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LR Suggestion

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Just now, Higgins said:

As a GM I thiught you would appreciate having your teams LR at the top ?


Only serves as a harsh instant reminder for more inactive teams. I mean sure I can see Ruutu, Yeah and ADV posting like bosses, but imagine constantly seeing last post weeks ago? Ouch. At least at the bottom you could bury that shame. 


Draper really went off the wagon with this change. Must be drunk. :P

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Just now, gregreg said:

Why would I like it? 


Yeah the presumed notion that you would have to like it out the gate and it's strange if you don't is silly. Especially since the argument for is basically "that's how other leagues do it". It's truly a trivial thing.

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3 minutes ago, Victor said:

The only way we can restore order is by making everyone else's lives unbearable.


Let S49 be the season of daily complaining about LRs at the top.


Down with the Drapetatorship. Victator 2016! Make VHL Great Again!

I'm against you but even then I can't help but support that awesome of a slogan lol



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3 minutes ago, Victor said:

The only way we can restore order is by making everyone else's lives unbearable.


Let S49 be the season of daily complaining about LRs at the top.


Down with the Drapetatorship. Victator 2016! Make VHL Great Again!


Can you imagine if the VHL Admin team was democratic? As in, every few seasons people ran with platforms and then people got elected? Sadly that would just lead to SHL members coming over and turning VHL into a minor league for SHL. :P 

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3 minutes ago, Mr. Power said:


Can you imagine if the VHL Admin team was democratic? As in, every few seasons people ran with platforms and then people got elected? Sadly that would just lead to SHL members coming over and turning VHL into a minor league for SHL. :P 

How the election would go down:


1) @eaglesfan036 r.igs the election

2) Munk becomes commissioner

3) VHL folds within 48 hours

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8 minutes ago, Victor said:

The only way we can restore order is by making everyone else's lives unbearable.


Let S49 be the season of daily complaining about LRs at the top.


Down with the Drapetatorship. Victator 2016! Make VHL Great Again!


Hey, I may have executed it but you saw in Blue HQ it was Higgins idea :blink:

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Disliking LRs on top because it's CHANGE is a piss-poor reason to dislike it. It's not just the SHL who does it, it's EVERY OTHER SINGLE SIM LEAGUE AROUND. Just because VHL has done something since inception doesn't make it the right thing to do. SHL had the same layout and people bitched and complained and now it's much better. I only use SHL as it's the sim league I've been a part of the longest (a month longer then here) that's made any significant changes while I was around.


Activity is already low on the boards. Do you really think not making people scroll through all the other sub-sections is going to increase it without doing anything about it? I already go right to the bottom to see what my teammates have to say then wander around looking at other stuff. I don't get why there's no team atmosphere here. Why wouldn't the first thing you want to do is see what your teammates/players have to say? Especially as a VHLM GM, the biggest thing to do is make sure you're checking on your new members and promoting activity so you keep them around. I personally cannot understand how off-topic discussions would be a bigger draw then my team's LR. If I wanted to discuss health and fitness or some video game, I'd go to a better resource (i.e. the actual pages related to that, not a sim hockey league sub-forum).

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8 minutes ago, Jala said:

Disliking LRs on top because it's CHANGE is a piss-poor reason to dislike it. It's not just the SHL who does it, it's EVERY OTHER SINGLE SIM LEAGUE AROUND. Just because VHL has done something since inception doesn't make it the right thing to do. SHL had the same layout and people bitched and complained and now it's much better. I only use SHL as it's the sim league I've been a part of the longest (a month longer then here) that's made any significant changes while I was around.


Activity is already low on the boards. Do you really think not making people scroll through all the other sub-sections is going to increase it without doing anything about it? I already go right to the bottom to see what my teammates have to say then wander around looking at other stuff. I don't get why there's no team atmosphere here. Why wouldn't the first thing you want to do is see what your teammates/players have to say? Especially as a VHLM GM, the biggest thing to do is make sure you're checking on your new members and promoting activity so you keep them around. I personally cannot understand how off-topic discussions would be a bigger draw then my team's LR. If I wanted to discuss health and fitness or some video game, I'd go to a better resource (i.e. the actual pages related to that, not a sim hockey league sub-forum).

I've already stated that all the arguments for both sides are stupid. It literally does not matter, and is a preferential thing. There is no possible way to objectively argue one way is better than the other. No one has been successfully able to do so, and bolding that it's the "right thing" to put LRs at the top isn't an objective argument. Saying that putting the LR helps foster a team atmosphere is bullshit, and I don't know how anyone on any side can make any of these arguments in earnest. That goes for "pro power bottoms" too.


