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Jakub Kjellberg Retires


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I mean, it's automatic now but I'm still making a post. Anyways, this may be the end of the road for me. I have no immediate plans to recreate and I need to get serious about real life and get all that stuff in order. One less internet time sink to distract me from what I need to be doing. Kjellberg didn't amount to the greatness I would've liked, but it was different building a pass-first player and I managed to break past 600 TPE for the first time ever! :)


All that said, I'll undoubtedly be lurking around the place still so if you want me in your locker room, feel free to make that happen. I've known so many of the people here so long -- SEVEN YEARS -- that it'd be weird to just disappear entirely. Some of you have seen me go from an idiotic, angsty 13 year old to a slightly less idiotic, cynical 20 year old. Yeah, I'm 20 now. WHO THE FUCK LET THAT HAPPEN!? I don't feel like I'm 20 at all. Driving around is cool though, I'm glad I finally took care of that. And being able to drink. At least when I don't overdo it, because that's no fun. Basically having freedom. Yeah. That's nice. I need more money though. :S


I tend to keep my Facebook for people I know IRL and whatnot, but if you guys wanna connect via various social media my Twitter handle is @DeltaCanuckian and you can add me on Skype (sandro.des). I think that's it.


Oh and by my numbers, 46% of the players I drafted (25 of 55) had made it to 175 TPE or higher. :D

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Good career in Toronto.

Btw you can't leave you have a lifelong contract with the VHL. But seriously think about claiming pension with a player in the future because we want you to stay here especially In the NHL and off topic boards where you contribute a ton. (Y)

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Good career in Toronto.

Btw you can't leave you have a lifelong contract with the VHL. But seriously think about claiming pension with a player in the future because we want you to stay here especially In the NHL and off topic boards where you contribute a ton. (Y)


That's likely what I will end up doing if I create another player, but for the time being I just need to get my life in order (job, school, etc.) before I can really throw myself back into this. I'm burnt out as well, a break will be nice. I'll be around the off-topic boards either way!

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Glad to have met you, played with you and talked with you. Always a pleasure and you are more then welcome to drop me a line to see how you are doing, I promise I care. You should recreate and just coast off welfare for 5 minutes a week. good luck in all your endeavours!

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Agreed with Higgins, you need to stick around. Who else would I be able to bullshit random video game talk about who actually has an idea of developers and other shit. Ergo who else on here knows what they are talking about that bullshit? :P


Kjellberg was a better player than I think some expected. Will go down as very underrated. Hope you stick around for sure though, even if it's just a welfare player who does the occasional PT. 

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Good night, sweet prince


It's not like I'm dying STZ, jeez! :P


Agreed with Higgins, you need to stick around. Who else would I be able to bullshit random video game talk about who actually has an idea of developers and other shit. Ergo who else on here knows what they are talking about that bullshit? :P


Kjellberg was a better player than I think some expected. Will go down as very underrated. Hope you stick around for sure though, even if it's just a welfare player who does the occasional PT. 


Everyone's acting like I'm leaving, I said I'm gonna be in the off-topic forums! And locker rooms if people invite me in! :P


Tell me bout that time you talked to Trevor Linden



maybe we'll meet up some time, after all we both live in Coquitlam (ish, poco is close enough)


It's still one of the weirdest phone calls/moments of my life ever. Didn't even register in my head until after I got off the phone.  :facepalm:

And definitely, it'd be cool to meet some more VHL peeps IRL!

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Thanks for the fun we had in Toronto building one of the most vocal lockerrooms in the league. Shame that activity died eventually

Best of luck in your life and in time you will find a way to combine this league in your activities again :)

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  • Commissioner

I'm with Sterling. There are too few of us from the early days left, we can't be disappearing, it's just not right. Someone has to keep all these young fucks in line.

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