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The Bad
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Everything posted by Phil

  1. User Name: Phil EASTERN CONFERENCE (A2) Ottawa vs (M2) Pittsburgh Winner: Pittsburgh # of Games: 6 WESTERN CONFERENCE (P1) Anaheim vs (W2) Nashville Winner: Nashville # of Games: 7
  3. good Defensive game from SHankers
  4. yeeee
  5. - I should probably recreate now. What position do you think I'll make? - Sokolov... name 3 of your career goals - There's talk of increasing the TPE cap. Wouldn't that kinda negate the whole Updated TPE Scale then? - Increase Salary cap? Increase Salary floor? Pros/cons?
  6. Life And Stuff Alright, I’ve sat down at my computer but I am not sure what I will be writing about. It’s been a long time since I did a podcast, but don’t worry, I will be going back to it. It will probably not be until June, but rest assured, KnightTime will be back. So I was going to write a media spot but I just don’t want to take the time, so hopefully I’ll claim welfare. I also probably should update Shankly, because I definitely have some TPE with him that I can claim but for the past couple of months, all I’ve really done is come on the boards to check the sims and that’s it. That’s all I want to do. Sadly this means Shankly will never be the player he was supposed to be, but I am fine with this I suppose. No Boulet or Slobo but at the end of the day, what else could I expect? It also makes it difficult to write media spots because I don’t know how anyone is doing in the league or which team are battling for which positions. So other than making up stories about random players (which, can be quite entertaining) I do not have much to write about. This has all come about, largely because of big changes in my life. I am starting a new job on May 22 and if all goes according to my masterplan, I’ll be getting a lateral promotion by January. I’ve been very diligent in pushing my way into this new role. It would never have been an opportunity I would have managed to get, let alone hear about, if I had not banged on many Supervisors, Managers, and Chairmen's doors. So this year is going to busy for me and a constant change and adaptation. I also have the love of a beautiful woman. It’s early in the relationship, just over 4 months, but I can tell you all with certainty that I can see myself marrying her. This has really made me focus on my career path and is probably the predominant factor as to why I’ve not been on the VHL anywhere near how much I usually am. But I have not and do not plan on leaving. This is about as inactive as I’ll get. All that being said, I still want to be a part of this league and when things settle down and get into a rhythm you can bet your bottom dollar that I will be back in full swing. However, until then it’s probably best that you don’t predict me or my player to win any awards in the foreseeable future. The kicker of this all is that with the new update scale system - Shankly’s going to be way more pathetic than he otherwise would have been. Goddamit @sterling you were right! And would you look at that! I think I’ve managed to stretch this into a Media Spot length article!
  7. Nagger
  8. Shanked dabears
  9. 7 hits doe
  10. Phil Carter gonna bring Vinsanity back
  11. knife ya in the rectum! SHNKA:LY !@#URT(* WOJWEHNG{ p[]l W\g; ' weg
  13. yay!
  14. @Phil
  15. Insomniac It was a dark night. The wind was howling, painfully, madly. The trees were being thrashed about wildly, as if with some invisible dance partner. Rain poured down in buckets. It was a dark night. Shankly lay in his bed, wide awake, his arms folded across his stomach. He could not sleep… again. It was getting worse. It happened for the first time two weeks ago. His eyes snapped open at 6am - exactly one hour before his alarm was set for. Toss and turn as he liked, he was unable to settle back into slumber. He thought nothing of it. Until it happened the next night. At first, he figured it was because he was on the road. Being 6 hours behind time in Switzerland is enough for anyone’s sleep cycle to be messed with. However, after the series with Davos, he found himself with the same problem back in New York. After 4 nights of this, he supposed he could made the best of the situation and get up to do to his morning cardio. He figured that his body was telling him he got enough sleep. So the night before, he set his alarm to 6 rather than 7. Well low and behold, his eyes snapped open at 5am this time. On the second night of that happening, he decided to get up at 5am and go for a sunrise walk - instead of his stationary bike - as his morning cardio. He took in the sounds of the early-birds’ wake-up calls and the pink-orange sheet spreading across the eastern part of the sky. He was fully awake but his eyes felt heavy. That evening during his game against quebec, he played terribly and only recorded 1 hit - well below his average. He felt fatigue set in early. After 3 more nights, his eyes snapped open at 3am. 6 nights later, it was 2am when he awoke. He was beyond exhausted and lay in his bed sobbing in frustration. He had seen a doctor about it. The doctor had prescribed him medication, however, Shankly was unable to take them because they had substances that were banned by the VHL. He had put in an appeal to the VHL Front Office and was awaiting their response. His game performance was dropping drastically, he felt like a walking zombie, he couldn’t think straight, his eyes felt heavy as lead but his head as light as a feather. He was too tired to be upset or defend himself when his coach and the GM yelled at him for his sloppy plays. They threatened to bench him, even waive him. Shankly meekly tried to explain, but the coach wasn’t having any of it. Shankly was almost at a breaking point. He needed more than one and a half hours of sleep. He need more than 6 hours of sleep. He needed sleep. He had tried Nyquil, Tylenol and Advil Nights even though he did not have a fever or headache. He just longed to feel drowsy and settle into a deep slumber. He tried drinking heavily, and although he would pass out, he’d still awake in the dead hours of the night. This cannot go on. If this continues we’ll have to see an early retirement from Phil Shankly.
  16. Well I had the Leafs winning the Cup so I'm fucked.
  17. hmmm
  18. 7 hits is much better
  19. Darn. Got outplayed there. GG VIKINGS
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