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1000th Post Thread Thing


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Well, this sure snuck up on me. Post something and I'll toss a memory, good cheer or whatever the first thing to come out of my perverted mind happens to be.


Edited by Doomsday
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It is time.


Kesler: You've been a rad teammate and you get a ton of unnecessary crap from people here, but I believe people are finally realizing the error of their ways. Either that or you've grown a great deal, but most likely both. Keep up the good work and wear that A proudly!


Seth: You've been an awesome presence in the Oslo locker room and as Salo improves, so will the Storm. So bummed that I don't get to keep you next season, but whoever gets you in the VHL is going to be thrilled. You might have been the league's best-kept secret...


Squinty: Thanks for giving me the shot to be a media grader, it allows me to read up on everything and get a perspective on all sorts of topics I otherwise probably wouldn't be bothered with. Thanks broseph.


Boom: First of all, probably the perfect choice of GIF to use for me, which surprised me considering how infrequently I speak about re-enacting on this site and that Gettysburg happens to be my favorite movie. :P Somehow you know me that well in such a short time. You're a great guy and teammate and it's easy to see why the collective VHL loves you. Have my babies is what I'm saying here


Edgar: First of all, what the hell is chamomile tea? I love tea and somehow I have never heard of it and this is quite frankly an excellent time to ask. I am probably forever indebted to you for getting me a spot on the USA World Cup team in Season 34 and even appointing me as captain despite being a weak-ass scrub. Might not have seemed like it, but it was a huge deal to me that you did that. Thank you so much.


Noah: Always entertaining, always humorous and people always make you the most bizarre sigs. You seem to enjoy the stuff I write too, which I always appreciate. Nothing I really say could possibly improve you any more, so just keep being yourself, because you clearly know what's up.


d_a: Without Martin Brookside, I doubt the Storm would have reached the VHLM Finals last season. You carried that team all the way, I can only imagine the kind of VHL impact he's going to have... shame he'll be stuck with Calgary. :P


Corco: From Wretcher Bro to being a stud goaltender on the S33 Bratislava Watchmen, you've been around. Being as you're locked up in Vasteras and I'm in for the long haul in Davos, we probably won't be teammates again in this career cycle. Vasteras is finally trending upwards, keep up the good fight!


Green: Remy LeBeau is the most valuable player in the VHL, bar none. I think this is the year that you finally bust through into the playoffs and kill it there. You also write awesome media spots and your formatting is by far the prettiest. Overachiever!


Da Trifecta: Who knows where I'd be if you never came over here. You were a big part that made being on Bratislava so fun, not to mention our players (read: my player) do so much better paired together. Thanks for making this league so much fun and don't go anywhere. Please?


flyersfan1493: Haha, I posted this while you're at the Flyers game. Wait... I think that's an advantage for you. But anyway, you've been a real swell dude to me, even if you are an Eagles fan. Am real cool guy.


ssdd911: WATCHMEN ALERT! Seriously, you're in a rad, rad place man. Enjoy your time there, because I was sad to go... even if it did mean joining your last player on the Americans. 


CoachReilly: Really, really glad you're back. The Dynamo are in good shape for quite a while with you around. Although if you do vanish again, I think DAV G has it covered. ;)


CowboyinAmerica: We shall give Jerry Jones the bayonet! Then we will have topped the whole thing.


sball66: All of them. Each and every plastic cup you can find. We're going to stack them up to the top of the site, then do a Hogan leg drop on Kendrick.


eaglesfan036: Robin. Totes amazeballs.


Cuffy: Yes, who are you? EXPLAIN YOURSELF!


Jamie: Your sig has Claude Giroux on it, so you are A-OK in my book. Plus you may or may not be a lady. I have no idea. Plus you've got minions in your avatar, because hell yeah minions!

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