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VSN: S80 Under 200 Playoff Recap


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Welcome back to another addition of Under 200. With the VHLM playoffs recently wrapping up, we will look back at what went down over the past few weeks. I want to also take a second to say thank you to all of you readers for the support I have received throughout this season of writing.


Quarter Finals


The first four series of the S80 playoffs were somewhat expected with the top three teams in the league winning their series. First seed Yukon swept eighth seed Miami with a 4-0 series win, second seed Ottawa swept seventh seed Las Vegas with a 4-0 series win, and third seed Minnesota took sixth seed Philadelphia in 5 games for a 4-1 series win. The final matchup was held by the fourth seed Houston Bulls and the fifth seed Halifax 21st. This series was seen as the closest through the first round of playoffs. Halifax managed to come away victorious beating Houston in 6 games.


A few mentions to players on the losing teams:


:hou:  Houston Bulls: Connor Wilson @LeBron Jamezz - 7 assists, 8 points in 6 games played

                                                 Richard Martello @Deathblooms - 0.915 SV%, 1 - 0 - 3 record in 4 games played


:phi: Philadelphia Reapers: Jp @WhiskyJack - 5 assists, 7 points in 5 games played

                                                            Cadmael Ixazaluoh @Vice - 3 goals, 6 points in 5 games played


:veg: Las Vegas Aces: Patric Twist @Patty - 3 assists, 4 points in 4 games played


:mia: Miami Marauders: Jeremy D @lioneatingsnail - 3 goals, 5 points in 4 games played


Semi Finals


The semi finals basically mimicked the quarter finals as the top two seeded teams ran through their competition. Yukon pulled off another sweep, this time against Halifax. Ottawa faced Minnesota and only gave them one game, winning the series in 5. Most predictions around the league had Yukon and Ottawa battling for the Founder's Cup so this was really not a shock to most. I honestly believed Minnesota could pull the upset and take down the Lynx, but after this series I quickly realized I was wrong and Yukon had a tough opponent to face.


A few mentions to players on the losing teams:


:hfx: Halifax 21st: Bryn Yrwy @dylanjj37 - 9 goals, 16 points in 10 games played

                                                Jacob Richard @Jacob Richard - 12 assists, 14 points in 10 games played

                                                    Jorgen Von Strangle @Timmy Turner - 6 goals, 12 points in 10 games played


This strong first line for Halifax had an unbelievably good performance throughout S80 and showed up again through these playoffs.


:osl: Minnesota Storm: Nico Pearce @Spartan - 7 goals, 13 points in 10 games played

                                                              James Glove Dropper @Jamomayo - 7 assists, 12 points in 10 games played


Both Pearce and Dropper had extremely strong performances throughout S80, both putting up more than 110 points. Their playoff performances mirrored this but unfortunately wasn't enough for the Lynx squad.


Founder's Cup Finals


The top two teams in the league all season found themselves battling for the glorious Founder's Cup. Yukon and Ottawa have been ranked number one and two all season long and this series was definitely one for the books. Yukon took game 1 in overtime with sharpshooting winger Zaza Colors @McWolf  icing the game 11 minutes into the first overtime. Ottawa was in control throughout the first three frames but once overtime hit, the Rush took full charge. Game 2,3, and 4 turned the tables as Ottawa took command and won all three games. Austin Towbaker @Domino started to shine, scoring 8 goals in these 3 games and having two hat-tricks. Finn Davis @M1nT put in work as well in game four with a 4 assist performance, and Arno Blugers @bukss_a was consistent with 6 points in 3 games, having at least one point in each. Ottawa won all three games in regulation but only by one or two goals each match, all games in this series were tight with both teams playing well. Game 5 and 6 both went in Yukon's favour as the Rush pulled away with an 8-7 win in game 5 and a 4-3 win in game 6. In game 5 Link Zhang @WHY_Bolts had a monster 4 point night and Zaza Colors @McWolf  scored the game winning powerplay goal in Yukon's comeback win. In a close game 6, Thomas Price @Thunderidge was a brick wall between the pipes, saving 32 of 35 shots and putting up a 0.914 SV%.


