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Everything posted by diamond_ace

  1. Yeah the Blake thing - Riga's roster is full, they couldn't take a guy over 200, they had to take a guy who could play down. Worked out great for me, he killed it with Ottawa
  2. Technically, we're second oldest. BESL in some form or another is at about 17 years, as their higher ups claim (although they've changed league formats pretty drastically a few times so it's arguable whether it's the same league). We're the oldest PT-based league though.
  3. This is happening. Banana and I talked about it. We'll redo the numbers entirely for next year, but this year just everyone is +3 up to the same 20 max
  4. It's fine, I'm well past it by now (as a member. From a GM "character" perspective I'll chirp about it infinitely).
  5. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  6. @Banackock are we good with doing this, and if so, how many other groups would need to approve it
  7. VanCoughnett was my goalie for the S23 Ottawa cup winners. Sad that the VHLM Cup was probably the highlight of his career.
  8. Also, there is about a 0% chance Odinsson is available. Pretty much a lock for protection
  9. I was the opposite - except for the one draft where I got Boom's multi and that obviously sucked, I was much more of a drafter and less of a trader. Probably why I prefer VHLM GM to VHL GM, the draft is a bigger part of it, so killing the draft typically means I'm set up for contention.
  10. I'm still saying you should be the Blue Jackets and give Victor picks to not take Peace/Pajari. It's not like you need the picks right now, you're in the peak of contention, hell you prob couldn't fit the picked players under the cap.
  11. @Banackock if we could force something through anyway, and not care about approval of half the entire country for once, that'd be great
  12. They were talking about this last season, to change headed into this season, but the talks kind of stalled. It's one of the reasons I was hesitant to post it until Trifecta PMed me specifically requesting it. I also think the numbers should change but you know it can't happen in a week, nothing ever changes that fast here.
  13. I think maybe a larger graphic work, like a magazine cover style thing, could be double weeks or something - it's just harder to do something like this for graphics. Although then again, they get the benefit now of barely having to modify a picture at all and getting the points for it. Throwing a new name on a guy's back and changing nothing at all else, that has to be about the same as writing an article with the word "the" repeated 500x in a row.
  14. To be fair though, I probably wouldn't be VHLM Commie otherwise. I doubt I'd have the drive to do an article every week if I actually had to do it every week, and while the important part of the job is being around on the forums and discord and being able to do jobs and answer questions (and has nothing to do with TPE directly) it probably wouldn't be a good look to give it to a 6 season 400ish TPE guy no matter how forum-active I am or how much league knowledge I have. 600 looks a lot more reasonable, certainly enough that the background pushes it over the top. Plus I think it was Hybrid that was saying he'd potentially have gone inactive completely back when you were trying to remove it, and now we have him talking about maybe stepping up into some sort of role. On its surface it "rewards less activity" but in practice it's proven to have done quite the opposite for many of us. I understand you not thinking of it that way initially when you wanted to get rid of it, but I'd think after all the seasons that have happened and proven the opposite, you'd stop hating it and see it as the benefit to the league that it so visibly is.
  15. Yes to preseason, although it's a bigger issue in VHLM (where we do still have one) so that the rosters can get sorted, since it's a bigger turnaround from year to year than in the bigs. Definitely no to injuries
  16. They tried to remove it a while back but got hit with enough backlash that it got almost immediately put back. It was gone for about 2 days
  17. Up to 4. Don't get multiple bonus though
  18. Matthews, Renner, Rasputinov are all on their last year of rights. They will play nowhere next season unless they come back and sign in FA somewhere. Also, I assume Esso will find out whether Fizzlebeef will still be down (tbh I never considered he might be down, assumed he'd go up, since achievement tracker and TC will get him 3/4 of the way there). If he's down, he really ought to be protected. If he's up, then I guess he's technically unprotected, but in the same sense that Dahlberg or Lawson are unprotected, and wouldn't typically be listed because why bother.
  19. Obviously I value you pretty highly, I drafted you to Ottawa after all
  20. Also, I expect exactly none of these to happen, and for both expansions to just be straight picks. This isn't the league for complicated situations like the William Karlsson thing.
