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Claimed:What I Was Going To Put In The Bears LR [Final 6/6]


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That is indeed a Seattle Bear


As some of you may have seen in the VHL.com Radio section of the forum, I recently posted an hour long podcast talking about the Seattle Bears GM role. One of the events that I covered was the initial attempts to bring me in as Seattle Bears GM in Season 42 after Bushito failed to offer any of his rookies a professional contract. In that part of the podcast, I mentioned that I had prepared a notice to post up in the Bears Locker Room that I hoped would change their course of action in response to the change, as the majority of players had expressed that they would leave or retire if Bushito was removed from the GM role. So I figure that since it’s sitting on my laptop not earning me anything, I may as well submit it as my media piece for this week and get some TPE from it. Enjoy!



Hey guys,


So judging by the fact that I’m the topic creator, you’ve probably already gathered what this is about, so I may as well get it out of the way at the top of the post that I’ve been selected by the administration to be the new General Manager of the Bears.


Now, I’m aware of the situation that currently exists within the team regarding displeasure at Bushito being replaced as GM, and I’m in agreement with you in that his removal is perhaps unfair. In truth, I only voiced my interest in becoming a GM after the thread posted in the Job Interviews forum, and I believed that it was just to replace someone at the end of the season, e.g. Advantage (His eventual stepping down has been mentioned on the Pajodcast), I wasn’t expecting it to be Seattle. Since I was vaguely aware of the situation thanks to Boomcheck’s VHL.com article, I asked if I could first view the discussion in this locker room before I made a decision. As I expected, the majority of the discussion was vastly in support of Bushito, noticing that there were more than a few people saying that they would leave if the GM were to change, and I can respect that. So when they asked me if I had any feedback after viewing the locker room, I sent them this PM:


OK, so I've checked the LR now. First of all, I would like to thank the admin staff for considering me for the role of General Manager, and would like to voice that I would still be interested in such a role should another opportunity arise, however I would like to pass on this opportunity for a couple of reasons. 


While I can understand from an admin's perspective that it is frustrating when a general manager fails to do tasks in a timely manner and/or relying on another member of his team to do them. However, after looking within the LR, it's clear that Bushito has something that, in my opinion, is the most important thing for a GM to have, and that's the trust of his players. If he did not have that, I would completely understand the decision to remove him and I would have been perfectly fine with stepping into that role, but since he does have that, I feel like it would be much better for him to keep his current role, with DT continuing as his Co, rather than have an outsider like myself step in. 


The task in question that I referenced to in the PM was the contracts situation with the rookies, the reason that I thought that Bushito was set to be relieved of his duties. As you can see from the PM, I was making a case for the continuation of Bushito as a General Manager, respecting the wishes of his team-mates as the reason for my withdrawal. However, I was then told that regardless of whether I accepted or not, the new GM of the Bears would not be Bushito, but another applicant (I was not told of the names of other applicants).


So after that response, I asked if the other applicant was a Bear, since I figured that, if it were a member currently on the team, that it would be the best possible alternative. However, I was told that it was not a Bear, so I figured that if they were sticking to the idea that Bushito would not be able to retain his job, I may as well accept the role being the first person they asked.


So that’s basically the story behind my hiring, so I think the best thing to address now would be the concerns that I saw addressed in the discussion thread regarding a new appointment of a GM:


-          That I would reap the rewards of/not give credit to Bushito and DT for their work creating this team should we become successful. I’m fully aware of the great work that the pair of them have done in turning this team around from what had been a treadmill team to a team that can become the best in the league, and I have no intention in taking credit away for them. Any success that we get even in future seasons will be much more down to the work that they’ve done up to this point than any changes that I make after taking over.


-          With the changing of the guard and the changes that will have to be made along with them, some of you have raised the idea that you intend to leave or retire from the team. While I respect that loyalty to the general manager, I feel that maybe a better way of showing that loyalty would be to stick together and fulfil the ambition that Bushito had for this team. While Bushito did a great job assembling this team, a lot of credit should also go to you guys on this team. It’s very rare that a team can have this many players under employment without a single inactive, and credit should go to you guys for sticking around to this point and keeping up-to-date with your point tasks. With that being said, I think it would be a bit of a shame if the great team that’s been assembled did not win a championship together, considering the amount of work from both the management and the players. 


So that’s basically all I had to go into. Other than that, I’m excited to be a part of this great team and hope I can help you guys get the success that you deserve. If you guys have any concerns or want to ask any questions about the change, feel free to post as such in this thread.



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I'm glad you submitted this as you sounded quite distraught about only earning 2 points for the podcast :P

I was! I knew I'd been going on for a while, but one whole fucking hour on one subject?! In hindsight, I'm glad nobody decided to give me any questions like I requested, they were saving me from my own sanity!

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To be quite honest, I'd be actually stoked to have you as GM. The problem was at the time we didn't want anything changed and we wanted to win with what was in place or lose with it. Now with Bushito going completely MIA, I am on board for what helps the team the best.

Edited by Da Trifecta
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So I should probably clarify since I've received a few messages about it. Everything below the first paragraph was written when I was offered the job in Season 42, so any mentions of me coming in as GM refer to when I was offered the role then. I am not currently set to become Seattle GM, but certainly would at least consider applying for the role if it were offered.

Edited by YEAH!
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Content: 3/3 - I was confused at first when you posted this article, so thanks for the clarification, haha. Well written article on a sticky situation. It looks like it's all going to be solved fairly soon though. I think you will make a great GM  for some team sooner rather than later. :)

Grammar: /2 - Well done. Didn't catch anything. 

Appearance: 1/1 - Nice

Overall: 6/6

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