That's why I maintain the only solution (outside of it somehow being a customizable option) is to have a button at the top, or have a side bar like I think Dingles described. That way, for those who want it at the top, there's a nice easily accessible button right when you come to the site that will bring you right to your favourite section instantly. For those who like it at the bottom and/or are in a bunch of LRs, there's nothing invasive at the top.

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1 minute ago, JardyB10 said:

I've already stated that all the arguments for both sides are stupid. It literally does not matter, and is a preferential thing. There is no possible way to objectively argue one way is better than the other. No one has been successfully able to do so, and bolding that it's the "right thing" to put LRs at the top isn't an objective argument. Saying that putting the LR helps foster a team atmosphere is bullshit, and I don't know how anyone on any side can make any of these arguments in earnest. That goes for "pro power bottoms" too.


That's why I maintain the only solution (outside of it somehow being a customizable option) is to have a button at the top, or have a side bar like I think Dingles described. That way, for those who want it at the top, there's a nice easily accessible button right when you come to the site that will bring you right to your favourite section instantly. For those who like it at the bottom and/or are in a bunch of LRs, there's nothing invasive at the top.

You've been around forever, how often is 'WELL WE'VE DONE IT LIKE THIS FOREVER SO WE'RE NOT CHANGING IT' been used as a defense to something members complain about?


Also I don't get how having the team LRs be the first thing you see wouldn't promote more team activity and thus increase camaraderie. If you're purposefully ignoring your team LRs to go post about something in off-topic, there's a bigger underlying problem.  

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2 minutes ago, Jala said:

You've been around forever, how often is 'WELL WE'VE DONE IT LIKE THIS FOREVER SO WE'RE NOT CHANGING IT' been used as a defense to something members complain about?


Also I don't get how having the team LRs be the first thing you see wouldn't promote more team activity and thus increase camaraderie. If you're purposefully ignoring your team LRs to go post about something in off-topic, there's a bigger underlying problem.  

I dunno, you tell me how many times it's been used as a defence. You must have been keeping track.


The VHL is a ridiculously rigid structure, not gonna lie. Apart from making podcasts PTs, introducing a fantasy zone, expansion, creating a welfare/pension system, completely overhauling the VHLM, making new logos, and removing the grading system entirely, it's basically the same league it was in 2007.


Now I wonder why all those changes weren't as vehemently opposed by half the league as LRs at the top.

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Just now, Victor said:

I dunno, you tell me how many times it's been used as a defence. You must have been keeping track.


The VHL is a ridiculously rigid structure, not gonna lie. Apart from making podcasts PTs, introducing a fantasy zone, expansion, creating a welfare/pension system, completely overhauling the VHLM, making new logos, and removing the grading system entirely, it's basically the same league it was in 2007.


Now I wonder why all those changes weren't as vehemently opposed by half the league as LRs at the top.

I wasn't aware that the top 10 of the league's power hierarchy was half the league. Those changes impact the league so much more then moving LRs, why would such a small change create so much angst?

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2 minutes ago, Jala said:

I wasn't aware that the top 10 of the league's power hierarchy was half the league. Those changes impact the league so much more then moving LRs, why would such a small change create so much angst?

probably because it's small, annoying, and unnecessary?

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14 minutes ago, Jala said:

You've been around forever, how often is 'WELL WE'VE DONE IT LIKE THIS FOREVER SO WE'RE NOT CHANGING IT' been used as a defense to something members complain about?


Also I don't get how having the team LRs be the first thing you see wouldn't promote more team activity and thus increase camaraderie. If you're purposefully ignoring your team LRs to go post about something in off-topic, there's a bigger underlying problem.  


Nobody is saying LR activity can't be fun. But the VHL has primarily been more of a the whole board is one giant community type of place. There was a time when a majority of the members were in like 5-6 different LR's. Because we don't just want to communicate with our teammates, we want to communicate with EVERYONE. Hence why LR's became less relevant here. 


LR's are still very much fine for the team stuff, but our focus should be on getting members engaged and logged in with this community. Again, just because it works for other sites doesn't mean we have to go with it. The VHL has and likely always will be very proud of it's history, what it's accomplished, the players it's had and it's legacy etc. There is also the other side fact that having a "locker room" sub forum the first thing you see when you log into a website is the most unprofessional fucking thing ever. Yeah I'm sure when I log onto any other websites professional looking forum, a sub forum group that only me and a few other people from the greater forum are apart of is the FIRST thing I see. No. 


To me on that level it's a presentation thing. Front row and center when I log onto a site I want the banner and the design work to show it off. Then I want the first thing I see to be league related information. Which we accomplish, announcements right at the top. Remember forums operate well because they function as an agreed "society" of sorts. To me highlighting that you can isolate a section of that society that you hang out with, but of course only when your teammates, the moment they are gone screw that, sends the wrong impression. Keep in mind I say wrong, not based on any other sim league, wrong based on what the VHL is. 

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