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I used to be able to do a perfect impression of Simon. I probably still could, I can still nail a line or two from time to time, but I would have to rewatch the first couple seasons.


Was one of them "I'm not a pedophile"

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bad cgi tho

the green screen was too obvious when drogon came in, it looked amateur as fuck.

I didn't care as much about when he came in as when Dany was flying out on him. It was kiddie level shit.


NOT THAT I COULD DO ANY BETTER, but yeah. It really showed that they used up all the budget last episode.

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I didn't care as much about when he came in as when Dany was flying out on him. It was kiddie level shit.


NOT THAT I COULD DO ANY BETTER, but yeah. It really showed that they used up all the budget last episode.


This is bad. It looks like a 2 layers comp. The lighting isn't even the same on the background and on her face. Ugh

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I might be sick. :(


Also inb4 Victor rage post. :P

i actually felt legitimately nauseated when it showed Shireen realizing what was going on, and then the screams afterwards. And now that im reading these threads on Reddit, im alternating between feeling nauseated again and tearing up, cuz of shit like this CJU6WFB.png

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i actually felt legitimately nauseated when it showed Shireen realizing what was going on, and then the screams afterwards. And now that im reading these threads on Reddit, im alternating between feeling nauseated again and tearing up, cuz of shit like this


And what the shit is that all about too? "I put my life on the line to rescue your bastard half brother, but here, have this lovely flammable deer."

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And what the shit is that all about too? "I put my life on the line to rescue your bastard half brother, but here, have this lovely flammable deer."

I was talking to ofer and Gorlab about this too. I think that he just didn't think Stannis would let it happen. He seemed skeptical about leaving, but we don't know if it's because he was worried about something like this or if it was legitimately just him being concerned about leaving his King in the middle of marching towards a battle. Finding out that Stannis is the REASON she was burned will hopefully cause Davos to stop supporting Stannis.

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I'm not even mad, this shit is too predictable.

I really want to believe that the book will do Shireen burning much more differently. Making Selyse out as a better parent than Stannis, hahaha what

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It being predictable doesn't make it not sad, sillybuns.


And yeah the only out of left field for me was that they had Stannis do it and Selyse protest and not the other way around. D&D claim GRRM gave them the idea, so maybe it's because he's actively trying to keep the show different than the books in some ways so that everythings not spoiled.

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