd love to get to know you a little better too. A lot of our conversations recently have boiled down to "U MAKE TRIVIA ANSWER WRONG?!?!" then I figure out I don't know how to read and its actually my fault.
    @thadthrasher - It's been great getting to know you my guy. I'm genuinely so glad to have you as my E commish because you're always on top of stuff. Plus you put up with me and my stupid requests, questions, etc. I'm coming up to Pennsylvania in a couple months and I'm going to steal all of your delicious home grown foods.
    @badcolethetitan - Damn why'd they let you in to the league? We've only talked a little bit, but you're a blast to hang out with, plus you're a hell of a GM. I'm sure you'll be getting a VHL job in no time. 
    @Subject056 - I see you making waves here. You'll be getting your own team to GM shortly I'm sure. Keep on being awesome and you'll go far :). 
    Honorable Mention: @Beketov - I think its fair to consider you both part of the old guard and the new guard. Hell, I'm pretty sure you've been a part of the VHL since the big bang occurred in our universe. I know I give you a lot of shit on discord and here on the forums, but I have nothing but respect for you. You, and a key few others, have helped keep this place afloat for over half of your life now. I used to be intimidated by you when I first joined, but its nice now to at least be able to call you an acquaintance. I'm also very much looking forward to the Zoo Tycoon stream. Keep on being awesome.
    Once again, I'm sure I probably forgot a few of you and I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you I promise <3. However, this post isn't as much of a blast from the past as it is me being excited for the future. The VHL seems to be in very good hands moving forward. The combination of the new guard and those who have stuck around from when I first joined create a great team that will help grow the VHL to what it deserves to be. I hope you all enjoyed this read as much as I enjoyed typing it, and I hope you all have a fun filled theme week. 
    1557 words.
  5. Like
    twists got a reaction from rory in I have a Major problem with how the VHLM waiver system works   
    I don't think the waiver system in the M is necessarily unfair, I think it rewards GMs who are more active than others. When I was a fresh first-gen several years ago I had no idea who to join (mind you this was when you got offer letters posted on your create a player page). I joined the discord to get a feel for what teams people liked, and who actually interacted with me. That night I spent basically talking to @Dil in general chat and he asked if I'd join Halifax. Of course I joined, Dil put in the effort to get to know me, we talked in discord, and then I got an offer. It wasn't the same cookie cutter everyone else gave me.  
    There's a reason VHLM GMs are paid 4 TPE instead of 2, and recruiting is one of those main reasons. Not every player is going to be like me and instantly join the discord and want to talk, but even just shooting them a message on the forums could tip the scales in your favor.
    Trading draft picks is an interestingly odd design choice for a development league I agree. However, you can't stop human nature of wanting to win. I'm not saying allowing trading of picks is a great solution to that, but there will be even more shenanigans afoot if you can't. Without trading draft picks teams that have players go IA are totally screwed. They wouldn't be able to recruit more active players because of your waiver changes, and they would just have to hope they can draft a bunch of actives next season. This obviously can cause enjoyment issues for the GMs, but imagine being the sole active player on a team. That would suck worse for new player retention I think.
    I think the M is unique in how bizarrely its run, because no commish can definitively tell you if its a development league or if its a competitive league. These are just my random thoughts on the matter, so take this with a grain of salt.
  6. Haha
    twists reacted to v.2 in I have a Major problem with how the VHLM waiver system works   
    *Sigh* can we go back to only complaining about the E please.
  7. Fire
    twists reacted to Sjin in I have a Major problem with how the VHLM waiver system works   
    I completely agree, @jacobcarson877 reached out to me so quickly from the point of me registering my account and the decision was easy for me at the time I knew nothing about the league. There was a great locker room full of active guys. Which when I ended up getting drafted by a different team I quickly realised that wasn't the norm across the league. Certain GMs create environments players want to be a part of, and whilst most players will only spend 1-3 seasons in the M the cyclical nature of trading picks is a great concept, sure it can be considered quite counter intuitive for a development league, but it means teams that have been struggling in the regular season and aren't in contention for a play-off position will have a much stronger chance the year after. Whilst the team that sold their assets to get stronger has a better push at the cup. With the turn-over of players moving up the leagues and going inactive it's good to see different teams winning the cup each year and this helps aid that as most teams pushing to win cups will not have assets in the following years draft.
  8. Like
    twists reacted to ShawnGlade in I have a Major problem with how the VHLM waiver system works   
    I am able to take a step back and realize that the incident itself is funny when you think about it, but it's also not funny that a GM did that and changed the outcome of a situation that they had no part in and frankly should not have been involved with at all
  9. Like
    twists got a reaction from Sjin in I have a Major problem with how the VHLM waiver system works   
    I don't think the waiver system in the M is necessarily unfair, I think it rewards GMs who are more active than others. When I was a fresh first-gen several years ago I had no idea who to join (mind you this was when you got offer letters posted on your create a player page). I joined the discord to get a feel for what teams people liked, and who actually interacted with me. That night I spent basically talking to @Dil in general chat and he asked if I'd join Halifax. Of course I joined, Dil put in the effort to get to know me, we talked in discord, and then I got an offer. It wasn't the same cookie cutter everyone else gave me.  
    There's a reason VHLM GMs are paid 4 TPE instead of 2, and recruiting is one of those main reasons. Not every player is going to be like me and instantly join the discord and want to talk, but even just shooting them a message on the forums could tip the scales in your favor.
    Trading draft picks is an interestingly odd design choice for a development league I agree. However, you can't stop human nature of wanting to win. I'm not saying allowing trading of picks is a great solution to that, but there will be even more shenanigans afoot if you can't. Without trading draft picks teams that have players go IA are totally screwed. They wouldn't be able to recruit more active players because of your waiver changes, and they would just have to hope they can draft a bunch of actives next season. This obviously can cause enjoyment issues for the GMs, but imagine being the sole active player on a team. That would suck worse for new player retention I think.
    I think the M is unique in how bizarrely its run, because no commish can definitively tell you if its a development league or if its a competitive league. These are just my random thoughts on the matter, so take this with a grain of salt.
  10. Like
    twists got a reaction from vincentlg2007 in I have a Major problem with how the VHLM waiver system works   
    I know this is obviously a serious issue that shouldn't happen.....but thats hilarious
  11. Fire
    twists reacted to DustyMclaren in Eric Queefson and Tyler Swift   
  12. Fire
    twists reacted to Doomsday in Queef In Relief?   
    With the Season 89 VHL Entry Draft on the distant horizon, Philadelphia Reapers' defenseman Eric Queefson has begun to emerge as a top prospect, and for good reason. He's logged more practice hours than any other prospect, and is showing real promise as an offensive player as well, with 19 goals in 48 games. But is it enough to make Eric Queefson the first overall pick?
