Yeah it's a decent enough deal. I think it favors Sask slightly just because Gebauer's been kind of underrated for how good he actually is, but this deal was a good bit ahead of the other two offers I'd received. In comparison, I know he was a good bit earlier in his respective season, but look at the Roctrion King deal where I was on the other side of it. Went for far more.
Ultimately it's a bit of an adjusting period to figure out what a pick is going to be worth - back in the day, a player like this would be 1st or bust, because 2nds were about as valuable as 4ths are now, and 3rds were basically just lottery tickets. Now, picks later than 1st are much better than then, but the margin is changing every season, sometimes week to week depending on if there's a dry spell in recruiting, or conversely if a video ad just aired. It makes it harder to navigate when the map keeps sliding from one end of the table to the other, so in general I think it's understandable to an extent when guys want to keep their picks intact ( @ShawnGlade for example) rather than trade away pieces where they don't know what the value will be. At the same time though, it's in the risks where you find the advantages. For Peace's first trade where he was the primary guy, this is a good start, and I hope he gets a main position somewhere soon.