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The Bad
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Everything posted by Phil

  1. shit yea! I haven't actually taken a close look at the candidates for the award..I just was thinking of Koenig because I picked him for RoY last season and he was garbage... and now he gets 50 goals!? haha
  2. Episode #11 Featured Players: Jefferson Jackson Member Names: VHLwhat Run Time: 8 minutes Previous Episodes: #10 #9 #8 #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1
  3. lol - I totally had it in my head that we when 7 games in Quebec - I realize that's not right now... but I woulda sworn on it at the time haha
  4. Can you still grade my podcasts?
  5. Episode #43 Run Time: 55 minutes Player Profile: Vogon Jeltz Notes: A special section that replaced questions this week!! Riveting. You can't miss it. Also, a unique player profile on Jeltz! Some great tunes and heartfelt moments. It's all here on Facebook Page: KnightTime Podcast Previous Episodes: #42 #41 #40 #39 #38 #37 #36 #35 #34 #33 #32 #31 #30 #29 #28 #27
  6. You shoulda heard my Brampton Blades rap. That was amazing. Check it out. Or buy it on iTunes
  7. So I've just gotten addicted to the free-to-play game WARFRAME on steam. You are basically a fucking space ninja. And there are 20 different types all with unique abilities. A FUCKING SPACE NINJA!
  8. Milner for captain!
  9. Update on your novelette comedy about fish. If nothing to report - lie and improv some stuff for my entertainment. Sorry for no asking questions recently . Forgive me? Bushito was fired from GM of Seattle Bears!? Thoughts!? Where does this leave daBears? Are you secretly hoping this season finishes quickly so you can have a beast-of-a season in S44? Very entertaining Champions League Final today! Did you watch it? Predict one big trade that will happen this off-season. Think of a member on the site. ..Got one? ..okay now tell us the origin of that name.
  10. much better haha. GG Davos
  11. You left Knight off that GM list? dick. What's that GM of the year award called again?
  12. Okay, okay... here are my thoughts: The firing of Bushito is more than justified. It's no question that it needed to happen. With Higgins taking over Seattle - that's an ideal start to cleaning up this shit-storm. I like Bushito as a GM. He makes some very savvy moves and does what he needs to do to put a great team together. However, the random streaks of inactive is where it all falls apart. I still stand by my guns when last season I defended him and wanted him to stay GM. Sure, hindsight is 20/20 but in all honesty I had numerous conversations with him and if it weren't for unforeseen events in his life happening - I don't think we would be having this conversation, I really don't. Of course, those events have gone on and so it is absolutely in the best interests of Seattle to bring someone new in. Seattle have been in a funk for many seasons now and a change of pace with some deep-rooted consistency is what is needed. I think Higgins can supply Seattle with that. I fucking love Seattle and have a very strong affinity for the team... and just like Devise said in his BoG fan590 that they are there for the best interest of the league and its individual members and teams.. so am I (hmm, maybe that's why I am a BoG member lol). When I was traded there... I thought we had a young team with a solid core that was ready to compete for numerous seasons and as soon as I got there the atmosphere was lively and everyone Kendrick mentioned in a post on like page 2 from Seattle was active... it's just shit luck that big chunks of the team started going inactive - but you can't blame bash for that. Anyway.. I'm getting off-topic - I don't have to really defend my position. All I can say is that this is the right move. So best of luck to Higgins. If you need any help, I am here for you. Also Thanks for the vote of Confidence DT but like Kendrick already said, I am not entirely keen on becoming a GM. I'll do my part as a terrific teammate and help out whatever team I am on to the fullest extent but I'm at a point in my life where changes are imminent and I really would not want to pull a Bash.
  13. Cuz you were the only normal star... but out-shone by randos
  14. Nice 9-1 loss to start off the tenure lol
  15. 3 Stars 1 - SEA LW1 (SEA) 2 - CAL G1 (CAL) There is no positive when that is happening...
  16. greg coming back to seattle =
  17. but... seattle are full of inactives?
  18. (see? THIS is how you ramp up the hockey press in your VHL city.) #SeattleGenius
  19. WB!
  20. Return of the Greg! Re-greg! Reg!
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