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Actual opening night (Friday) or early opening night (Thursday)? I've got tickets for the first UltraAVX show on Thursday the 17th.

Off-topic, but this is one of the stupidest things ever.

Why? They used to have midnight showings all the time, now it's just Thursday evening. Friday is the "opening night" officially, I suppose, but a whole lot of people wanted those Thursday showings first.

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Actual opening night (Friday) or early opening night (Thursday)? I've got tickets for the first UltraAVX show on Thursday the 17th.

Off-topic, but this is one of the stupidest things ever.

Why? They used to have midnight showings all the time, now it's just Thursday evening. Friday is the "opening night" officially, I suppose, but a whole lot of people wanted those Thursday showings first.

Then what's the point of calling Friday "opening night" if you can go Thursday night to see the movie? If 12AM is too late for you if you have work or school or whatever, then just go Friday night.

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I stopped caring about opening night for any movie. People get so hyped up over the big movies, and especially for this one people are probably going to dress up. I'm likely just going to go the weekend after or during the week.

I agree with that early Thursday showing though. If the movie is out Friday, then it should be out Friday. 7PM Thursday is not Friday. At least when it's at 12AM that actually means it's Friday.


Lol I just checked my theatre just to see, and Thursday's showings are sold out already.

Edited by DollarAndADream
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well I finally managed to gather my squad to go watch this and wtf no discussion. I know Devise made a post in the movie thread but guys, step it up.


I am satisfied having set a very low bar of please not be as shit as the prequels. That was accomplished but the next two episodes will make it or leave it as meh. But good fun for sure, if very New Hope-y. And Kylo Ren is not a great villain (teenage Snape basically) but I can see why they did what they did and he can improve.

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