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  • Senior Admin

A new, big forum update should be coming any day now. There is no definitive release date but most people were expecting it sometime in April, so now that we've moved onto May it must be just around the corner. 


It's not a major update like the last really big one we had when we moved from IPB 3 to IPB 4.1 so there won't be huge changes to the general look and feel or anything like that, but rather this new one is IPB 4.2 and from the details released so far it looks like its just a bunch of a new features. Some of them are really cool looking and I'll save the biggest ones for a surprise when the update drops, but I thought I would share one of the small features today.



This is called reactions and as you can see it lets you add more reactions to a post than just the standard Like. The ones above are default but you can customize them completely, so we could have some fun with that. 


Post your suggestions for custom reactions!

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