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Everything posted by diamond_ace

  1. I never paid that much attention to what the argument was about, my point was more about opinions and facts. I was correcting his terminology usage, the argument behind said usage wasn't particularly relevant to me.
  2. Honestly, I wasn't surprised at the first round. We started off the season with Dahlberg, Matthews, Rasputinov, and Rift, and a whole bunch of nothing else. We got off to a bad start standings-wise because of that, but throughout the course of the season we picked up Davison, Gebauer (who was later dealt), Svoboda, Gritty, Werberjagermanjensen, LaGarza, and Jason S. It's like a football team that starts off 3-5 but finishes 6-2, sneaks in at 9-7, then faces off against the 11-5 team who was at about the same rate the whole season. Vegas had the better overall season because of how we started, but I wouldn't necessarily say our team as it's currently comprised is worse than theirs. Yukon, different story entirely. It's weird that we're 2-2 with them. Definitely wouldn't have expected a sweep but maybe 3-1 with them, then they'd close it out in 5 maybe 6 - if we can push this to 7, even more so if we get a result, that will truly be the upset.
  3. how is katie warren going to be in the draft? is this the shortest gm tenure ever, and you just did it to get a second player?
  4. Now game 4 was weird, but this is much more of a normal win.
  5. Everyone other than Dahlberg is. It's one of those times where you let the star get away with a little more than the regular team
  6. If McWolf's in-mock logic is accurate to the teams: 3rd if forward, 4th if defense.
  7. We already won the first round against Vegas, so we're off to a pretty good start
  8. Since the playoffs just started, you can't actually be added to a team right now, but stick around and get to know the community a bit, the draft will be in about 2 weeks or so and at that point you'll be able to get on a team.
  9. We got Randoms a cup last season, so I don't feel bad ?
  10. Which is what I thought about McWolf when I brought him on as well. I've spent most of my GMing time solo (which is quite a lot of time actually), if I'm taking on help they better be good, and Blademaiden is good. Best part is even though I think she'd be a great main GM, she seems to not be looking for that right now, as per our conversation the other day. So it works out really well actually
  11. It would be appropriate if it was Halifax, send @ShawnGlade out on a double finals loss Not holding my breath that we even get there though
  12. As the other two posts have already stated, @ShawnGlade has left Halifax GM for Davos GM, and @McWolf has taken the vacant Halifax GM spot. I'd always kind of suspected McWolf would end up with a spot, and I'm happy for him, but it does leave me with a vacancy at AGM. McWolf has been a great deputy at my side throughout his time here, and it's bittersweet to see him moving on, but it's definitely for the best. Moving to the business at hand, I'd been alerted to this possibility a few days back (when Shawnglade had first gotten Davos) and initially I didn't want to look for a replacement for McWolf until I knew for a fact he'd be going, but I was building a short list in my mind. Imagine my surprise when one of the people on said short list mentioned an interest in this type of role, not at the time knowing one would be available. The timing was impeccable. So now that the first two changes have occurred, I'm officially bringing in @BladeMaiden and look forward to working with her.
  13. So in the world of strange and unusual STHS results, the Ottawa Lynx have pulled one out of the bag with an upset in the first round over the Las Vegas Aces. The thing is though, while it looks like a big upset on the surface, was it really? Ottawa was in a bit of an odd position for a VHLM team, being clearly toward the bottom of the standings but not really selling like one might expect, having only flipped Mark Gebauer to Saskatoon and keeping the rest of the roster intact. Pairing this with the development of Pat Svoboda who has been one of the fastest rising players in the league, and the acquisitions of Rocky LaGarza, Gritty, Max Coffey, Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen, and Jason S, and Ottawa is almost certainly a better team than we were for much of the season. Elias Dahlberg, as well, has been arguably the best player in the league this season and has also been the player most responsible for the first round win. Looking at the TPE rankings posted weekly, there are several Ottawa names near the top, showing that perhaps if anything this team slightly underachieved in the regular season, and should have actually been the midtable team I'd expected from the start (although given that of the players making any real impact on the team, the majority weren't on the team for game 1 of the season, there was a certain hole dug early on that couldn't be escaped). The average of Ottawa's season is the distant 5th place we finished, but the team we currently have is not a 5th place team, and so it's not as surprising as it might have looked the way the result turned out. Yukon though? Not likely.
  14. This is in the media area
  15. Did
  16. So if you're putting on here that GMs can send lines, does that mean the lines I sent last night won't apply?
  17. Olivier Scarlett = Toswammi Kristian Carlsson = Sherifflobo
  18. You could have easily found some other concept to rattle off bits about for 300 more words
  19. I'm all in favor of a Prague team EDIT: it's probably the only way I'd consider returning to GMing in the bigs, although still probably not but it would be interesting to do an expansion team
  20. With all the new acquisitions (you and your brother, LaGarza, Coffey, S, etc) if everyone keeps active I wouldn't personally be too surprised if we can win the 4/5 series. Now the second round against the 1 seed... that would be a surprise.
  21. I mean BESL has 9 teams, formerly 10, and they all make the playoffs - this is no stranger than that.
  22. You're right, I'd rather stay in Calgary even if @Bushito decides to sell, there must always be a diamond_ace in Calgary. However, if he decides it's best for the team if I move, I will move. Always loyal to Calgary, even if that loyalty means not being there.
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