    Ultimately, it seems to depend who will be drafting with that pick. The two frontrunners are the D.C. Dragons and the Toronto Legion, both of whom have different needs. The Dragons just selected a defenseman, Mark Calaway, first overall last season, and also have Reinhard von Kongming in the wings as well. Queefson could make a potentially elite pairing with Calaway, or they could opt for a top forward prospect in Viktor Jensen. For Toronto, Queefson is a likely slam dunk pick as the top selection. The Legion have hit on both Mac Atlas and Jimi Jaks, and grabbing Queefson to pair with Bobby Bob would put Toronto in prime position to start taking steps forward towards competing again.
    A lot can change between now and the draft, but Eric Queefson clearly appears to be the top choice for whoever picks first in the Season 89 VHL Entry Draft.
  13. Sad
    twists got a reaction from Zetterberg in Retro Review: A Journey Through the Logo Evolution of the Original VHL Franchises   
    Remember when @Zetterberg got scammed out of some cool VHLE logos? Pepperidge farm remembers.
  14. Like
    twists got a reaction from Viper in Retro Review: A Journey Through the Logo Evolution of the Original VHL Franchises   
    Remember when @Zetterberg got scammed out of some cool VHLE logos? Pepperidge farm remembers.
  15. Like
    twists reacted to WildfireMicro in Another Logan and Izumi story   
    (Again idk what to call this)
    "Welcome home honey" Izumi, Logan Foley's longtime fiance, says as he walks into their condo in Stockholm"I am making us some Sushi, my mom's recipe"
     "That sounds great honey." Logan says as he walks past her and into the bathroom"I am sorry that I can't talk, but I need to look at this bloody nose"
     "Bloody nose?!" Izumi exclaims as she walks past him. He had gotten a noticable cut on the bridge of his nose that is being covered by a bandage, and it looked like it hurt a lot. "What happened? Were you attacked by anyone?"
     "No I got checked pretty badly bear the end of our game, and they did thier best to help it heal. Crap it hurts"
     "Well it is going to hurt Logan" Izumi says sympatheticly "doesn't look broken though at least, so that is good"
     "Yeah I got that to be thankful for, as we need me to be able to play the upcoming games. We were in first, but it seems like we have fallen into the middle of the pack unfortunately. I think we can catch Geneva if we keep doing our best though" He takes another look at the cut "another food thing is that the team doctor said it would not need stitches so I dodged a bullet right there"
     "Yeah, I once got a worse cut while I was biking and landed into a spiky bush when I was 13" Izumi shudders a bit "I can still remember how much that hurt"
     "How did you land into a bush though?" Logan asks, curious "it seems like it would have been you losing control of the bike or something like that"
     "I wanted to see if I could jump past the bush" Izumi sighs "I almost succeeded, but the wheel of the bike just caught the bush and sent me right into it. Pulling all the big spikes out of me was rather unpleasant"
     "Ok we should probably talk somehing else rather then injuries." Logan says, cringing a bit while Izumi nods "got any new big stories you are working on in the sports world?"
     "Oh! I am working on a story about an amateur street youth hockey league" Izumi smiles "not exactly a big story, however it is nice to talk to those kids who may be future VHL stars at some point"
     "That does sound great. Seeing thier names in the magazines will make those kids say, I know that it did for me way back when" Logan smiles, then looks at Izumi a bit suspiciously "by the way, I did hear from a co-worker of yours that you mentioned that we are going to get married to everyone in the office"
     "What?! Was it Misty?" Izumi asks, to which Logan nods "ugh that gossiper I swear!" She then sighs "However, I just figured that everyone will figure it out sooner or later" she puts a hand on his shoulder "we still are going to get married in your home town of Long Island, right?"
     "In that small building by the lake near my childhood home, yes"
     "Then we will do our best to still make it as private as we can. Besides, it's hard to hide the ring"
     "Yeah I guess you're right." Logan says as he hugs her "just be a bit careful who you tell. Anyways, let's start on this sushi!"
     "About to start on it now!"
  16. Like
    twists got a reaction from vincentlg2007 in The new guard of the VHL   
    The new guard of the VHL

    In honor of theme week I thought I'd take us on a trip down memory lane of who used to be the "old guard" of the VHL, and all of the new members we have now forming the "new guard". I joined back when the pandemic was in full swing and a lot of us didn't have a whole lot to do other than the VHL (with lockdowns and what not). That was around early 2020. It was an interesting, but tense time in VHL history. I think everyone had a little too much personal stock in the VHL since it was out main thing to do during the pandemic. I was no exception and to some extent its why I got so pissed off I went inactive. ENough about me though, let's take a look in the past.
    The Old Guard
    @.sniffuM - Muff was one of my favorite members. We we're constantly down in the gaming voice channel playing something random that we had recently discovered. I'll never forget the Sims 4 drug dealer streams he used to do. Plus, I'd dare consider us friends. We'd share personal issues we were going through with each other and help the other out best we could. Plus you were so fucking funny, please never change man. Last I spoke with Muff he had entirely burnt out on sim leagues, and was done with them. We don't keep in touch too much anymore, but I definitely miss him here in the VHL.
    @gorlab - Haha, oh Gorlab. Literally the most degen of the degens here in the VHL. From classic topics such as Lick or Bust, to his pretty damn good graphics, he was always an enjoyable member to have around. Yes, I know he was absolutely a shit stirrer and that rubbed a lot of people the wrong way, but he provided forms of entertainment that we really don't have anymore. Past midnight you could always find him in a voice chat with one or two others doing online gambling lol.
    @McWolf - Ahh my GM in Saskatoon when we won it all. Along with @Doomsday as the AGM. What a great team and fun season we had. McWolf helped make me feel at home while I was still acclimating to the league. Especially considering there had been some fallout during my first season in the M as a first-gen. The fallout caused me to fall a bit in the draft and McWolf was able to draft both me, and @a_Ferk back to back. I'll always look back on our days fondly wolfy.
    @Hatter - Wtf you deleted your forum account? Or do you just have some weird name on the forums that I forgot. Hatter put out some of the best VSN content the forums ever saw. Again, a super genuinely nice guy that was fun to game with. Remember teaching me to play rocket league with @Nykonax and @Josh? That was always a hilarious disaster. Miss you man.
    @Sonnet - Not really part of the old guard per se, but was obnoxious enough in chat that you'd see him everywhere. He ended up pulling a twists, and fully deleted his account on the forums. He was by far the biggest weeb the VHL has ever had, and someone probably made fun of his favorite anime character so he ended up REEEing out of here.
    @Proto - Again, not exactly old guard, but yeah. Proto joined here just before me. He was a VHLM GM and pulled a twists before it was cool. Ironically, he left for the same reason I did. ANTI AMERICAN SENTIMENT.
