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Expansion and moving teams

Mr. Grumpy Bear

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First off I will start by saying that I know this league will never let a team move cities again. I mean lets get real, the poeople in charge of the VHL are way to proud of being fourty seasons into a sim league to allow changes to teams. And there is nothing wrong with that, having pride in the history of the VHL is something everyone involved in it should have. There was talk of Vasteras moving cities last offseason but since I haven't heard much on it recently I assume it isn't happening. 


If Vasteras does move then I think I will push for Seattle to make the move to Oregon as well. at the very least I demand a rebrand (coloring and logo) of this team. The coloring is horrible, nobody wants Arizona Coyotes colors.




So despite the talk of teams moving which is a moot point in my opinion regardless since the powers that be will not allow it, we now have talk of expansion?




The VHL had three teams last season with full rosters, three out of ten... Now we want to move to a twelve team league? The divide between the haves and the have nots has grown with the last expansion and it will grow deeper with the next one. You had the Dynamo win all their championships, now the Americans will win for the next few years, then the Express will take over for the next few after that. I think I can correctly predict the next 6 championship right now. Parity is one thing leagues should try and maintain or it becomes boring for everyone and I see parity is out the window here right now. Some were saying the league needs a higher salary cap. What is a higher cap going to offer you? If you can't compete, you can't compete and you sell off your assets. That's my .02 for right now I will leave you with this.



Edited by Bushito
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and you think the Meute are going to take the title from the Americans this season? The title is theirs at least this and I think next season before they sell off. Riga will be declining, Seattle, Toronto, Vasteras, ect will still be building and the express lone competition will honestly be the Titans who will be almost as good.

Edited by Bushito
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Eh, Vasteras of S23+ was supposed to "break the league" with how good they were going to be. They won a cup, yes, but they only made the playoffs twice.


Quebec was supposed to run things for a while; turns out it was Toronto and Davos making cup appearance after cup appearance.


Even Aidan Shaw and the Toronto Legion won just a single cup.



In other words, the Express will win a single cup with Kendrick+Green, and as they are the best team in the league, Davos will win two or three during Richardson+O'Malley's careers in Cologne.

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Eh, Vasteras of S23+ was supposed to "break the league" with how good they were going to be. They won a cup, yes, but they only made the playoffs twice.


Quebec was supposed to run things for a while; turns out it was Toronto and Davos making cup appearance after cup appearance.


Even Aidan Shaw and the Toronto Legion won just a single cup.



In other words, the Express will win a single cup with Kendrick+Green, and as they are the best team in the league, Davos will win two or three during Richardson+O'Malley's careers in Cologne.

What do singling out two players have to do with the previously mentioned teams? I've actually seen few people say Green and I will create a dynasty.
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