Dear VHLM,
Let it be known that in both of the last two drafts, Ottawa has wanted to continue drafting. In both of the last two drafts, there were still people on my board. Admittedly, the vast majority of these people ended up going inactive, but for the sake of correcting the record of "every GM passed" - Sidney Crosby was on the board. John Madden was on the board. Obviously we can't just draft into perpetuity or we'd still be there, but I'm uncomfortable with continuing the notion of claiming no one noticed these guys. There wasn't much to notice in either case, I'll admit - in both cases they were near the bottom of the board and the only indication was recency of last visit, which is kind of the last bastion of anything and essentially a lottery ticket (and it fails the vast majority of the time, hence having guys like Ajay Minhas on the board in the same category, who have never been seen again). I've let that be the record for the sake of not making waves. In old drafts, there was no sense in pushing because at that point, half the drafts there weren't people and the other half there was only 1-2, all of which ended up leaving. In newer drafts, there have been closer to 10 people. Still a lottery ticket, sure, but you have a better chance of winning the lottery if you have 10 tickets. @Banackock can even vouch since the last draft was just a few days ago - I said at the end to him "I can keep taking guys" but that I would stop if the others wanted to stop. It's fine, both guys ultimately went to teams and it didn't end up hurting in the end, but I'm getting a little tired of sitting there and hearing how I let a guy pass that was in fact on my board, twice.
- Sincerely,
The Vet.