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Everything posted by diamond_ace

  1. Every. Fucking. Time. I need to learn to reply with 5 words to everything.

  2. I am spreading nothing. You know what you were doing, you even named the post "tpe" which is the most passive aggressive thing I've seen you do (you're normally just aggressive aggressive)
  3. You posted it with the specific intent of it causing drama and are now acting like you don't know why it did. Had you just posted the sig and nothing else (potentially a little blurb on how you now understand where the bar is, without making it sound like you're still bitter that you're not the decision maker), it might actually have been fine.
  4. Our eyes are open. The league has decided that the graphics bar is lower than you personally would like it to be. You're whining that the bar should be higher, they're telling you it's not, and you can't accept that because you think you should be the decision maker on that issue. Instead of acknowledging that the matter is not in your hands, you try to make your point via ridicule and exaggerated comments, because that's just who you are and what you do. You don't determine what makes a sig 6 worthy, you don't determine where the bar is for what is considered enough work, and you can't handle that. Like I said in the other post, you're taking your ball and going home - except in this case, unlike the mag, the ball isn't yours to begin with.
  5. That a figure of speech equating graphics to murder is all three of the things I said hyperbole (an exaggeration beyond what is reasonable) overreaction (self explanatory) non sequitur (a conclusion that does not follow from the argument before it) Figure of speech or not, it's ridiculous to say that.
  6. Your original post is forever enshrined in my quote. Plus, your edit doesn't really change my point.
  7. hyperbole, you heard of that? overreaction, you heard of that? non sequitur, you heard of that?
  8. You're the only one here equating fucking graphics with murder. If I wrote an article (I'd argue I'm the writing equivalent to you on graphics, or one of a select group anyway) and someone stole the idea and general structure of the article and then wrote one that was similar, without acknowledging the idea came from mine, would I be pissed? Probably not because I'm just not that type of person, but that would be a justifiable reaction. Would I compare it to murder? No. Would I argue over and over on multiple topics, including with a member of Blue Team, about how it needs to be stopped? No. Would I mockingly do the same thing to someone else's articles to try to prove a point? No. On some level, it stops being about the point, and starts being about the shitty way you go about the point. That matters, whether you want it to or not - and as you're not Blue, you don't get to decide whether your point is more important than the shitty way you're going about it.
  9. Seattle is west coast
  10. Matt Murray/Tristan Jarry Previously: Antti Niemi Marc-Andre Fleury Brent Johnson Tomas Vokoun Dany Sabourin Patrick Lalime Jean-Sebastian Aubin Ken Wregget Tom Barrasso Frank Pietrangelo ...that should be enough.
  11. If the last half a day is any indication, maybe we should make major changes to the league every few weeks. Activity is flying.

    1. Baozi


      Hey League of Legends does it every season to keep things different.

    2. Beketov


      New bi-seasonal scheduled contraction / expansion. Contract one season, expand the next. It’s perfect.

  12. diamond_ace


    Whereas I'm the exact opposite - no matter who GMs there, what other team I'm on, I'll always be positively inclined to Calgary. May not always go there, members as well as team situation at any given time play a role, but Calgary is "home" of sorts.
  13. Pens. Grew up watching Lemieux/Jagr/Francis/Stevens/Barrasso. I'm in kind of the same boat @Banackock is, my fan base has been overrun by people who 5 years ago didn't know what a hockey was - I'll take it though, since it came with cups.
  14. Theoretically, people could tell who "winner of semifinal" was based on where the name was located in relation to Ottawa. Had it been Yukon, it would have been "winner of semifinal vs Ottawa" rather than "Ottawa vs winner of semifinal" since the home team is typically listed second in these threads. Not that most people would put that much thought into it...
  15. I've only gotten through the first 3 pages of this so far, but if Ruutu is so dead set on the 3 lines thing, but playing guys on 3 lines would cause a mass exodus of members (it would, even though he refuses to acknowledge it) then how about this: Just like we did for the backup goalies in the VHLM, we could create 3rd liner inactives for each team. These guys are displaced if a team has enough actives to need to put one there, and can't under any circumstance play on a higher line than an active (meaning they'll never be on a PP unless you don't have 6 active forwards). Two ways to go about this: each team could create 3 of their own, OR the league could create 24 and vary the builds, then hold a draft among the then-8 teams. They could have a build of the equivalent of 200 TPE.
  16. I want Yukon. Sim luck usually doesn't extend beyond a series. If Yukon can do our dirty work and knock out Oslo, we can send them a nice fruit basket (after we take a picture of all the fruit inside the top of the Founders Cup, which will of course reside in Ottawa).
  17. If it makes you feel any better, he's getting his ass handed to him in votes
  18. Looks like it won't make much difference, at least in his case
  19. Plus one, minus more than one: net result is a minus. It's simple math.

    1. Beketov


      Why must you try to confuse me with this strange concept called math?

    2. Spade18
  20. I won't be at the VHLM cap for next season, but obviously Hrdina isn't the type of player that's in a position to squeeze out every last drop of TPE, so given that I should be mid-100s and therefore functional-ish in either league, I'll let it up to STZ where he wants me.
  21. Active enough for my tastes, but LR has never really been a thing for me
  22. Sounds like Palace-Chelsea from earlier this year
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