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I think I'm the only one excited but mlb the show 14 comes out for ps4 tomorrow (Tuesday) :D

I would be excited if I had a PS4 ^^

In other news..


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Epic Games: "We're making a new Unreal Tournament!"
Me: "Awesome!"
EG: "It's 100% free and we're starting development today."
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Epic Games: "We're making a new Unreal Tournament!"
Me: "Awesome!"
EG: "It's 100% free and we're starting development today."



Free2Play might be a good concept for some genres, but in general I just hate it and I think it really destroys many games that would've had potential had they not used a F2P model...

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Xbox One actually has a game that looks interesting to me now: Sunset Overdrive. It's not enough for me to drop money on the console, and since Insomniac owns the IP I'm hoping they'll go multiplatform if there's a sequel. While I expect them to be excited about their new game, saying "this is the game that Insomniac has been building up to for 20 years" kind of hurts. They've been supported almost exclusively by a PlayStation fan base since the PSone, and I've personally been a fan for a decade. We're just left in the dust on this one. :/

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Just bought 4 new games for 60 $

Borderland 2



Bioshock infinite


I think I made a pretty good deal



had u never played skyrim before?

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Kinectless, $399 Xbox One. Not surprising, but interesting nonetheless. Competition is good and this is going to make E3 interesting for sure. That said, it's a serious slap in the face to early adopters and as I understand, the UI is atrocious to navigate without Kinect. Losing it's only unique feature hurts IMO, especially now that they're turning XBL Gold into PlayStation Plus. It's basically a less powerful PS4 now. Microsoft still needs to ditch that god awful parity clause that it driving all the indies away too.

Edited by Sandro
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Quick Dark Souls II update for Devise: I'm pretty much in the endgame part my run game now, I've been to all of the main areas and lit all bonfires, now I've got about 4-5 bosses left that I just got access to by an item I received at the end of the last area. I have only tried one of these bosses so far and got my ass kicked pretty badly, so beating them all will sure take some time, as they seem considerably tougher than the ones encountered before. I have refused to call help for any of the bosses so far, but maybe I might have to give up on that principle towards the very end, but we'll see.


I've put about 50 hours into the game now and am around level 160, it costs about 35 000 souls to level up at this point and since most of my equipment is maxed as well there isn't much character progression anymore, so I guess I have to work on my actual playing skills if I want to get better now ;). I have started to get a bit more into the co-op and pvp aspects of the game lately after not paying much attention to them for most of my run. Been helping players beat some of the bosses that I found easy when fighting them myself, which almost seems a bit overpowered to me since players can call two phantoms at the same time which really makes most of the fights very easy, especially since the phantoms have beaten the boss before. I've also tried to get summoned into other players worlds to help defend them when they get invaded, which is part of a covenant, but so far this hasn't happened at all and I myself only got invaded once, so I guess there just isn't much invading going on in general right now.


How is your own DSI playthrough going, still stuck in Anor Londo or aren't you playing right now?

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Quick Dark Souls II update for Devise: I'm pretty much in the endgame part my run game now, I've been to all of the main areas and lit all bonfires, now I've got about 4-5 bosses left that I just got access to by an item I received at the end of the last area. I have only tried one of these bosses so far and got my ass kicked pretty badly, so beating them all will sure take some time, as they seem considerably tougher than the ones encountered before. I have refused to call help for any of the bosses so far, but maybe I might have to give up on that principle towards the very end, but we'll see.


I've put about 50 hours into the game now and am around level 160, it costs about 35 000 souls to level up at this point and since most of my equipment is maxed as well there isn't much character progression anymore, so I guess I have to work on my actual playing skills if I want to get better now ;). I have started to get a bit more into the co-op and pvp aspects of the game lately after not paying much attention to them for most of my run. Been helping players beat some of the bosses that I found easy when fighting them myself, which almost seems a bit overpowered to me since players can call two phantoms at the same time which really makes most of the fights very easy, especially since the phantoms have beaten the boss before. I've also tried to get summoned into other players worlds to help defend them when they get invaded, which is part of a covenant, but so far this hasn't happened at all and I myself only got invaded once, so I guess there just isn't much invading going on in general right now.


How is your own DSI playthrough going, still stuck in Anor Londo or aren't you playing right now?


I'm still trucking, but with my roommates selling this house and moving into another I have a bunch of other work I've been doing. I beat Anor Londo bosses finally, and then went and beat the Ceaseless Desist and am working my way through some of the demon ruin stuff. I can't believe Capra Demon which was such a frustrating boss (mostly because of location) turns into a regular enemy in the demon ruins. Crazy stuff. 

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I'm still trucking, but with my roommates selling this house and moving into another I have a bunch of other work I've been doing. I beat Anor Londo bosses finally, and then went and beat the Ceaseless Desist and am working my way through some of the demon ruin stuff. I can't believe Capra Demon which was such a frustrating boss (mostly because of location) turns into a regular enemy in the demon ruins. Crazy stuff. 


How far through the game is that now, a bit over halfway I'd say?


I think I'm going to cave and get Watch Dogs. I've got around $20 of credit on my EB Edge card already so I'll get to save a few bucks.


Let us know how you like it, I'm thinking about getting it as well but want to wait for the reviews first.

Edited by RomanesEuntDomus
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How far through the game is that now, a bit over halfway I'd say?



Let us know how you like it, I'm thinking about getting it as well but want to wait for the reviews first.


I can't tell if it's halfway or not. Close I think. I did some soul grinding on the bridge with the dragon earlier in my play-through so I'm like soul level 62 now. But I still have the tomb of the giants, the painting in Anor Londo that takes you to some place, tons of optional content I can see. 


Reviews for Watch Dogs have been what I sadly expected. To me the game always looked like a solid base, something that they'd perfect and hone in the sequel. See the original Uncharted, or if you want a perfect reference to the publisher the first Assassins Creed. A game filled with neat ideas but still struggling to harness them all. Reviews have kind of indicated as much thus far on Watch Dogs. Whenever I do get a new console I"ll still likely check it out though. My delay on getting a PS4 due to financial reasons has frustrated me. Really want to play the new InFamous and Watch Dogs as well as a plethora of indy stuff like Transistor. 

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Managed to register for PAX. Im pretty pumped


I've got my passes as well. Fucking record time once again, everything gone in 75 minutes. Apparently some assholes figured out the URL early and bought a fuckton of 4 Day Passes though, saw someone selling them for $600 each. Considering he claims to have 128 badges, PAX will probably cancel all his shit.

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