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The Bad
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Everything posted by Phil

  1. delusional GMing
  2. Because I just got home from work ya great lummock
  3. but yes
  4. goddamit Jeff, I was going to PM you about that.
  5. Review (again, I guess): - The Header is still there!! YAY! GO YOU! - You sound better, so that's good. Got a little more zing in your pep.... I mean pep in step zing... I mean... energy - Yea it snowed a lot here too. Went from 17 C (62.5 F) to 1 (33.8 F) yesterday. Kinda nuts. - mmm Harvest feast. Truly a Pagan day! - Sleep on a bench at the airport aha - damn, I shouldnt have listened to your podcasts back to back.. what will I do for over a week? - WHAT IS THIS GARBAGE? lol jks, I love garbage, I'll have to check it out - lol bubbleboy table with his voice - ok.. i gotta get ready for work now so I'll finish this later! 27 mins in!
  6. Review (I guess): - At this point, probably pointless to say "feel better" because you better be. - but feel better @der meister - It will happen next season for Ravenwing!! - Tensions are no longer high. Toronto couldn't four-peat. - Yea, Website looks way better! And I have it bookmarked now! - You've finished one of the kids books? Awesome! I learned new somethings! - lol Glad you're liking this slow-paced league atm. - Wow long days - You'll be paying close attention next season - I remember that you liked Big Trouble in Little China aha! - The Extended Edition of the Two Towers is much much better... goes deeper into the actual Story. Though it should at 4 and a half hours - Yay CoA! Well done! Exposure is goood! -Mackenzie eh? - Good Poddy!
  7. KnightTime #74 This episode is probably the shittiest I've done... and by that I mean it's still pretty fucking good. I talk free agency, VHL Finals, The amazing plan for Hamilton, and mention umbilical cords. Drop a like if you want to be part of the Special #75 Edition! I'll PM you with more details! Knight Brothers Question Thread Songs: Homeward Bound - Simon & Garfunkel This is a division of KnightTime Radio. Run Time: 15 minutes
  8. no e lol but thanks dt
  9. I mean.. he doesnt even have a sig yet.
  10. Shankly will be the bust!
  11. burn it with your smarts!
  12. fuck... and here I thought I would be free from my brother...
  13. Hope your situations starts to get better. Here's something I always say: It's sometimes better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness.
  14. @TheLastOlympian07 tally those season totals bae <3
  15. yup. A lot.
  16. In a shocking turn of events that followed the conclusion of the VHL Finals, where the Legion were finally dethroned by Riga, The Hamilton brothers (the two that matter) have announced: STAY TUNED STAY TUNED STAY TUNED "Yea, we've decided nothing"
  17. RIP Moscow
  18. That beautiful background!
  19. @Victor @JardyB10 For the record the series stats were: THE MOUNTAIN: 1.58 GAA, 0.950 SV% THE HOUND: 1.44 GAA, 0.948 SV% Holy... the hype was real.
  20. Jeff Motherfucking Hamiklton!!
  21. GO DRUNK @Victor, YOU'RE HOME
  22. Nice! still atop!
  23. lol so we're back to not having a team from Russia. But Contraction was necessary. Glad this happened.
  24. That's a bloody stupid sig for jarvi...
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