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GM 82: Cologne vs. Quebec


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no one cares about the game in the OP of the topic you're posting in

If its not a win, DT ignores that the game ever existed. Sore ass loser. Its a shame to cause Mikaelass is good, but DT cries after every lose and acts like hot shit when his offense carries him to a win.
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If its not a win, DT ignores that the game ever existed. Sore ass loser. Its a shame to cause Mikaelass is good, but DT cries after every lose and acts like hot shit when his offense carries him to a win.

Yeah every big win has never been because of Mikaelson. Especially that Bears cup win. It was all his offense carrying him.

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If its not a win, DT ignores that the game ever existed. Sore ass loser. Its a shame to cause Mikaelass is good, but DT cries after every lose and acts like hot shit when his offense carries him to a win.


Mikaelass? Nice childish attempt at saying my player sucks when he is completely better than that shit player you currently have. Maybe Coteass should take his trashass to the retirementass thread and retireass his ass. I just can't express how ass your player is.

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Yes, yes, a thousand times yes. Thank you Boom.

The problem is DT doesnt realize he could never fill Waldron's shoes.


Fill Waldron's shoes? There is a reason Waldron was dumped off and I was traded for. Clearly better than him and I am what 3-4 seasons younger. What a disgrace it must be for Waldron to be replaced by someone a lot younger who is better. I know for one if that happened to me, I'd retire for sure. What a waste of a player.

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Mikaelass? Nice childish attempt at saying my player sucks when he is completely better than that shit player you currently have. Maybe Coteass should take his trashass to the retirementass thread and retireass his ass. I just can't express how ass your player is.

You retired Jones early. You were about to retire Mikaelson early. You dont have any right to tell people when to retire. Facts are you win last season was a fluke, youre still trash, and you talking shit from second place in the conference, acting like you guys are unbeatable. You should be happy you got rescued by the BOG before the playoffs last season or Mikaelass wouldnt even be in the league right now.

Cant wait to smack that ass in the playoffs and give you something to actually bitch about

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Waldron has been a welfare guy for a long time. It is ridiculous for anyone to think that he is better than Mikaelson at this point. He's still a great goaltender, but Mikaelson is on a roll.

Pretty sure Waldron let one goal in, wanna check how many Mikaelass let in for me?

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Fill Waldron's shoes? There is a reason Waldron was dumped off and I was traded for. Clearly better than him and I am what 3-4 seasons younger. What a disgrace it must be for Waldron to be replaced by someone a lot younger who is better. I know for one if that happened to me, I'd retire for sure. What a waste of a player.

Yeah cause you demanded a trade like you did with Jones. Anyone can do that, go to a good team and think they are good.

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You retired Jones early. You were about to retire Mikaelson early. You dont have any right to tell people when to retire. Facts are you win last season was a fluke, youre still trash, and you talking shit from second place in the conference, acting like you guys are unbeatable. You should be happy you got rescued by the BOG before the playoffs last season or Mikaelass wouldnt even be in the league right now.

Cant wait to smack that ass in the playoffs and give you something to actually bitch about


Yes I retire Jones early. Your point? Was it not Device who retired Rift early? Are you going to talk shit about him retiring early? Didn't think so. Last years win was not a fluke. We apparently were the better team as we proved in the 7 game series. I can talk trash from any spot in the standings as I so please to. If we are talking about flukes, the fact that Shitgary is in first place is a fluke. The BOG didn't rescue shit. Man you really must get off thinking that I am shit when I have already surpassed your garbage excuse of a player. Why don't you retire Coteass because of how garbage he is.


You have to worry about making the playoffs first before you even talk about smacking anything you scrub.

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Pretty sure Waldron let one goal in, wanna check how many Mikaelass let in for me?


Yes a team with 0 fucking defense can beat a team with the superior defense. That is highly logical right? Didn't think so dick.


Yeah, for Koenig.


I am sorry who? Never heard of her.


Yeah cause you demanded a trade like you did with Jones. Anyone can do that, go to a good team and think they are good.


I demanded a trade? Oh how you don't know fucking shit yet you still talk trash like you know. It was already set in stone even with Bushito that if this team couldn't compete, I would want out. I could have not even signed the extension and just walked out in FA. I did the fucking team a favor by signing and making it so they could actually get something out of me. I am sorry that your incompetent brain can't quite comprehend that.

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Lol keep telling me to retire. Its funny, I dont retire because my players suck, it doesnt bother me. You on the otherhand did it once and were about to do it again. Dont you have something to bitch about like maybe they fucked up your puckhandling again or maybe your passing is 5 lower than other goalies. Ya know anything to try and hide that fact your team got smacked and you let the goals in. Ill let you get to it, I know youre itching to find an excuse once again

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Lol keep telling me to retire. Its funny, I dont retire because my players suck, it doesnt bother me. You on the otherhand did it once and were about to do it again. Dont you have something to bitch about like maybe they fucked up your puckhandling again or maybe your passing is 5 lower than other goalies. Ya know anything to try and hide that fact your team got smacked and you let the goals in. Ill let you get to it, I know youre itching to find an excuse once again


I retired my first player Davey Jones because I got bored with him and it got to the point I wasn't even doing media with him, not like it's any of your fucking business anyways. The reason I was going to retire this one is because I realized how fucking boring goalies are. You can ask anyone who has ever made one. It sucks and again none of your fucking business but thought I would share since you seem to think you actually have a clue. As for finding an excuse, what is the excuse of your current player? What a sad excuse of a player. The only team that wanted you was Shitgary and I'd be disgraced if I ever played there. TBH I would simply refuse and not even sign the contract. But I will just sit back and listen to your "witty comebacks" where you resort to "Mikaelass" as being the only thing you can think of you simple minded prick.

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You have as many retirement threads with Mikaelson as you do shutouts this season.

Yeah im trash.

You mad


Wow shutouts. What an over glorified number. I seriously hope you can make the playoffs. Sweeping you two seasons in a row will be so much sweeter.

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Wow shutouts. What an over glorified number. I seriously hope you can make the playoffs. Sweeping you two seasons in a row will be so much sweeter.

Hopefully we do, there wont be anyone to save your ass this season.

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