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Town of Pallet #2


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  • 2 months later...

And that concludes the second game of Town of Pallet! With a slight delay at the end there of course… for which I'd like to apologize to all the players for, and thank each of you for playing!


Ultimately I think I would have to consider ToP somewhat of a bust. The biggest barrier was the heavy mod requirements to run the game. I knew this going into it and wanted to keep things simple enough not to be too stressful on the moderators, but ultimately I couldn't help myself when it came to adding new and interesting game mechanics that compounded the time requirements for the moderators. The other big issue with the game was the predictable battle system. While this was nice for people who wanted to optimize all of their game decisions, it also made battle planning more tedious to do so. I tried adding items and extra fighting moves to increase the randomness, but this didnt actually fix the problem and also led to frustrating situations such as multiple low probability losses to NPCs.


These two shortcomings were a cancer that ended up being fatal for the game. I've thought of some ways to revamp the battle system and make it simpler, but I don't really feel like it makes it better. I have no idea how to fix the heavy mod requirements. So I don't anticipate running any more ToP games.


That said, I can still see many positives in making and running these games!

- Met a lot of great people and got to better know some that I only sort of knew before.

- Was nominated for an Elmebeck!

- Learned more about VHL in general. In fact before I used to think the G in BoG under Gustav's name stood for Gustav. Like I thought he was being goofy and gave himself the title Board of Gustav

- Learned a lot about game designing

- Learned A LOT about Excel/Google Sheets and made an epic spreadsheet 

- Learned a lot about Pokemon (ok this one is probably useless)

- Learned a little about how to run a Discord channel

- Made a crazy rulebook that I can be proud of (but also learned how to better organize and write a rulebook)

- Was a feature in some podcasts (my real name is Tyrell btw. I added a silent P for no reason)

- Had lots of fun watching people enjoy playing something I've created.


So a big THANK YOU again to each of you that played! @omgitshim @JardyB10 @Gustav  @OrbitingDeath  @McWolf @Doomsday @dlamb @Spartan  @ctots @Lemorse7 @Ricer13 @Alex @Enorama  @rory


I might try and make another new game in the future. While ToS will likely continue to bring me back to VHL, ToP showed me that there is also a desire out there for a forum game that isn't a social deduction game. We'll see if inspiration finds me once more.


Thanks again!



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2 hours ago, Ptyrell said:

Ultimately I think I would have to consider ToP somewhat of a bust. The biggest barrier was the heavy mod requirements to run the game. I knew this going into it and wanted to keep things simple enough not to be too stressful on the moderators, but ultimately I couldn't help myself when it came to adding new and interesting game mechanics that compounded the time requirements for the moderators. The other big issue with the game was the predictable battle system. While this was nice for people who wanted to optimize all of their game decisions, it also made battle planning more tedious to do so. I tried adding items and extra fighting moves to increase the randomness, but this didnt actually fix the problem and also led to frustrating situations such as multiple low probability losses to NPCs.


These two shortcomings were a cancer that ended up being fatal for the game. I've thought of some ways to revamp the battle system and make it simpler, but I don't really feel like it makes it better. I have no idea how to fix the heavy mod requirements. So I don't anticipate running any more ToP games.


I agree that the things you mentioned were issues, but it was still a hell of a lot of fun to play. It's mostly a shame that moderating was so much work--if it weren't, it would have been so much easier to make the game happen for everyone (plus, if it really weren't, you could do things like hiding the actual battle mechanics from people and just making them guess what works in which ways while not needing half the list to player-mod).


This was still the most fun independently-created forum game I've ever been a part of, and knowing that the time I spent helping was absolutely nothing next to what you put in to make it work makes me respect your work that much more--because even I was starting to burn myself out on it. Thanks for a really cool experience, even if it isn't one that we should keep doing.



2 hours ago, Ptyrell said:

Learned more about VHL in general. In fact before I used to think the G in BoG under Gustav's name stood for Gustav. Like I thought he was being goofy and gave himself the title Board of Gustav


I'm so happy that me calling it the Board of Gustav actually caught on with someone (and that you think I'm high up enough here to assign myself my own role without getting yelled at). Too bad I've since moved on to somewhat shinier roles, but I'm still in the Board of Gustav and will continue to refer to it as such 😎



2 hours ago, Ptyrell said:

my real name is Tyrell btw. I added a silent P for no reason


I won't lie, I wondered about this (especially after learning the first bit by just coming across your edits on Google Sheets). My educated guess was that you're one of those "I go by my middle name" people and you're officially Peter Tyrell or something.



2 hours ago, Ptyrell said:

Had lots of fun watching people enjoy playing something I've created.





Thanks once again for making something great happen in our community and showing that you don't have to be on the Board of Gustav to do so!

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On 9/6/2022 at 1:49 PM, Ptyrell said:

You take an extra long shower and find...

  Hide contents
Dratini 23
Ponyta 22
Ponyta 25


Swinub 23
Celebi 30
Rhyhorn 25


Scyther 24
Magikarp 25
Swinub 26



Wow these are some good showers




edit: why cant i post pictures anymore


This would have been so hard for me. As an old person, with nostalgia of playing Gen 1 Red on Game Boy, Celebi would not have been a legendary I'd have cared quite as much about as, say, a Zapdos or something. Paired with a Rhyhorn, and you guys know how much I love rhinos... let's just say I'd have possibly done the right thing and gone for the legendary first, but this is one of the reasons I don't join these things.

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