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The Hero You Deserve


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With yesterday marking the 8th anniversary of our home away from home, the king of the sim leagues, the illustrious Victory Hockey League, I got to thinking about my time here in the VHL. Over the 6 or 7 years I have been in and out of this league, I have come a long way from the quiet, young sball66 who kept to himself and his media spots. In fact, since I have came back from my hiatus in S18, I have been anything but quiet. Today I stand in front of you as Ball, that prick who always seems to be starting shit somewhere on the boards. A once young, promising and somewhat respected member on the boards, I have become the man that you love to hate.

Ive been called loud and rash, a simple minded prick, and just about every name in DT's book since my return in S32. But Ball, where are you going with this you may ask. We already know you are a doucher it aint hard to tell. Well my friends I will tell you exactly that.

You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain. I could have died a hero back in S18, went my iwn way and faded into the sunset and that guy eho did his job quietly, but I refused. So I came back and tried to be the hero that not only Seattle deserved, but the VHL as a whole did. But it was to no avail as I saw myself slowly becoming the villain to the point that I ruined my chance at becoming a BOG member and tarnished the once respected sball66. But that is not point. The point is I have become the villain and have embraced the role as of late. But I did not do it for myself, oh no folks, not because I wanted this life. I have become the villain for you as a whole, VHL.

Every time I start shit, everytime I crack a joke on someone, everytime I prod and poke at teams or members, everytime I tell someone to say it with their chest, I do so for you. Lets face it, the league hits lulls here and there where no one will post for a day or two and it hurts us in the eyes of new members who see this league and think oh man no one is posting it must be pretty boring around here. So I give you entertainment. Its like watching a train wreck, you dont want to look but at the same time you cant look away. So when you post that this thread is stupid or pointless, do you not read it to see what stupidity is spewed into each and every post, whether it be 8 pages or 43 or whatever that long ass one with gorlab got to? Are you not reading it to see what the hell could they be saying for 8 pages? Do you not add in your two cents on the matter? Are you not entertained?

So what im trying to say is this. James Cameron does not do what James Cameron does for James Cameron. James Cameron does what James Cameron does because he is James Cameron. And I do what I do because I am James Cameron. Well no im me. I do this for the greater good of the league and because I have tried to pass the torch on to no avail. Who am I kidding, it is kinda fun to be the bad guy I see what Jericho was getting at with the trolly thing. I may not be the hero the VHL want, but god damnit I will be the villain you deserve. If it wasnt a free week I would have made this a damn MS that would have been a good idea.

So next time you see a post from Ball, do not pass me off as a joke or a dick, but thank me. For I do this for you and only you. Plus I wrote this late as fuck when I could have been sleeping but hell, sleep is overrated dontchaknow.

With love,

The Executioner


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must have been one hell of a couple weeks in Season 10!

Yeah Im the only reason this league stayed ali e. Yall should be thanking me for the VHL, not brooks

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His name is James, James Cameron

The bravest pioneer

No budget too steep, no sea too deep

Who's that?

It's him, James Cameron

James, James Cameron explorer of the sea

With a dying thirst to be the first

Could it be? Yeah that's him!

James Cameron

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Hello. How are you today?


I think the real problem is that we don't have enough stickied threads. We need more stickied threads. Let's start with this one. Market research shows that forum activity is directly proportional to the amount of threads stickied. 

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Hello. How are you today?


I think the real problem is that we don't have enough stickied threads. We need more stickied threads. Let's start with this one. Market research shows that forum activity is directly proportional to the amount of threads stickied.

Ight lets sticky this place up. The stickier the better

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