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Everything posted by Squinty

  1. This will be tighter than Jardys butthole
  2. It's really disturbing to see videos of Tyrese at the site of the crash, crying. Do people have no shame, like let a man mourn the loss of his friend without a camera in his face. Jesus Christ
  3. what's to stop GMs from doing it behind the scenes though?
  4. He said that he couldn't view VHL roster pages. Did he get a solution? Nope. I'm just saying that there wasn't really any need to question why this thread was made since it's a site wide problem that needed a solution, which was found. And no, if anyone had said that I would've called them out on it too.
  5. I had this same problem, I don't know why you needed to sass him out for this because I would have done the exact thing he did. Completely unnecessary.
  6. This was a roller coaster up until the official confirmation. Really sad to hear
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