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I'd say she saved him because they're all kind of in hot water right now, and killing this random guy may or may not make things worse for her. Or maybe she wants a blood debt so she can Oakheart him, but that would be pretty dumb, so hopefully it's the former, or something else altogether.


I dunno, maybe my standards for them are too low that literally any dialogue with any sort of personality in it impresses me, but I thought it was a solid scene.


What made less sense is the Samwell-Gilly almost rape scene. Why are these probable rapists suddenly getting so rapey? Because Jon left? He's one guy! Speaking of which, where the fuck is everyone during this commotion?  What room are they in? Why is Ghost here and not with Jon? How are they having sex right in Castle Black? Seems kind of risky.

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I'd say she saved him because they're all kind of in hot water right now, and killing this random guy may or may not make things worse for her. Or maybe she wants a blood debt so she can Oakheart him, but that would be pretty dumb, so hopefully it's the former, or something else altogether.


I dunno, maybe my standards for them are too low that literally any dialogue with any sort of personality in it impresses me, but I thought it was a solid scene.


What made less sense is the Samwell-Gilly almost rape scene. Why are these probable rapists suddenly getting so rapey? Because Jon left? He's one guy! Speaking of which, where the fuck is everyone during this commotion?  What room are they in? Why is Ghost here and not with Jon? How are they having sex right in Castle Black? Seems kind of risky.

Yeah, that's exactly what I'm talking about. I have bad feeling now that they might be trying to set up Bronn to take the place of Brienne in the books in regards to what happens to Jaime. It's far fetched but I can see it.


I wouldn't say your standards are too low, mine might just be too high- I enjoyed the bit of the Sand Snakes we got to see in the books and HBO hyped them up so much only to deliver a completely terrible group of chicks.


And yeah I dunno, I don't think it's so much that "He's one guy" as that "one guy" is the Lord Commander. Look at all the shenanigans Karl and the deserters got up to at Craster's once Mormont was dead. As for Ghost being there and not with Jon, I dunno... maybe they're setting up some other stuff too. As for the having sex there, Sam shared chambers with Maester Aemon- he'd likely have a private room. But honestly I'm kind of trying to ignore the bad writing for the most part.

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I wonder where they're going with Daenerys and Tyrion.


Dany/Tyrion power couple gonna rule the world.


All you dumbasses except Boubabi are showing exactly why they did it.


"Hmm, how can we further the Sand Snakes' storyline now? I KNOW, TITS."


Well... They were nice tits.


But that was more than likely just a bad attempt to recreate something Oberyn would've done.


Also Jardy is totally right about that one Sand Snake just screaming OBERYN MARTELL WAS MY FATHER LIKE ME NOW OR PREPARE TO DIE if they ask her anything. Seriously bitch, I just wanted to know if you wanted a glass of water.


Incorrect, I simply am expressing an opinion.

Your revolutionary hipster option.

I don't/didn't want Bronn to die, but it seems more likely that as seductive strong women, she'd seduce him and make his blood pump faster so the poison spreads quicker, just so that the audience can see it. I dunno.


This is exactly what she was doing though. Then she gave him the antidote because who the fuck doesn't like Bronn? He's a kickass fighter and he's got the voice of an angel, he's the best bro you could ask for.






Also, Aegon's last scene before he bit the bullet hit way too close to home. I miss my dog. :(

Edited by Sandro
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Dany/Tyrion power couple gonna rule the world.



Well... They were nice tits.


But that was more than likely just a bad attempt to recreate something Oberyn would've done.


Also Jardy is totally right about that one Sand Snake just screaming OBERYN MARTELL WAS MY FATHER LIKE ME NOW OR PREPARE TO DIE if they ask her anything. Seriously bitch, I just wanted to know if you wanted a glass of water.

Your revolutionary hipster option.


This is exactly what she was doing though. Then she gave him the antidote because who the fuck doesn't like Bronn? He's a kickass fighter and he's got the voice of an angel, he's the best bro you could ask for.






Also, Aegon's last scene before he bit the bullet hit way too close to home. I miss my dog. :(


I'm hardly the only person who thinks there are elements of the show that are either overrated and or their is something seriously missing right now. A hipster opinion is one defined and or influenced by a a desire to be different. Mine is none of those things. I love tons of things other people love, I just in particular am starting to feel like the shiny coating is off Thrones and when it is exposed there are some serious flaws. 


Whether that is because of the books, or because the writers are beginning to deal with filler/make their own stories outside of the books I can't tell you because I've only read the first two books. Either way my analysis is still valid, nobody says people have to agree with it. :P 

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I'm hardly the only person who thinks there are elements of the show that are either overrated and or their is something seriously missing right now. A hipster opinion is one defined and or influenced by a a desire to be different. Mine is none of those things. I love tons of things other people love, I just in particular am starting to feel like the shiny coating is off Thrones and when it is exposed there are some serious flaws. 


Whether that is because of the books, or because the writers are beginning to deal with filler/make their own stories outside of the books I can't tell you because I've only read the first two books. Either way my analysis is still valid, nobody says people have to agree with it. :P


I thought I threw a :P in there, that comment was meant to be very tongue-in-cheek. This season has definitely been the weakest so far, and I haven't read any of the books. Hell, it's made me miss Joffrey! It feels a bit like D&D realized they bit off more than they could chew, and are trying to condense the storylines down to something more manageable.


If that is the case, hopefully this is just the rough patch while they transition to what they've got planned next. And to be honest, I couldn't care less that Bran has gone MIA. I've always found him to be incredibly dull. Maybe it helps that I've never really been one of the "GAME OF THRONES IS THE BEST THING EVAR" type of people. It's been a fantastic series so far, but I do have other shows I would rank ahead of it in that regard.

