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Everything posted by diamond_ace

  1. So I might make this a 590 series of sorts, except for when I have a specific thing to talk about, since I tend to do these at work. Right now, I think the thing I'm most looking forward to is the brands contest. True North will hopefully put together a good showing, I'm looking forward to playing with Wilinsky, Wilson, and Randoms for the first time as a player rather than just being their GM, and to continue to develop a chemistry with teammates Arroyo, Revchenko, and Moltke who all also signed with the brand. VHL wise, Calgary's not off to the start we had last season, but we'll turn that around well enough. 9 points in 11 games for me, I've fallen off a bit, after being PPG last season I'm now just slightly under. That also will balance back out over the season, or maybe it won't, my linemates (Revchenko and Moltke) are a little behind, but developing rapidly and should be strong linemates going forward. Just need to get their sea legs under them, so to speak.
  2. Faroe Islands! Good to hear there's someone else who knows those are a thing. Also, @VHLM GM is there anyone who doesn't already have two active goalies? I have both Poptart and Devise already
  3. 5-2 Calgary
  4. So I was GM of Calgary. I had @Advantage's player Ryan Sullivan (the original one) and was trading him to New York to become the GM. Traded him for @Devise's player Skylar Rift. Rift was a goalie, so it's the one position you really need to have locked up, and I thought I did, but he ended up leaving in FA. Ultimately it is a part of the league, and now I'm mostly over it other than as a thing I can joke about, but at the time I was piiiiiiissed. Ended up scrambling for goalie solutions for 2 more seasons then rebuilding.
  5. @omgitshim do you know the reference, it's referring to old VHL but you might have heard it
  6. Don't Rift us @Beaviss
  7. @FlyersLord29 just in case he's still floating around, I'll give him a tag in here. Most likely not though
  8. @Jon noticed you were back on here 3 hours ago. You should have an offer from Ottawa on the portal if you want to come play for my team
  9. I much prefer nice VHL to dicks VHL. Boubs can stay gone!
  10. Jubo said in the VHLM GM forum he's at 8. I thought he was over. Tracker still needs to be updated anyway (so if he is over, that will become apparent at that time) but if he's at 8, we're good, just can't do more.
  11. aaaand never mind you're already on Vegas.
  12. @NickSunderbruch you have an offer from Ottawa on the portal, if you're interested in playing for us. There are 6 VHLM teams so some of the others should be sending in offers soon. They're all set at a standard price of 1.5m so it's just on which team you want - better place in the standings, more playing time, team location, which guys you mesh well with etc. Each team has its pros and cons and I'm sure you'll get a few different pitches.
  13. So you should have an offer from Ottawa on the portal, if you'd like to join my team. Noticed you were just on within the last day and we could use an active D if you'd like to join the team and see what the league is all about
  14. It'll be an interesting season, glad to have you on board though- season would be going much worse without you, Dahlberg, and Matthews, who are the three best forwards we have by a good margin
  15. We lost 90% of the team, not just "some older players" - unfortunately the VHLM tends to have very short cycles. The only guys we had left from last year were Matthews, Rzerk, Rasputinov, and Renner. Admittedly, all four of them have been doing decently so far (and Rzerk is on your line with 1 goal and 6 assists, so that partially explains your 9 goals and 2 assists). I'm expecting us to finish somewhere in the middle, and we are currently 3rd, but we lost 6 guys to the bigs and 4 more to redrafting. Over the course of the season, as some of the new guys that join the league, also pick us to play with, these guys will develop and fill out the roster a bit as well.
  16. You have Beer Bottle Crossing, Horni Police, and not Fucking, Austria?
  17. He was trying to get me to trade for Dabarno because he'd heard there was a price of a 1st, but he hadn't looked to see that he'd already been traded for much more than that
  18. @McWolf this is the one I was telling you about
  19. Hey welcome back, if you want to come to Ottawa for this season, you'll find my offer on the portal
  20. I'd have expected better odds than that, although it depends on what you classify as a full career. Very few people go all the way through the playoffs of the 8th season, usually retiring at deadline, so I assume retiring at deadline would be considered "full career" for the sake of these odds. I don't think he even gets to 8th season, but call me optimistic, I think he gets out of the M and to a decent medium career (4 to 6 seasons). Not too terrible, all things considered
  21. You were here for him? Thought you were after he left
  22. feels good being the only vhlm gm that's been around long enough to know this guy
  23. Wait what
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