    @Advantage - You can still consider adv part of the guard, but he's around so infrequently I'm going to consider him a part of the old guard. Adv was always on a health kick trying to get in shape. I honestly always appreciated that, because during the pandemic I was fucking overweight as shit. We'd share tips in the health channel of the discord and make notes of our progress. He was also by far the nicest and most reasonable members of the BOG. We had some fun late nights where we'd bullshit for a few hours. Great guy 11/10. 
    @Gustav  - In the same vein as ADV, I'm going to bring up Gustav. I know he's an M commish, but I still just barely seem him around. Back in the day he had every copypasta ever created in the VHL in his back pocket. A personal favorite has to be when Shawn didn't understand how timezones worked and got really pissed off about when sims happened. Gus would drag us into voice chat and play the most awful music I've ever had to listen to. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about Gus. The thunderdome section of the forums and discord used to be nonstop fights, memes, and just all kinds of insanity. Gus probably started half of that. It's been sad to see those don't really have any activity in them anymore.
    @Renomitsu - Hiiiiiiiii reno. I miss you, can you take a break from doctoring and come be active again? Never forget the garden gnome story, and all the fun we had hanging out. There's so much I could write in this section about you, but I'm going to keep it short. Reno is genuinely the nicest person I have ever met, and if you haven't ever had any interaction with him I highly suggest you try to.
    @Beaviss - Please don't come back from being IA.
    I'm sure there's a bunch of you I forgot, but don't hate me for it. If we talked even semi-often back then you probably had a pretty big impact on my life. Also, if you're still currently a part of the guard, I didn't count you either. This is simply a old vs. new comparison and if you're still around you don't exactly qualify.
    The New Guard
    @Lemorse7 - Hi, I love you. Immediately when I came back from my two years of inactivity Lemorse and I became friends. He's a lover of red pandas, I'm a lover of red pandas, there wasn't a chance we wouldn't become BFFs. Honestly I'd love to game with you or something here. It would be fun to get to know each other a bit better.
    @Blazzer - I think you showed up just after I had quit. It was a pleasure playing for you in Vegas (even though you betrayed me and didnt draft me). We can't always have consistent chats because our timezones are so flipped, but you're a blast to talk/hang with. 
    @Moon - Hi mooooooooooner. We need to game again soon. Plus I can teach you tekkit and we can start a minecraft server or something. You've been fun to hang around with, keep being you.
    @N0HBDY - Fuckin' trivia guy smh. You've been fun to chill with since coming back. I'd love to get to know you a little better too. A lot of our conversations recently have boiled down to "U MAKE TRIVIA ANSWER WRONG?!?!" then I figure out I don't know how to read and its actually my fault.
    @thadthrasher - It's been great getting to know you my guy. I'm genuinely so glad to have you as my E commish because you're always on top of stuff. Plus you put up with me and my stupid requests, questions, etc. I'm coming up to Pennsylvania in a couple months and I'm going to steal all of your delicious home grown foods.
    @badcolethetitan - Damn why'd they let you in to the league? We've only talked a little bit, but you're a blast to hang out with, plus you're a hell of a GM. I'm sure you'll be getting a VHL job in no time. 
    @Subject056 - I see you making waves here. You'll be getting your own team to GM shortly I'm sure. Keep on being awesome and you'll go far :). 
    Honorable Mention: @Beketov - I think its fair to consider you both part of the old guard and the new guard. Hell, I'm pretty sure you've been a part of the VHL since the big bang occurred in our universe. I know I give you a lot of shit on discord and here on the forums, but I have nothing but respect for you. You, and a key few others, have helped keep this place afloat for over half of your life now. I used to be intimidated by you when I first joined, but its nice now to at least be able to call you an acquaintance. I'm also very much looking forward to the Zoo Tycoon stream. Keep on being awesome.
    Once again, I'm sure I probably forgot a few of you and I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you I promise <3. However, this post isn't as much of a blast from the past as it is me being excited for the future. The VHL seems to be in very good hands moving forward. The combination of the new guard and those who have stuck around from when I first joined create a great team that will help grow the VHL to what it deserves to be. I hope you all enjoyed this read as much as I enjoyed typing it, and I hope you all have a fun filled theme week. 
    1557 words.
  17. Fire
    twists got a reaction from Pifferfish in Philadelphia Reapers Press Conference   
    1. Honestly? It's been a rough month. Not VHL-wise, but just nonstop shit going on IRL for me. I think I'm finally out of the woods this week though, and will feel better here shortly
    2. I always max earn 😤
    3. Defense then scoring. I may as well be a forward if I value points over defense.
    4. We've been having some good sims and everyone is contributing so I hope we win them all.
    5. Oh yeah. I picked the Oilers as my team this year and they've been giving me panic attacks for sure
    6. Heh just mentioned, but I'm bandwagoning the Oilers. They just tied it up 2-2, so we'll have to see. This series could absolutely go to either team
  18. Cheers
    twists reacted to Subject056 in The new guard of the VHL   
    Thanks for the kind words Twists - Cheers!
  19. Cheers
    twists got a reaction from Subject056 in The new guard of the VHL   
    The new guard of the VHL

    In honor of theme week I thought I'd take us on a trip down memory lane of who used to be the "old guard" of the VHL, and all of the new members we have now forming the "new guard". I joined back when the pandemic was in full swing and a lot of us didn't have a whole lot to do other than the VHL (with lockdowns and what not). That was around early 2020. It was an interesting, but tense time in VHL history. I think everyone had a little too much personal stock in the VHL since it was out main thing to do during the pandemic. I was no exception and to some extent its why I got so pissed off I went inactive. ENough about me though, let's take a look in the past.
    The Old Guard
    @.sniffuM - Muff was one of my favorite members. We we're constantly down in the gaming voice channel playing something random that we had recently discovered. I'll never forget the Sims 4 drug dealer streams he used to do. Plus, I'd dare consider us friends. We'd share personal issues we were going through with each other and help the other out best we could. Plus you were so fucking funny, please never change man. Last I spoke with Muff he had entirely burnt out on sim leagues, and was done with them. We don't keep in touch too much anymore, but I definitely miss him here in the VHL.
    @gorlab - Haha, oh Gorlab. Literally the most degen of the degens here in the VHL. From classic topics such as Lick or Bust, to his pretty damn good graphics, he was always an enjoyable member to have around. Yes, I know he was absolutely a shit stirrer and that rubbed a lot of people the wrong way, but he provided forms of entertainment that we really don't have anymore. Past midnight you could always find him in a voice chat with one or two others doing online gambling lol.