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I fall asleep (again) during the episode, and now I read that I missed the tits. Damnit. Not going to re-watch it though, since I am bound to sleep again.  I am so good in falling asleep during shows and movies, it's my best quality.

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I'm hardly the only person who thinks there are elements of the show that are either overrated and or their is something seriously missing right now. A hipster opinion is one defined and or influenced by a a desire to be different. Mine is none of those things. I love tons of things other people love, I just in particular am starting to feel like the shiny coating is off Thrones and when it is exposed there are some serious flaws.

Whether that is because of the books, or because the writers are beginning to deal with filler/make their own stories outside of the books I can't tell you because I've only read the first two books. Either way my analysis is still valid, nobody says people have to agree with it. :P

my point was that your views aren't revolutionary, you just took a very long route to make the exact same point people here have been making for over a month
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I'm hardly the only person who thinks there are elements of the show that are either overrated and or their is something seriously missing right now. A hipster opinion is one defined and or influenced by a a desire to be different. Mine is none of those things. I love tons of things other people love, I just in particular am starting to feel like the shiny coating is off Thrones and when it is exposed there are some serious flaws. 


Whether that is because of the books, or because the writers are beginning to deal with filler/make their own stories outside of the books I can't tell you because I've only read the first two books. Either way my analysis is still valid, nobody says people have to agree with it. :P


Well get back to us after the season ends. ;)



This is exactly what she was doing though. Then she gave him the antidote because who the fuck doesn't like Bronn? He's a kickass fighter and he's got the voice of an angel, he's the best bro you could ask for.


Also I was thinking about this more today, and the question shouldn't be "Why did she give Bronn the antidote?" but rather, "Why did she poison he dagger in the first place?"


We know one other person who poisoned his weapon in a fight, and that was daddy Oberyn. In a trial by combat. Why bother poisoning a person when you have to kill them in that fight? I would have assumed it would take effect quickly enough to give him an advantage in the fight. But that assumption is probably wrong because his opponent laying down and having a hole through his entire body wasn't enough of an advantage. He couldn't have been that woozy. So why bother? Because he wanted revenge no matter what, in the event that he should lose and die. Which he did.


Bringing us back to Tyene poisoning HER weapon. Why do it? Probably the same reason as her dad. To avenge herself in case something goes wrong, or to finish off any pussy who gets away.


But since they both fought bravely in the process of doing reckless things, and were both arrested by the same dude, why not let the guy live? He might even have a nice penis.


The End.

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People thinking Game of Thrones is losing its luster because of a 1-2 episode drought is straight ludicrous.  All great shows have lulls. 


Game of Thrones is so good because of the conversations between people like the High Sparrow & Cersei (glass houses/stones).  Reek & Sansa.  Stannis & Shireen.  Littlefinger & anyone.  I hated Jon Snow before this season as an actor, but he's stepped up his game BIG.  Think about the parallel stories ongoing right now!  Even Roose Bolton is a great actor.


The silence at the end of the episode was deafening.  So ominous.

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Hey look a good Thrones episode! The lull wasn't what made it lackluster btw Coach, it was all around the fact that it feels like the shows charms were in so many ways, hollow.


This Episode proved otherwise. I was waiting for the show to finally transition to give the audience a hero character again, somebody to you know root for? It seems that hero character will now be Jon Snow!

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I should add two the biggest reason this season has felt sluggish and down is because of it's transitional nature. A lot of the big storylines felt at a gap. So much has already happened and the pace between stories felt slower this season than usual to me. Mostly because I think a lot of various arcs were "tied up" and you got a lot more slower in general episodes overall because of it.


It isn't necessarily like "meh sluggish Thrones is garbage" versus, it feels to me like Thrones is better than that. But what do I know I"m just a cynic? :P Good episode was good, character development episode in an action episode is fantastic and needed to be done imo. Snow for MVP!

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And this is why I hate the state of current TV/movie. If things aren't action packed or super dramatic every episode, people hate it.

There needs to be time to set things up, not every episode can be packed to the tits with cool shit. They're doing a good job of cutting down on Martin's very long unnecessary descriptors and plot setup but you can't remove everything just so that people who hate character development will be happy.

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I also hold Game of Thrones to a high standard because I believe it is literally the greatest TV show ever (and no, I haven't seen The Wire or The Sopranos yet, but I'm not here to have this debate!). There was lots of things in the first six episodes that could have been much better. The Sand Snakes sucked and there was various other plot hole-ish things and things that didn't make sense. Hell, even in this last episode, which was mind-blowingly awesome, the wights kinds of bothered me. Mainly in how inconsistent they are through the seasons.


In S1 we saw two wights. One was a creepy dead girl with bright blue eyes. All she does is look at Will. The next was Othor or whatever his name is, who also has blue eyes, and he takes a decent number of blows with a sword unbothered until he finally gets set on fire. There's nothing specifically to suggest that he CAN'T use weapons or is particularly slow or clumsy, but he doesn't and he really only speed walks.


The next time we see zombies is in the last episode of S2. Sam pees himself as an army of slow clumsy-looking zombies trot by. A white walker looks at him and doesn't give a fuck.


I believe the next time we see "zombies" is when Bran and co finally reach the giant weirwood north of the wall. Suddenly a bunch of speedy skeletons pop out of the snow with weapons and shit. And the children of the forest can shoot fireballs. It's weird and out of place.


Then finally we had last night's episode, which had both speedy skeletons and speedy zombies, all of whom carried weapons, but all of whom were surprisingly killable considering the S1 encounter. So it's all weird. But it was so awesome I didn't give a shit.


But yeah, it's easy to nitpick such a wonderful show. But just because it's nitpicked doesn't mean it's not still awesome.

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