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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 2/14/2015 at 12:53 AM, gorlab said:

jardy u gettin pissy tonight there bud??

I did in fact get profoundly shitfaced. The U of S Animanga Club held a Forever Alone event at Louis. Ignoring the sadness of that sentence, the event included all you can eat poutine and $2 draught. So I obviously went, and I can't imagine how drunk I would have been had I not had six servings of cheese gravy fries.


They had a costume table...




I stole this particular get-up.

  • 4 weeks later...

Update to this thread. I've drank a bottle of wine and ate a steak after a long hard shitty day at work. GO ME GO? No? Fine. 


The truth of the matter is that it's super terrible this thread hasn't been updated in nearly a month. You sober losers you. 

Checking in.

All right, so I need to get this off my chest even though it's not even slightly relevant to you people and no one gives a shit.

First off, I have a woman now. Have for the past couple months I guess. She's hot and fun and I enjoy her.

Moving on to the story. Which I'm going to stress again will not be interesting or worthwhile for you. Anyway, she in classes with my older brother. She's quite attractive and all, but nothing crazy extraordinary. And she's a real nice broad. Anyway, she's in a petroleum student group with me, and in January we put on this ski trip weekend in Banff. And suddenly one night in the bar she was wearing these nice tight jeans.

And that's when I suddenly realized she has a gorgeously nice ass. Like, extraordinary, and totally out of the blue. You wouldn't notice it user normal circumstances. When I informed my brother of this, we had a rare bonding moment of having both noticed such a shocking revelation.

But all in all I kind of thought, "yeah I'm sure she has a great ass and all, but it had to mostly be the jeans. How could it not be? I've never even given her much of a second thought in the 2-3 years I knew she's existed."

Anyway, this year she was on a student group with me, and tonight we had an end of year wind up type hot tub party. So she was wearing a bikini. And fuck me. Her dimensions are just absurdly unbelievable. It's like the equivalent of seeing an anorexic with the nicest biggest tits you've seen in your life. And she's not crazy skinny or anything. Just a remarkably averagely built girl.

But DAT ASS though. Like seriously. It's not like a Hollywood ass or anything like that, it simply just doesn't make sense. It's not like it made me re-evaluate my relationship status, or made me want to rail this broad or anything.

It just made me really happy. Like finding money in your winter coat.

Anyway. Good night.

yesterday evening:

- got massive drunk with whiskey before 12 pm

- went to a bar

- drank more

- got to know a nice Spanish lady

- got to her apartment

- you know the drill

this morning:

- was woke up by her bf with a baseball bat at 6.30

- lost my driver's license on the way out

So tonight I went to the Toronto rock game with some former co-workers.


Was sexting 3 separate girls while there - got 2 new numbers at the game (unfortunately not the hot-ass cheerleaders - went to mcDs - downed 4 jr mcChikens and 10 mcnugs... got a sex pic from one girl they my shitty android phone cant dl' because it's a piece of shit but apparently it's of her ta-tas and who-ha so I am excited an preying it''ll dl'ed - otherwise I'll have to create my own home vid - and no one wants to see that much of my peeeeeenis. 

  • 1 month later...

Because I shouldn't just limit my personal life to daBears lockerroom:


"Well Phil, on saturday night I went to a birthday party for one of my former co-workers. She's quite the catch... and newly single. We went to a Country Night Club - and yes, it played at least 3 Shania Twain songs and had a mechanical bull. It was me and 2 of her closest girlfriends. We had a great time - if that wasn't enough - there were no less than FOUR (4) BACHELORETTE PARTIES also at that night club. 


The long and the short of it was my penis before and the morning after. "

  On 4/4/2015 at 4:45 AM, Phil said:

Toronto rock, btw... is a lacrosse team... not a gay--man mud-wrestiling match with  nads flailing errywurr

Lacrosse and a gay--man mud wrestling match are pretty much the same in judging your manhood. 

I can see it....


I can smell it...


Can I touch it?


Will you tell it?


Here I am!





Did you know that dolphins have the most overrated intelligence of any species? People speculate a high level of brain activity from these creatures, however most of their supposed intelligence comes from their ability to memorize. True statement. Or is it true? One thing is for sure....the beer shall flow down the streets as people riot, we all violently bash towards the center of a big gashing societal wound. The wound of indifference, of despair, of prejudice. Middle class, lower class, we feed on the society of elite and ultimately we become the dolphin! 

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