    @McWolf - Ahh my GM in Saskatoon when we won it all. Along with @Doomsday as the AGM. What a great team and fun season we had. McWolf helped make me feel at home while I was still acclimating to the league. Especially considering there had been some fallout during my first season in the M as a first-gen. The fallout caused me to fall a bit in the draft and McWolf was able to draft both me, and @a_Ferk back to back. I'll always look back on our days fondly wolfy.
    @Hatter - Wtf you deleted your forum account? Or do you just have some weird name on the forums that I forgot. Hatter put out some of the best VSN content the forums ever saw. Again, a super genuinely nice guy that was fun to game with. Remember teaching me to play rocket league with @Nykonax and @Josh? That was always a hilarious disaster. Miss you man.
    @Sonnet - Not really part of the old guard per se, but was obnoxious enough in chat that you'd see him everywhere. He ended up pulling a twists, and fully deleted his account on the forums. He was by far the biggest weeb the VHL has ever had, and someone probably made fun of his favorite anime character so he ended up REEEing out of here.
    @Proto - Again, not exactly old guard, but yeah. Proto joined here just before me. He was a VHLM GM and pulled a twists before it was cool. Ironically, he left for the same reason I did. ANTI AMERICAN SENTIMENT.
    @Advantage - You can still consider adv part of the guard, but he's around so infrequently I'm going to consider him a part of the old guard. Adv was always on a health kick trying to get in shape. I honestly always appreciated that, because during the pandemic I was fucking overweight as shit. We'd share tips in the health channel of the discord and make notes of our progress. He was also by far the nicest and most reasonable members of the BOG. We had some fun late nights where we'd bullshit for a few hours. Great guy 11/10. 
    @Gustav  - In the same vein as ADV, I'm going to bring up Gustav. I know he's an M commish, but I still just barely seem him around. Back in the day he had every copypasta ever created in the VHL in his back pocket. A personal favorite has to be when Shawn didn't understand how timezones worked and got really pissed off about when sims happened. Gus would drag us into voice chat and play the most awful music I've ever had to listen to. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about Gus. The thunderdome section of the forums and discord used to be nonstop fights, memes, and just all kinds of insanity. Gus probably started half of that. It's been sad to see those don't really have any activity in them anymore.
    @Renomitsu - Hiiiiiiiii reno. I miss you, can you take a break from doctoring and come be active again? Never forget the garden gnome story, and all the fun we had hanging out. There's so much I could write in this section about you, but I'm going to keep it short. Reno is genuinely the nicest person I have ever met, and if you haven't ever had any interaction with him I highly suggest you try to.
    @Beaviss - Please don't come back from being IA.
    I'm sure there's a bunch of you I forgot, but don't hate me for it. If we talked even semi-often back then you probably had a pretty big impact on my life. Also, if you're still currently a part of the guard, I didn't count you either. This is simply a old vs. new comparison and if you're still around you don't exactly qualify.
    The New Guard
    @Lemorse7 - Hi, I love you. Immediately when I came back from my two years of inactivity Lemorse and I became friends. He's a lover of red pandas, I'm a lover of red pandas, there wasn't a chance we wouldn't become BFFs. Honestly I'd love to game with you or something here. It would be fun to get to know each other a bit better.
    @Blazzer - I think you showed up just after I had quit. It was a pleasure playing for you in Vegas (even though you betrayed me and didnt draft me). We can't always have consistent chats because our timezones are so flipped, but you're a blast to talk/hang with. 
    @Moon - Hi mooooooooooner. We need to game again soon. Plus I can teach you tekkit and we can start a minecraft server or something. You've been fun to hang around with, keep being you.
    @N0HBDY - Fuckin' trivia guy smh. You've been fun to chill with since coming back. I'd love to get to know you a little better too. A lot of our conversations recently have boiled down to "U MAKE TRIVIA ANSWER WRONG?!?!" then I figure out I don't know how to read and its actually my fault.
    @thadthrasher - It's been great getting to know you my guy. I'm genuinely so glad to have you as my E commish because you're always on top of stuff. Plus you put up with me and my stupid requests, questions, etc. I'm coming up to Pennsylvania in a couple months and I'm going to steal all of your delicious home grown foods.
    @badcolethetitan - Damn why'd they let you in to the league? We've only talked a little bit, but you're a blast to hang out with, plus you're a hell of a GM. I'm sure you'll be getting a VHL job in no time. 
    @Subject056 - I see you making waves here. You'll be getting your own team to GM shortly I'm sure. Keep on being awesome and you'll go far :). 
    Honorable Mention: @Beketov - I think its fair to consider you both part of the old guard and the new guard. Hell, I'm pretty sure you've been a part of the VHL since the big bang occurred in our universe. I know I give you a lot of shit on discord and here on the forums, but I have nothing but respect for you. You, and a key few others, have helped keep this place afloat for over half of your life now. I used to be intimidated by you when I first joined, but its nice now to at least be able to call you an acquaintance. I'm also very much looking forward to the Zoo Tycoon stream. Keep on being awesome.
    Once again, I'm sure I probably forgot a few of you and I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you I promise <3. However, this post isn't as much of a blast from the past as it is me being excited for the future. The VHL seems to be in very good hands moving forward. The combination of the new guard and those who have stuck around from when I first joined create a great team that will help grow the VHL to what it deserves to be. I hope you all enjoyed this read as much as I enjoyed typing it, and I hope you all have a fun filled theme week. 
    1557 words.
  20. Cheers
    twists got a reaction from thadthrasher in The new guard of the VHL   
    The new guard of the VHL

    In honor of theme week I thought I'd take us on a trip down memory lane of who used to be the "old guard" of the VHL, and all of the new members we have now forming the "new guard". I joined back when the pandemic was in full swing and a lot of us didn't have a whole lot to do other than the VHL (with lockdowns and what not). That was around early 2020. It was an interesting, but tense time in VHL history. I think everyone had a little too much personal stock in the VHL since it was out main thing to do during the pandemic. I was no exception and to some extent its why I got so pissed off I went inactive. ENough about me though, let's take a look in the past.
    The Old Guard
    @.sniffuM - Muff was one of my favorite members. We we're constantly down in the gaming voice channel playing something random that we had recently discovered. I'll never forget the Sims 4 drug dealer streams he used to do. Plus, I'd dare consider us friends. We'd share personal issues we were going through with each other and help the other out best we could. Plus you were so fucking funny, please never change man. Last I spoke with Muff he had entirely burnt out on sim leagues, and was done with them. We don't keep in touch too much anymore, but I definitely miss him here in the VHL.
