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With the influx of new players joining the league, I thought it'd be a good idea to rank them for this fan 590. This may end up being a preview for a media spot later in the week where I'll expand on my choices.

1.D - Felipe Rodriguez: Felipe is a VHLM GM and will benefit from that extra point each week, hyper active, and solid defensemen are hard to come by.

2. D - Sam Weaver: As with Felipe, Weaver is now a VHLM GM and very active, will be a great addition to any team for next season.

3. G - Artom Zhumbayev: The top goalie in the draft, Artom is improving quickly and definitely the next best player available

4. C - Unassisted: There may finally be unassisted goals!!! Way to be creative there.

5. RW - Kendrick Cole: Shitty name, but should turn out to be a great player next season.

6. G - Jakab Holik: I want to pronounce your name "Jack - ab" but I know that just sounds stupid and isn't right. How hard is it to just put Jacob?

7. RW - Mikhail Gribov: "Michael" Gribov is suprisingly going to drop to the end of the first round with all of the new recreates.

8. C - Vincent Adultman: If his username is any indication, he is going to turn out to be a great player.

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Ahma next time take your medication.

You mean Porridge

Good point, porridge it is! Actually I want porridge right now

don't say that. You may start a late night porridge trend. I actually no lie now have a hankering for some porridge now. Which should kill anyone else's wanting it since no one wants anything I do. 

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It would have been pretty darn easy to change the spelling. However making a Czech player and using an English spelling of the name didn't seem to make any sense to me.

Besides, are you really complaining about ease of pronouncing my name? I'm one of the few members who finds European names that AREN'T impossible to say haha.

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It would have been pretty darn easy to change the spelling. However making a Czech player and using an English spelling of the name didn't seem to make any sense to me.

Besides, are you really complaining about ease of pronouncing my name? I'm one of the few members who finds European names that AREN'T impossible to say haha.

Yeah I spelt the name Jakub.

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