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So i just listened to episode 10 and I wanna call you guys FROGGOS for coming @ Caillean and calling her and jaladolar CANCER. I understand calling ME cancer, but not them, they are good people who make good suggestions to try and help this league and are nowhere near trollish about it.


So what, we like each others posts. Eat a dick if you're mad about that. We all joined the VHL at relatively the same time and were teammates for a good portion of our career thus far. I like a lot of people's posts, as does Caillean, as I'm sure you do as well.


How AwfullyShitsick even has the nerve to question anyone's behavior/suggestions in regards to the VHL is cringeworthy. You were a VHLM GM who literally got fired because you didn't care enough to do your job.  Keep my name out of your mouth and get off the BOG's dick.


Romanus you are soft as as butterscotch and you're lucky that you've contributed to the sim hockey world by bringing in Chris McZehrl, otherwise I would be more upset with you. Draper you've made a powerful enemy today.

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Also calling a group of friends a "circle jerk" via a reoccurring weekly podcast where you talk shit about other people is most hypocritical.



Another thing, media/graphics grading isn't anywhere NEAR as critical in the SHL as it is in the VHL. In the SHL, the primary TPE generation doesn't even require to write a media article / submit a graphic.


You don't have people doing something every week that requires a grade in order for them to train/update their player for that week, whereas the VHL it's 100% necessary that things get graded promptly because that's the only real way to train your player. So no, I don't give VHL graders any slack in that regard, nor should they be afforded slack.

Edited by gorlab
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"The BOG sucks and it's a stupid old boys' club"

Yep, I definitely said that. Oh wait, I can't seem to find where, can someone help me out?


My concern isn't the older members having more pull or more say than me. I would never DREAM of having as much influence as someone who's been here for years. It's that every time I personally have brought up ideas, the same people, the "old boys'", have always jumped on my back in a rather harsh manner. And I've seen them do the same to other newer members, like in that thread.


So Frank had a bad idea! Say that and explain why instead of calling it "an embarrassment" and having people say that "it shouldn't even be discussed". I'm a new member. I had no idea about the expansion, why teams are so small, etc etc. That thread was relevant to my interests, because since being drafted by Toronto it's been concerning to me to see how few active members seem to be on the team. So when I go into a thread like that going "Hm yeah, that's an interesting point/suggestion" (not because Frank's my friend like you guys seem to be convinced of, considering I've backed and mentioned people outside OUR "old boys' club"'s posts before) and see nothing but insults being hurled around and not a single mention of WHY IT'S ACTUALLY A BAD IDEA for a few pages, and all from the same people I always see them from, yeah it's gonna seem a little odd to me.


I had to stop listening to that podcast due to the amount of bullshit I was hearing. I've said some kind of inflammatory things, but I've NEVER ONCE said any of the kinds of things I heard on that podcast. There was a whole lot of paraphrasing over my posts specifically that made them sound much, MUCH worse than they were. I heard the word "idiotic" added into my posts quite a few times, which I've never said. I was told to "Shut the fuck up", because as a new member I clearly have no idea what I'm talking about in regards to the BoG (hm, sound anything like my complaints?).


And another thing- don't even TRY lumping Jaladolar in with Gorlab and myself. Jaladolar has done nothing but good in this league, so much so that he was even invited to join the damn BoG barely 4 months after joining. So don't lump his very constructive and level-headed posts in with my/Gorlab's far more emotional posts. That actually made me even more mad than any of the personal insults that were directed at me. That guy's a fucking saint compared to some of the members around here, never a bad thing to say about anyone, so just because he agrees with what we said doesn't even REMOTELY make him "cancer" or anything negative.


Someone in the podcast mentioned that "They don't seem to have decided yet which sim they like better, VHL or SHL."

Well, that podcast sure pushed me a bit more in the direction of one of the leagues. I'll let you guys guess which one it was.

Edited by Caillean
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If you wanna join our new boys club pls post in this thread. You can't be on the Eua de Toillette Trains though. Sorry Green & Device.


Don't make me bring out my torch and pitchfork. But fine, I wont join your new boys club.

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