    @gorlab - Haha, oh Gorlab. Literally the most degen of the degens here in the VHL. From classic topics such as Lick or Bust, to his pretty damn good graphics, he was always an enjoyable member to have around. Yes, I know he was absolutely a shit stirrer and that rubbed a lot of people the wrong way, but he provided forms of entertainment that we really don't have anymore. Past midnight you could always find him in a voice chat with one or two others doing online gambling lol.
    @McWolf - Ahh my GM in Saskatoon when we won it all. Along with @Doomsday as the AGM. What a great team and fun season we had. McWolf helped make me feel at home while I was still acclimating to the league. Especially considering there had been some fallout during my first season in the M as a first-gen. The fallout caused me to fall a bit in the draft and McWolf was able to draft both me, and @a_Ferk back to back. I'll always look back on our days fondly wolfy.
    @Hatter - Wtf you deleted your forum account? Or do you just have some weird name on the forums that I forgot. Hatter put out some of the best VSN content the forums ever saw. Again, a super genuinely nice guy that was fun to game with. Remember teaching me to play rocket league with @Nykonax and @Josh? That was always a hilarious disaster. Miss you man.
    @Sonnet - Not really part of the old guard per se, but was obnoxious enough in chat that you'd see him everywhere. He ended up pulling a twists, and fully deleted his account on the forums. He was by far the biggest weeb the VHL has ever had, and someone probably made fun of his favorite anime character so he ended up REEEing out of here.
    @Proto - Again, not exactly old guard, but yeah. Proto joined here just before me. He was a VHLM GM and pulled a twists before it was cool. Ironically, he left for the same reason I did. ANTI AMERICAN SENTIMENT.
    @Advantage - You can still consider adv part of the guard, but he's around so infrequently I'm going to consider him a part of the old guard. Adv was always on a health kick trying to get in shape. I honestly always appreciated that, because during the pandemic I was fucking overweight as shit. We'd share tips in the health channel of the discord and make notes of our progress. He was also by far the nicest and most reasonable members of the BOG. We had some fun late nights where we'd bullshit for a few hours. Great guy 11/10. 
    @Gustav  - In the same vein as ADV, I'm going to bring up Gustav. I know he's an M commish, but I still just barely seem him around. Back in the day he had every copypasta ever created in the VHL in his back pocket. A personal favorite has to be when Shawn didn't understand how timezones worked and got really pissed off about when sims happened. Gus would drag us into voice chat and play the most awful music I've ever had to listen to. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about Gus. The thunderdome section of the forums and discord used to be nonstop fights, memes, and just all kinds of insanity. Gus probably started half of that. It's been sad to see those don't really have any activity in them anymore.
    @Renomitsu - Hiiiiiiiii reno. I miss you, can you take a break from doctoring and come be active again? Never forget the garden gnome story, and all the fun we had hanging out. There's so much I could write in this section about you, but I'm going to keep it short. Reno is genuinely the nicest person I have ever met, and if you haven't ever had any interaction with him I highly suggest you try to.
    @Beaviss - Please don't come back from being IA.
    I'm sure there's a bunch of you I forgot, but don't hate me for it. If we talked even semi-often back then you probably had a pretty big impact on my life. Also, if you're still currently a part of the guard, I didn't count you either. This is simply a old vs. new comparison and if you're still around you don't exactly qualify.
    The New Guard
    @Lemorse7 - Hi, I love you. Immediately when I came back from my two years of inactivity Lemorse and I became friends. He's a lover of red pandas, I'm a lover of red pandas, there wasn't a chance we wouldn't become BFFs. Honestly I'd love to game with you or something here. It would be fun to get to know each other a bit better.
    @Blazzer - I think you showed up just after I had quit. It was a pleasure playing for you in Vegas (even though you betrayed me and didnt draft me). We can't always have consistent chats because our timezones are so flipped, but you're a blast to talk/hang with. 
    @Moon - Hi mooooooooooner. We need to game again soon. Plus I can teach you tekkit and we can start a minecraft server or something. You've been fun to hang around with, keep being you.
    @N0HBDY - Fuckin' trivia guy smh. You've been fun to chill with since coming back. I'd love to get to know you a little better too. A lot of our conversations recently have boiled down to "U MAKE TRIVIA ANSWER WRONG?!?!" then I figure out I don't know how to read and its actually my fault.
    @thadthrasher - It's been great getting to know you my guy. I'm genuinely so glad to have you as my E commish because you're always on top of stuff. Plus you put up with me and my stupid requests, questions, etc. I'm coming up to Pennsylvania in a couple months and I'm going to steal all of your delicious home grown foods.
    @badcolethetitan - Damn why'd they let you in to the league? We've only talked a little bit, but you're a blast to hang out with, plus you're a hell of a GM. I'm sure you'll be getting a VHL job in no time. 
    @Subject056 - I see you making waves here. You'll be getting your own team to GM shortly I'm sure. Keep on being awesome and you'll go far :). 
    Honorable Mention: @Beketov - I think its fair to consider you both part of the old guard and the new guard. Hell, I'm pretty sure you've been a part of the VHL since the big bang occurred in our universe. I know I give you a lot of shit on discord and here on the forums, but I have nothing but respect for you. You, and a key few others, have helped keep this place afloat for over half of your life now. I used to be intimidated by you when I first joined, but its nice now to at least be able to call you an acquaintance. I'm also very much looking forward to the Zoo Tycoon stream. Keep on being awesome.
    Once again, I'm sure I probably forgot a few of you and I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you I promise <3. However, this post isn't as much of a blast from the past as it is me being excited for the future. The VHL seems to be in very good hands moving forward. The combination of the new guard and those who have stuck around from when I first joined create a great team that will help grow the VHL to what it deserves to be. I hope you all enjoyed this read as much as I enjoyed typing it, and I hope you all have a fun filled theme week. 
    1557 words.
  21. Like
    twists got a reaction from badcolethetitan in The new guard of the VHL   
    The new guard of the VHL

    In honor of theme week I thought I'd take us on a trip down memory lane of who used to be the "old guard" of the VHL, and all of the new members we have now forming the "new guard". I joined back when the pandemic was in full swing and a lot of us didn't have a whole lot to do other than the VHL (with lockdowns and what not). That was around early 2020. It was an interesting, but tense time in VHL history. I think everyone had a little too much personal stock in the VHL since it was out main thing to do during the pandemic. I was no exception and to some extent its why I got so pissed off I went inactive. ENough about me though, let's take a look in the past.
    The Old Guard
    @.sniffuM - Muff was one of my favorite members. We we're constantly down in the gaming voice channel playing something random that we had recently discovered. I'll never forget the Sims 4 drug dealer streams he used to do. Plus, I'd dare consider us friends. We'd share personal issues we were going through with each other and help the other out best we could. Plus you were so fucking funny, please never change man. Last I spoke with Muff he had entirely burnt out on sim leagues, and was done with them. We don't keep in touch too much anymore, but I definitely miss him here in the VHL.
