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Everything posted by diamond_ace

  1. Yeah it's a decent enough deal. I think it favors Sask slightly just because Gebauer's been kind of underrated for how good he actually is, but this deal was a good bit ahead of the other two offers I'd received. In comparison, I know he was a good bit earlier in his respective season, but look at the Roctrion King deal where I was on the other side of it. Went for far more. Ultimately it's a bit of an adjusting period to figure out what a pick is going to be worth - back in the day, a player like this would be 1st or bust, because 2nds were about as valuable as 4ths are now, and 3rds were basically just lottery tickets. Now, picks later than 1st are much better than then, but the margin is changing every season, sometimes week to week depending on if there's a dry spell in recruiting, or conversely if a video ad just aired. It makes it harder to navigate when the map keeps sliding from one end of the table to the other, so in general I think it's understandable to an extent when guys want to keep their picks intact ( @ShawnGlade for example) rather than trade away pieces where they don't know what the value will be. At the same time though, it's in the risks where you find the advantages. For Peace's first trade where he was the primary guy, this is a good start, and I hope he gets a main position somewhere soon.
  2. I'm glad you just focused on VHLM backups. True North have Shawn Brodeur, and then as backup Johnny Havenk Carison (who I think was originally intended to be the starter until Brodeur was unsigned for a few weeks). Now it's probably an investment in the future, as Brodeur's pretty old, but at least in the inaugural season we're paying Carison to sit the bench.
  3. Anyway, so obviously Ottawa will be sending you an offer. 2nd line and probably double up on the 3rd
  4. I think I'm a pretty good value at 250k
  5. Add 31 words to this and use it twice
  6. This is more like what offers should have been for him. Jubo wanted to give a 2nd and get a pick back with Gebauer - that's just not a realistic deal, given that Gebauer will likely cap. I think I'm actually still on the short end of this a bit, but this is a better offer than your guy was giving
  7. https://discord.gg/WmQ5FJ When you get in, message me I'll help you out a bit
  8. @Peace you did it right
  9. You know you want more Ottawa Other GMs, just pitch in here, it's Gow, he knows the drill @VHLM GM
  10. Deadline is tonight, so it would count now as deadline. I'll send over an offer shortly
  11. Never mind you already signed
  12. Hey so McWolf already talked to you, I'll send you out an offer just now
  13. Fair - I'm still at work but I'm done in 10 minutes and will probably be sleeping shortly, so I don't expect to be back on until this evening
  14. True, but these particular ones don't seem to be going inactive early enough before they're drafted. Easiest way to force someone to go inactive is to not have a spot for them. Sucks from a team perspective if you pick the one that eventually does go inactive, but sucks from a league perspective if there aren't spaces for people.
  15. Agreed, there needs to be a moratorium on goalies for a bit
  16. I mean at least in Rzerk's case, it was in an area of the draft where most other teams picked up inactives, so I suppose the 10 TPE (and 6 more that he did but never claimed) are more than nothing. Wololo, there were probably better options in hindsight, but a lot of the bottom end of this last draft went inactive so it ended up being somewhat of a minefield.
  17. I mean I know but it's just weird that he's still in the Discord. I thought Rzerk was a weird case, he's got nothing on Wololo by now
  18. @Wololo if you could appear here rather than just the discord
  19. Hof is Hof.
  20. Ottawa can give you 1.5m and far more ice time than most of the teams - I'll ship you out an offer shortly
  21. Ottawa can give you 1.5m and far more ice time than most of the teams - I'll ship you out an offer shortly
  22. @Beaviss I'd expect you to get in, probably not first ballot but given that there are so few people adding to the ballot the 3 seasons after, you ought to get in. There's no requirement to induct 2 every season, but there will be at least one time if not two where we won't have two new people added, so it'll be you vs an empty space. I certainly think you have enough of a case to beat leaving an induction empty.
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