Player Agent Phil Knight has not done any of the Season 51 statlines yet, he admitted today and the reason is appalling.
Apparently Mr. Knight has just started the game XCOM and it seems to somehow have taken over his life.
“Shut up and leave me alone,” he responded to our questions when we entered his house to find him with his gaming headphones on and in the middle of an assault on an alien base.
No word of success on the mission has been brought to our attention but one has to ask of his dedication to his players’ success. Actually, since Shankly has already 325 TPE, I think it’s safe to assume that Knight has earned the break.
I suppose he, like the rest of us, are just too anxious to get the season underway. And for the first time ever, we’ll have some player agents in the league with two player at the exact same time.
That is something to invade an alien ship for.