    @gorlab - Haha, oh Gorlab. Literally the most degen of the degens here in the VHL. From classic topics such as Lick or Bust, to his pretty damn good graphics, he was always an enjoyable member to have around. Yes, I know he was absolutely a shit stirrer and that rubbed a lot of people the wrong way, but he provided forms of entertainment that we really don't have anymore. Past midnight you could always find him in a voice chat with one or two others doing online gambling lol.
    @McWolf - Ahh my GM in Saskatoon when we won it all. Along with @Doomsday as the AGM. What a great team and fun season we had. McWolf helped make me feel at home while I was still acclimating to the league. Especially considering there had been some fallout during my first season in the M as a first-gen. The fallout caused me to fall a bit in the draft and McWolf was able to draft both me, and @a_Ferk back to back. I'll always look back on our days fondly wolfy.
    @Hatter - Wtf you deleted your forum account? Or do you just have some weird name on the forums that I forgot. Hatter put out some of the best VSN content the forums ever saw. Again, a super genuinely nice guy that was fun to game with. Remember teaching me to play rocket league with @Nykonax and @Josh? That was always a hilarious disaster. Miss you man.
    @Sonnet - Not really part of the old guard per se, but was obnoxious enough in chat that you'd see him everywhere. He ended up pulling a twists, and fully deleted his account on the forums. He was by far the biggest weeb the VHL has ever had, and someone probably made fun of his favorite anime character so he ended up REEEing out of here.
    @Proto - Again, not exactly old guard, but yeah. Proto joined here just before me. He was a VHLM GM and pulled a twists before it was cool. Ironically, he left for the same reason I did. ANTI AMERICAN SENTIMENT.
    @Advantage - You can still consider adv part of the guard, but he's around so infrequently I'm going to consider him a part of the old guard. Adv was always on a health kick trying to get in shape. I honestly always appreciated that, because during the pandemic I was fucking overweight as shit. We'd share tips in the health channel of the discord and make notes of our progress. He was also by far the nicest and most reasonable members of the BOG. We had some fun late nights where we'd bullshit for a few hours. Great guy 11/10. 
    @Gustav  - In the same vein as ADV, I'm going to bring up Gustav. I know he's an M commish, but I still just barely seem him around. Back in the day he had every copypasta ever created in the VHL in his back pocket. A personal favorite has to be when Shawn didn't understand how timezones worked and got really pissed off about when sims happened. Gus would drag us into voice chat and play the most awful music I've ever had to listen to. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about Gus. The thunderdome section of the forums and discord used to be nonstop fights, memes, and just all kinds of insanity. Gus probably started half of that. It's been sad to see those don't really have any activity in them anymore.
    @Renomitsu - Hiiiiiiiii reno. I miss you, can you take a break from doctoring and come be active again? Never forget the garden gnome story, and all the fun we had hanging out. There's so much I could write in this section about you, but I'm going to keep it short. Reno is genuinely the nicest person I have ever met, and if you haven't ever had any interaction with him I highly suggest you try to.
    @Beaviss - Please don't come back from being IA.
    I'm sure there's a bunch of you I forgot, but don't hate me for it. If we talked even semi-often back then you probably had a pretty big impact on my life. Also, if you're still currently a part of the guard, I didn't count you either. This is simply a old vs. new comparison and if you're still around you don't exactly qualify.
    The New Guard
    @Lemorse7 - Hi, I love you. Immediately when I came back from my two years of inactivity Lemorse and I became friends. He's a lover of red pandas, I'm a lover of red pandas, there wasn't a chance we wouldn't become BFFs. Honestly I'd love to game with you or something here. It would be fun to get to know each other a bit better.
    @Blazzer - I think you showed up just after I had quit. It was a pleasure playing for you in Vegas (even though you betrayed me and didnt draft me). We can't always have consistent chats because our timezones are so flipped, but you're a blast to talk/hang with. 
    @Moon - Hi mooooooooooner. We need to game again soon. Plus I can teach you tekkit and we can start a minecraft server or something. You've been fun to hang around with, keep being you.
    @N0HBDY - Fuckin' trivia guy smh. You've been fun to chill with since coming back. I'd love to get to know you a little better too. A lot of our conversations recently have boiled down to "U MAKE TRIVIA ANSWER WRONG?!?!" then I figure out I don't know how to read and its actually my fault.
    @thadthrasher - It's been great getting to know you my guy. I'm genuinely so glad to have you as my E commish because you're always on top of stuff. Plus you put up with me and my stupid requests, questions, etc. I'm coming up to Pennsylvania in a couple months and I'm going to steal all of your delicious home grown foods.
    @badcolethetitan - Damn why'd they let you in to the league? We've only talked a little bit, but you're a blast to hang out with, plus you're a hell of a GM. I'm sure you'll be getting a VHL job in no time. 
    @Subject056 - I see you making waves here. You'll be getting your own team to GM shortly I'm sure. Keep on being awesome and you'll go far :). 
    Honorable Mention: @Beketov - I think its fair to consider you both part of the old guard and the new guard. Hell, I'm pretty sure you've been a part of the VHL since the big bang occurred in our universe. I know I give you a lot of shit on discord and here on the forums, but I have nothing but respect for you. You, and a key few others, have helped keep this place afloat for over half of your life now. I used to be intimidated by you when I first joined, but its nice now to at least be able to call you an acquaintance. I'm also very much looking forward to the Zoo Tycoon stream. Keep on being awesome.
    Once again, I'm sure I probably forgot a few of you and I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you I promise <3. However, this post isn't as much of a blast from the past as it is me being excited for the future. The VHL seems to be in very good hands moving forward. The combination of the new guard and those who have stuck around from when I first joined create a great team that will help grow the VHL to what it deserves to be. I hope you all enjoyed this read as much as I enjoyed typing it, and I hope you all have a fun filled theme week. 
    1557 words.
  22. Like
    twists got a reaction from Gustav in The new guard of the VHL   
    The new guard of the VHL

    In honor of theme week I thought I'd take us on a trip down memory lane of who used to be the "old guard" of the VHL, and all of the new members we have now forming the "new guard". I joined back when the pandemic was in full swing and a lot of us didn't have a whole lot to do other than the VHL (with lockdowns and what not). That was around early 2020. It was an interesting, but tense time in VHL history. I think everyone had a little too much personal stock in the VHL since it was out main thing to do during the pandemic. I was no exception and to some extent its why I got so pissed off I went inactive. ENough about me though, let's take a look in the past.