Game 7 was the game of the year and the reason people love this sport. Everything in this game would result to who would be champions, and who would go home crying. The first period was underway in a hurry with a combined 6 goals between the two teams. Ottawa took a 4-2 lead with Gunnarwolfe Vomacka @Wolfe and Matty Live @Mattylive3k both scoring two goals each, Zaza colors @McWolf scored both goals for Yukon. Yukon went through penalty troubles with 4 penalties in the first. Ottawa made them pay scoring three out of four of these goals on the powerplay. The second period was in Yukon's favour as the Rush scored two goals to tie the game at 4 a piece. Not much else happened this period except for a lot of penalties. The third period started off tied but after only 19 seconds Matty Live @Mattylive3k potted his eighth goal of the playoffs to put the Lynx up 5-4. The entire rest of the period was fought hard with both teams unable to find the back of the net. But with only 56 second left to go in the frame, Ottawa took a hooking minor penalty and put Yukon on the powerplay. The Rush pulled goaltender Thomas Price @Thunderidge to have a 6 on 4 situation for the last minute of the game. With all they had, Yukon couldn't get a goal past The Red Menace @NickSunderbruch and Ottawa took the series and the Founder's Cup home.


Some mentions for the Yukon Rush:


Kyosti Karjalainen @UnkemptCL4PTP- 11 goals, 28 points in 15 games played

Link Zhang @WHY_Bolts - 22 assists, 24 points in 15 games played

Hulk Hogan 2 @Hogan - 20 assists, 24 points in 15 games played

Harkat Mulds @hylands - 10 goals, 24 points in 15 games played

Alexandre Leduc @Alexandre - 10 goals, 24 points in 15 games played

Maximus Decimus Meridius @Beaviss - 13 goals, 21 points in 15 games played

Zaza Colors @McWolf  - 12 goals, 20 points in 15 games played


The Yukon Rush were seen as the best team for the entire S80. I asked many people who they thought would win the Founder's Cup and majority voted for the Rush squad. They put up a good and tough battle, almost pulling off a 3-1 series come back and I don't think any players on this team should be disappointed in themselves.


The Ottawa Lynx


I got to be honest, I did not think Ottawa could pull it off and upset the league favourites. The Lynx have been ranked second all season, always under the shadows of the Rush and seriously had something to prove. @16z built a great squad this season and earns their first Founder's Cup in their first season as a VHLM GM, congrats to you Z! For the players, so many elite and talented players for the Lynx proved their skill through these playoffs and for this reason many need to be mentioned.


Matty Live @Mattylive3k - 8 goals, 23 assists, 31 points


Matty Live had a quiet regular season but showed his talents big time these playoffs leading his team and the league in assists and points (Live is a defenceman by the way). Live scored the game winning goal in game 7 to win the Founder's Cup for the Lynx and in my opinion should take MVP for these playoffs.


Austin Towbaker @Domino - 14 goals, 16 assists, 30 points


Austin Towbaker was tied for second for goals scored through the regular season and continued his domination in the playoffs, leading his team and league in goals scored.  Towbaker is known for his hat-tricks as he accomplished 3 during these playoffs.


Finn Davis @M1nT- 6 goals, 22 assists, 30 points


Finn Davis was the first line center any team needs. A monster regular season (third in the league in points) transitioned well to the playoffs as he finished one assist shy of teammate  and league leader Matty Live.


The Red Menace @NickSunderbruch - 0.892 SV%, 3.42 GAA


A goaltender who you could argue is the best in the league has now proven that he is the best. The Red Menace stood on his head for Ottawa through these playoffs and is a huge contributor to the Lynx's success.


Juice Box @Siddhus - 13 goals, 13 assists, 26 points


Juice Box was Matty Live's partner in crime and a big part to his success. Box sat 2nd in the league in points for defenceman in the regular season and playoffs. Juice Box is a sniper from the blue line and scored the second most goals for Ottawa in these playoffs.


Gunnarwolfe Vomacka @Wolfe - 9 goals, 13 assists, 22 points

Jason Lajeunesse @ThatCanadian - 10 goals, 11 assists, 21 points

Louis Vignac @Habs fan - 10 goals, 15 assists, 25 points


These three bottom 6 forwards put in work these playoffs and made a name for themselves, all putting up more than a point per game and each having game winning goals.


Arno Blugers @bukss_a - 4 goals, 13 assists, 17 points

Max Torq @Steve - 5 goals, 12 assists, 17 points


Blugers and Torq are Ottawa's third line defensive pairing but the way they play you wouldn't know. Both players had more than a point per game and proved their talents.


Congratulations to the Ottawa Lynx on their Founder's Cup!! Good luck to everyone in this off-season's upcoming draft.




Edited by ajwllmsn
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