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Everything posted by Squinty

  1. Carter, although you could use any that you want. Or maybe I'm Doughty, I can't remember, but yeah, it's up to you.
  2. Squinty


    definitely the black sheep of the brothers
  3. I really like that shirt. Where can i buy it
  4. I wouldn't eat a bag of dicks I would!
  5. Sestito AND Weise AND Ebbett are trash.
  6. Or when you copied the image url, it pasted as a link to just the picture name and extensions, not the entire url including the hosting site.
  7. We should rename this thread to 2013-2014 Canucks Discussion Thread
  8. Motha fackoor I was hoping we'd close this
  9. I came in here expecting an interview with Ser Davos. Needless to say, I was disappointed. 0/6
  10. Can we just give the MVP to Dwayne Chocolate?
  11. YOU'VE JUST JINXED YOURSELF STRAIGHT TO HELL #twodefensemen #bothvaliqs #incomplete #stillgonnawin
  12. Where's the third? AT LEAST I DON'T HAVE AN UGLY MOUSTACHE
  13. Sneaky. But what if that actually anti-jinxes them. I'm not voting for the sole purpose of not risking jinxing anything
  14. I saw the first paragraph of Devise's post, scrolled down, and laughed. #devisepost #goryan
  15. Going with the trend, it's currently 'in' to hype a player for the MVP award, as is evident with Wozniak and Taylor being hyped. However, I think it should go without saying that Niklas Valiq should be awarded the Most Valuable Player trophy at season's end. Why? Well...let's take a look at some of his accomplishments this season. 1. Singlehandedly fought off a horde of angry hyenas who were attempting to eat a baby left alone by her mother. The mother's whereabouts remain unknown. 2. Adopted said baby and has raised her as his own. 3. Donated $2million to hurricane relief in the Phillipines 4. Won the World Series of Poker. 5. Guest starred in the Walking Dead as one of the zombies. 6. Happened to be the zombie that bit that little girl, whatever her name is. 7. Released an album entitled, "Valeezus" which was certified Platinum. 8. Nominated for Golden Globe for his portrayal as the Drug Dealer guy in Spring Breakers. 9. Led all REAL defensemen (Marcellin doesn't count) in assists and points. 10. Is awesome. A vote against Valiq for MVP is a vote against humanity!
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