    The Old Guard
    @.sniffuM - Muff was one of my favorite members. We we're constantly down in the gaming voice channel playing something random that we had recently discovered. I'll never forget the Sims 4 drug dealer streams he used to do. Plus, I'd dare consider us friends. We'd share personal issues we were going through with each other and help the other out best we could. Plus you were so fucking funny, please never change man. Last I spoke with Muff he had entirely burnt out on sim leagues, and was done with them. We don't keep in touch too much anymore, but I definitely miss him here in the VHL.
    @gorlab - Haha, oh Gorlab. Literally the most degen of the degens here in the VHL. From classic topics such as Lick or Bust, to his pretty damn good graphics, he was always an enjoyable member to have around. Yes, I know he was absolutely a shit stirrer and that rubbed a lot of people the wrong way, but he provided forms of entertainment that we really don't have anymore. Past midnight you could always find him in a voice chat with one or two others doing online gambling lol.
    @McWolf - Ahh my GM in Saskatoon when we won it all. Along with @Doomsday as the AGM. What a great team and fun season we had. McWolf helped make me feel at home while I was still acclimating to the league. Especially considering there had been some fallout during my first season in the M as a first-gen. The fallout caused me to fall a bit in the draft and McWolf was able to draft both me, and @a_Ferk back to back. I'll always look back on our days fondly wolfy.
    @Hatter - Wtf you deleted your forum account? Or do you just have some weird name on the forums that I forgot. Hatter put out some of the best VSN content the forums ever saw. Again, a super genuinely nice guy that was fun to game with. Remember teaching me to play rocket league with @Nykonax and @Josh? That was always a hilarious disaster. Miss you man.
    @Sonnet - Not really part of the old guard per se, but was obnoxious enough in chat that you'd see him everywhere. He ended up pulling a twists, and fully deleted his account on the forums. He was by far the biggest weeb the VHL has ever had, and someone probably made fun of his favorite anime character so he ended up REEEing out of here.
    @Proto - Again, not exactly old guard, but yeah. Proto joined here just before me. He was a VHLM GM and pulled a twists before it was cool. Ironically, he left for the same reason I did. ANTI AMERICAN SENTIMENT.
    @Advantage - You can still consider adv part of the guard, but he's around so infrequently I'm going to consider him a part of the old guard. Adv was always on a health kick trying to get in shape. I honestly always appreciated that, because during the pandemic I was fucking overweight as shit. We'd share tips in the health channel of the discord and make notes of our progress. He was also by far the nicest and most reasonable members of the BOG. We had some fun late nights where we'd bullshit for a few hours. Great guy 11/10. 
    @Gustav  - In the same vein as ADV, I'm going to bring up Gustav. I know he's an M commish, but I still just barely seem him around. Back in the day he had every copypasta ever created in the VHL in his back pocket. A personal favorite has to be when Shawn didn't understand how timezones worked and got really pissed off about when sims happened. Gus would drag us into voice chat and play the most awful music I've ever had to listen to. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about Gus. The thunderdome section of the forums and discord used to be nonstop fights, memes, and just all kinds of insanity. Gus probably started half of that. It's been sad to see those don't really have any activity in them anymore.
    @Renomitsu - Hiiiiiiiii reno. I miss you, can you take a break from doctoring and come be active again? Never forget the garden gnome story, and all the fun we had hanging out. There's so much I could write in this section about you, but I'm going to keep it short. Reno is genuinely the nicest person I have ever met, and if you haven't ever had any interaction with him I highly suggest you try to.
    @Beaviss - Please don't come back from being IA.
    I'm sure there's a bunch of you I forgot, but don't hate me for it. If we talked even semi-often back then you probably had a pretty big impact on my life. Also, if you're still currently a part of the guard, I didn't count you either. This is simply a old vs. new comparison and if you're still around you don't exactly qualify.
    The New Guard
    @Lemorse7 - Hi, I love you. Immediately when I came back from my two years of inactivity Lemorse and I became friends. He's a lover of red pandas, I'm a lover of red pandas, there wasn't a chance we wouldn't become BFFs. Honestly I'd love to game with you or something here. It would be fun to get to know each other a bit better.
    @Blazzer - I think you showed up just after I had quit. It was a pleasure playing for you in Vegas (even though you betrayed me and didnt draft me). We can't always have consistent chats because our timezones are so flipped, but you're a blast to talk/hang with. 
    @Moon - Hi mooooooooooner. We need to game again soon. Plus I can teach you tekkit and we can start a minecraft server or something. You've been fun to hang around with, keep being you.
    @N0HBDY - Fuckin' trivia guy smh. You've been fun to chill with since coming back. I'd love to get to know you a little better too. A lot of our conversations recently have boiled down to "U MAKE TRIVIA ANSWER WRONG?!?!" then I figure out I don't know how to read and its actually my fault.
    @thadthrasher - It's been great getting to know you my guy. I'm genuinely so glad to have you as my E commish because you're always on top of stuff. Plus you put up with me and my stupid requests, questions, etc. I'm coming up to Pennsylvania in a couple months and I'm going to steal all of your delicious home grown foods.
    @badcolethetitan - Damn why'd they let you in to the league? We've only talked a little bit, but you're a blast to hang out with, plus you're a hell of a GM. I'm sure you'll be getting a VHL job in no time. 
    @Subject056 - I see you making waves here. You'll be getting your own team to GM shortly I'm sure. Keep on being awesome and you'll go far :). 
    Honorable Mention: @Beketov - I think its fair to consider you both part of the old guard and the new guard. Hell, I'm pretty sure you've been a part of the VHL since the big bang occurred in our universe. I know I give you a lot of shit on discord and here on the forums, but I have nothing but respect for you. You, and a key few others, have helped keep this place afloat for over half of your life now. I used to be intimidated by you when I first joined, but its nice now to at least be able to call you an acquaintance. I'm also very much looking forward to the Zoo Tycoon stream. Keep on being awesome.
    Once again, I'm sure I probably forgot a few of you and I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you I promise <3. However, this post isn't as much of a blast from the past as it is me being excited for the future. The VHL seems to be in very good hands moving forward. The combination of the new guard and those who have stuck around from when I first joined create a great team that will help grow the VHL to what it deserves to be. I hope you all enjoyed this read as much as I enjoyed typing it, and I hope you all have a fun filled theme week. 
    1557 words.
  23. Haha
    twists reacted to nurx in Welcome twists!   
    Welcome @twists I hope you can find your way around the league. If you have any questions you can ask any GM. I hear Stockholm's GM is very helpful!
