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Faraday's Top Destinations


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It's a big week for James Faraday as he prepares for his final season in the VHL. The off-season is a good time to unwind and clear your mind of the previous let downs. Here is a quick ranking of Faraday's Top Destinations.

5. Prince Edward Island - This one isn't exotic or anything, but if you want to drink a few casual beers and go tuna fishing this is the spot where you would go. After a fine day on the high seas, you can head down to pogey beach (equipped with your steel toed boots).

4. Venezuela - Faraday has heard that their economy is fucked big time, so that means his 4.5 million dollar contract from last season is worth anywhere 50 to 100 million. That's a lot of strippers, cocaine and souvenirs.

3. Alaska - It's actually warm there this time of year, and Faraday is a businessman. In Alaska he will be able to invest in gold mining communities and possibly make a fortune, or go bankrupt.

2. Mexico - Self explanatory.

1. Computer Room - The most likely spot to find Faraday this week is his computer room. Equipped with 28 state of the art DELL monitors and surround sound, you can bet that Faraday will not miss any messages sent his way about free agency. No pants required, just like Mexico.


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