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The Bad
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Everything posted by Phil

  1. Saw this sig and thought..
  2. no but for real
  3. scores first goal of season for NYA and adds 7 hits? Oh yes.. when this season begins it's going to rock our world
  4. Player Agent Phil Knight has not done any of the Season 51 statlines yet, he admitted today and the reason is appalling. Apparently Mr. Knight has just started the game XCOM and it seems to somehow have taken over his life. “Shut up and leave me alone,” he responded to our questions when we entered his house to find him with his gaming headphones on and in the middle of an assault on an alien base. No word of success on the mission has been brought to our attention but one has to ask of his dedication to his players’ success. Actually, since Shankly has already 325 TPE, I think it’s safe to assume that Knight has earned the break. I suppose he, like the rest of us, are just too anxious to get the season underway. And for the first time ever, we’ll have some player agents in the league with two player at the exact same time. That is something to invade an alien ship for.
  5. Predict how many wins, the GAA, and the SV% of Holik this season. Predict the record of the bottom team in the VHL this season Predict the Rookie of the Year. Can I finally possibly maybe win it? Predict the biggest disappointment this season Predict how many times you are going to get yourself killed in CoD this podcast.
  6. YEEEEAA BOYS!!!!!!!!
  7. Not enough vodka... I mean Ciroc!
  8. - I was going to guest in the Live VHL Awards Show. - Awards Committee for the win - or the BoG's internal Awards Committee. - Any trusted members we'd have on the Awards Committee would also be a member of the BoG ha - Oh yea Predictions! Hammy's got Triple Predictions for S52. - OH watching soccer will continue this later!!
  9. Yay! You acknowledged the difficulty of podcasts! I should really stop spam posting and just put it in one....
  10. #ReElectHigginsworth
  11. 99 is the cap
  12. lol well.. it would fit the profile. "make a sig for any one of our new members" - I suppose that's you ahah! Welcome mate.
  13. Sipping Scotch, watching Top Gear, chatting to a lady .  That seems like something I would do. 

    Oh shit I'm doing it now! 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BluObieZ


      Oh by Sunday you work up the courage to talk to the ladies

    3. Phil


      Exactly. Teddy shows me the way.



    4. BluObieZ
  14. play with me bae
  15. <3 <3 <3 @!
  16. gratz to all the winners!!! especially my close boys @DollarAndADream and @Green. Chalk another Grimm to my name Very happy to share it will you two fine lads
  17. greg keeping his promise. Nice!
  18. Thrower will be better tho
  19. then he got Hamilton
  20. So it is official, Shankly has gone to the New York Americans. The fans are ecstatic with pleasure about the amount of changes taking place. They’ve already brought in Shankly and Toast’s new player, along with trading for Lincoln and the worst Hamilton brother. Inside the arena, the lockerroom has exploded with activity and hype. Maxwell and Ravenwing are geared towards having the biggest breakout season the VHL has ever seen and Shankly has his eyes firmly set on getting his agent, Phil Knight, his first ever Stolzschweiger award as Rookie of the Year. In other news it is a possibility that that the special 75th edition of KnightTime podcast will disclose which teams the Hamilton brothers Jeff and Phil will be signing with tonight. This is a huge announcement that will shift the balance of the league. However, there are still many other key free agents for GMs to win over and add to their squads. oops.. forgot to actually post this.. oh well. Yes sir, Season 52 is going to be on heck of a season.
  21. He'll get in. One day. I know he will
  22. Phil

    I Fucked Up

    yeeeeeeeeee buddy
  23. I accept.
  24. I'll listen when I get home tomorrow mornign
  25. How much do you hate Trump me right now? Please spitball ideas you'd bring to the BoG. There's some good ones in there! What are the chances of Helsinki being under the cap again? What's your favourite ever VHL team?
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