  24. Sad
    twists reacted to frescoelmo in The new guard of the VHL   
  25. Like
    twists got a reaction from Lemorse7 in The new guard of the VHL   
    The new guard of the VHL

    In honor of theme week I thought I'd take us on a trip down memory lane of who used to be the "old guard" of the VHL, and all of the new members we have now forming the "new guard". I joined back when the pandemic was in full swing and a lot of us didn't have a whole lot to do other than the VHL (with lockdowns and what not). That was around early 2020. It was an interesting, but tense time in VHL history. I think everyone had a little too much personal stock in the VHL since it was out main thing to do during the pandemic. I was no exception and to some extent its why I got so pissed off I went inactive. ENough about me though, let's take a look in the past.
    The Old Guard
    @.sniffuM - Muff was one of my favorite members. We we're constantly down in the gaming voice channel playing something random that we had recently discovered. I'll never forget the Sims 4 drug dealer streams he used to do. Plus, I'd dare consider us friends. We'd share personal issues we were going through with each other and help the other out best we could. Plus you were so fucking funny, please never change man. Last I spoke with Muff he had entirely burnt out on sim leagues, and was done with them. We don't keep in touch too much anymore, but I definitely miss him here in the VHL.
    @gorlab - Haha, oh Gorlab. Literally the most degen of the degens here in the VHL. From classic topics such as Lick or Bust, to his pretty damn good graphics, he was always an enjoyable member to have around. Yes, I know he was absolutely a shit stirrer and that rubbed a lot of people the wrong way, but he provided forms of entertainment that we really don't have anymore. Past midnight you could always find him in a voice chat with one or two others doing online gambling lol.
    @McWolf - Ahh my GM in Saskatoon when we won it all. Along with @Doomsday as the AGM. What a great team and fun season we had. McWolf helped make me feel at home while I was still acclimating to the league. Especially considering there had been some fallout during my first season in the M as a first-gen. The fallout caused me to fall a bit in the draft and McWolf was able to draft both me, and @a_Ferk back to back. I'll always look back on our days fondly wolfy.
    @Hatter - Wtf you deleted your forum account? Or do you just have some weird name on the forums that I forgot. Hatter put out some of the best VSN content the forums ever saw. Again, a super genuinely nice guy that was fun to game with. Remember teaching me to play rocket league with @Nykonax and @Josh? That was always a hilarious disaster. Miss you man.
    @Sonnet - Not really part of the old guard per se, but was obnoxious enough in chat that you'd see him everywhere. He ended up pulling a twists, and fully deleted his account on the forums. He was by far the biggest weeb the VHL has ever had, and someone probably made fun of his favorite anime character so he ended up REEEing out of here.
    @Proto - Again, not exactly old guard, but yeah. Proto joined here just before me. He was a VHLM GM and pulled a twists before it was cool. Ironically, he left for the same reason I did. ANTI AMERICAN SENTIMENT.
    @Advantage - You can still consider adv part of the guard, but he's around so infrequently I'm going to consider him a part of the old guard. Adv was always on a health kick trying to get in shape. I honestly always appreciated that, because during the pandemic I was fucking overweight as shit. We'd share tips in the health channel of the discord and make notes of our progress. He was also by far the nicest and most reasonable members of the BOG. We had some fun late nights where we'd bullshit for a few hours. Great guy 11/10. 
    @Gustav  - In the same vein as ADV, I'm going to bring up Gustav. I know he's an M commish, but I still just barely seem him around. Back in the day he had every copypasta ever created in the VHL in his back pocket. A personal favorite has to be when Shawn didn't understand how timezones worked and got really pissed off about when sims happened. Gus would drag us into voice chat and play the most awful music I've ever had to listen to. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about Gus. The thunderdome section of the forums and discord used to be nonstop fights, memes, and just all kinds of insanity. Gus probably started half of that. It's been sad to see those don't really have any activity in them anymore.
    @Renomitsu - Hiiiiiiiii reno. I miss you, can you take a break from doctoring and come be active again? Never forget the garden gnome story, and all the fun we had hanging out. There's so much I could write in this section about you, but I'm going to keep it short. Reno is genuinely the nicest person I have ever met, and if you haven't ever had any interaction with him I highly suggest you try to.
    @Beaviss - Please don't come back from being IA.
    I'm sure there's a bunch of you I forgot, but don't hate me for it. If we talked even semi-often back then you probably had a pretty big impact on my life. Also, if you're still currently a part of the guard, I didn't count you either. This is simply a old vs. new comparison and if you're still around you don't exactly qualify.
    The New Guard
    @Lemorse7 - Hi, I love you. Immediately when I came back from my two years of inactivity Lemorse and I became friends. He's a lover of red pandas, I'm a lover of red pandas, there wasn't a chance we wouldn't become BFFs. Honestly I'd love to game with you or something here. It would be fun to get to know each other a bit better.
    @Blazzer - I think you showed up just after I had quit. It was a pleasure playing for you in Vegas (even though you betrayed me and didnt draft me). We can't always have consistent chats because our timezones are so flipped, but you're a blast to talk/hang with. 
    @Moon - Hi mooooooooooner. We need to game again soon. Plus I can teach you tekkit and we can start a minecraft server or something. You've been fun to hang around with, keep being you.
    @N0HBDY - Fuckin' trivia guy smh. You've been fun to chill with since coming back. I'd love to get to know you a little better too. A lot of our conversations recently have boiled down to "U MAKE TRIVIA ANSWER WRONG?!?!" then I figure out I don't know how to read and its actually my fault.
    @thadthrasher - It's been great getting to know you my guy. I'm genuinely so glad to have you as my E commish because you're always on top of stuff. Plus you put up with me and my stupid requests, questions, etc. I'm coming up to Pennsylvania in a couple months and I'm going to steal all of your delicious home grown foods.
    @badcolethetitan - Damn why'd they let you in to the league? We've only talked a little bit, but you're a blast to hang out with, plus you're a hell of a GM. I'm sure you'll be getting a VHL job in no time. 
    @Subject056 - I see you making waves here. You'll be getting your own team to GM shortly I'm sure. Keep on being awesome and you'll go far :). 
    Honorable Mention: @Beketov - I think its fair to consider you both part of the old guard and the new guard. Hell, I'm pretty sure you've been a part of the VHL since the big bang occurred in our universe. I know I give you a lot of shit on discord and here on the forums, but I have nothing but respect for you. You, and a key few others, have helped keep this place afloat for over half of your life now. I used to be intimidated by you when I first joined, but its nice now to at least be able to call you an acquaintance. I'm also very much looking forward to the Zoo Tycoon stream. Keep on being awesome.
    Once again, I'm sure I probably forgot a few of you and I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you I promise <3. However, this post isn't as much of a blast from the past as it is me being excited for the future. The VHL seems to be in very good hands moving forward. The combination of the new guard and those who have stuck around from when I first joined create a great team that will help grow the VHL to what it deserves to be. I hope you all enjoyed this read as much as I enjoyed typing it, and I hope you all have a fun filled theme week. 
    1557 words.
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