  21. With the expansion of both leagues coming up, one might assume the expansion drafts will go in a standard manner, with the VHLM teams losing their 6th most valuable asset and the VHL teams their 9th, with no twists in the tail. Most likely, this is how it will go - after all, this is a sim league, our GMs are normal people and aren't paid to do this professionally, so it's just easier to make a pick and be done with it. However, one need only look at the recent NHL expansion to see how the standard, simple expansion draft can be anything but as simple as expected - teams giving up extra picks to incentivize an expansion team to take one player rather than another. William Karlsson comes to mind as the perfect example of what I'm talking about - the Columbus Blue Jackets gave up extra picks, as well as David Clarkson (and importantly David Clarkson's contract, something that isn't a factor in the VHL) to ensure the Vegas Golden Knights took Karlsson in the expansion draft - instead of, for example, Joonas Korpisalo, the pick of armchair GMs and expansion mode GMs in the NHL series. Might we see something like that here? It's unlikely, but here are a few ways it could happen. 1. Riga Reign trades a pick package to Moscow to select Kisshan Shan, Bolt Vanderhuge, or Curtis Gary. Riga is a team right in the peak of its window. They're at the top of the league right now, and they need players who will contribute now. Word around the league is that either Rylan Peace or Mikka Pajari would be the last one on the outside looking in (Pajari would be the more logical choice for most teams due to age, but Peace insists he's on the chopping block, so it's possible he knows some insider info and is terrible at hiding it). However, both of these guys are going to be more useful for Riga than a player just entering the league, so some thought should be given to Riga coming to an agreement with Moscow, which would allow them to keep both guys. I haven't looked at cap restraints at all and that might be a factor, but if they can all fit, surely it's better for a contender to lose picks? While they're at it, I think if Riga could manage to hang onto Kyson Blake as well, they'd like to do so, as he'll also be able to compete fairly well given he had to forfeit TPE to stay down. Riga could send their S65 1st to Moscow for Moscow's S66 2nd, in addition to packaging a 3rd with the player himself in order to get Moscow to take one of the above three. All three of these guys are active, so no 3rd is required to expose them in the draft, but that little bit of extra incentive could push them over the edge into being taken. Ultimately it would be something in the realm of 1st and 3rd for 2nd and player, but it would mean that Riga could keep both Peace and Pajari, and even better if they could work in keeping Blake. 2. Davos talks to Moscow ahead of time, agrees to expose Piotr Jerwa who would normally be protected, Moscow offers a bit to ensure this. Davos is at the exact opposite side of their window from Riga. They're not in the least bit competitive at the moment. If there's ever a team that should be able to get out of an expansion draft with no real losses, especially a players-only expansion draft (unlike the picks expansion of the VHLM) it should be Davos. Eaglesfan's mock has them losing Dan Baillie, which is a decent loss, but not on the level of a Konstantin Mulligan, for example - or an Evgeni Komarov, who will be discussed shortly. However, there have been a few disputes in the media between Davos management and their player Piotr Jerwa, who might be open to a change of scenery. As Jerwa would normally be among the protects (and quite safely so) Davos could come to an agreement with Moscow that they'll leave him open for a price. Moscow isn't exactly in the business of dealing away picks as an expansion team, but maybe something like swap rights on the teams' respective S66 picks, such that Davos gets to take the better selection whichever it is, could be worked out. Or, if a deal has already been worked out with Riga, perhaps Moscow's S65 2nd is expendable if they have two 1sts in this hypothetical. 3. Seattle threatens to hold Evgeni Komarov hostage and not leave him exposed, to force Moscow's hand. It's the worst kept secret in the league - even less well kept than that there would be a VHLM expansion prior to its announcement (in comparison, the VHL expansion was much more tightly held) that Evgeni Komarov wants to go to Moscow. He'll become easily the best player on their team in terms of activity ratio to age (plus the Riga selection if no deal is reached) and it's unfortunate on Seattle's part that they have to leave exposed such a good active young prospect... or do they? Komarov is stuck for whatever the length of his contract is (usually 3 seasons) so Seattle could announce they're not actually going to expose Komarov and instead go a different route. Ultimately I doubt they'd go through with it, but it could put pressure on Moscow to get a deal done one way or another, and try to get some minor piece out of it (perhaps the spare 3rd that will be attached to whichever inactive Calgary exposes). Seattle could insist they're not going to expose him, to try to bribe Moscow into paying for his exposure, although Victor would likely see through it so at the same time Seattle probably only pulls this trick if they're actually willing to go through with not exposing him if they don't get their price. 1014 words 2 weeks
  22. I'm good with this
  23. You must list your player name and position or else I will not be counting your tpe for you. You have until the conclusion of the VHL playoffs to complete this. 1. Before the end of the VHL playoffs, players that want to and are eligible for TPE bonuses from the VHLM must declare in this thread their PRIMARY stats for tracking throughout the REGULAR SEASON. These stats will then be tracked for BONUS TPE and can be declared anytime throughout the season. 2. Unless a declaration is made in this thread, players will not receive BONUS TPE at the end of the season for their achievements. This thread will be locked upon completion of the VHL playoffs. 3. Inactive players cannot have their declarations be posted by their team GMs. 4. The following stat achievements can be declared for skaters: Goals Assists Points Hits Shot Blocks +/- Rating Faceoffs Won 5. Forward Achievements (Choose 2): Goals/10 Assists/12 Points/10 Hits/30 Shot Blocks/15 +/- Rating/6 (Above +0) Fights 2 points per fight FO Won/150 6. Defensemen Achievements (Choose 2): Goals/5 Assists/10 Points/7 Hits/30 Shot Blocks/20 +/- Rating/6 (Above +0) Fights 2 points per fight 7. Goalie Achievements (All APPLICABLE) WINS/5 40 Games Started = 5 TPE Save % 0.900+ = 5 TPE Save % Sub 0.900 = 2TPE Shutouts = 3 TPE per SO 8. Declaration Form Format (Put choices in the order they are listed) Player Name Forward/Defenseman Choice 1 Choice 2 Example Mitch Higgins Forward Assists +/- *Please note that goalies do not select any choices, but must submit a TPE declaration. 9. S66 Prospects are not eligible 10. The VHLM Achievement Tracker is capped at 20 TPE per player, with a minimum cap at 10 TPE per player. 11. TPE from the Tracker cannot be applied to your player until the payout thread is posted by a VHLM Commissioner @VHLM Commissioner @VHLM GM @Commissioner
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