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11 hours ago, Devise said:



Just waiting on you to select the team bud, and then we can let Mercenaries have their go. 


I was traveling to Nuuk in search of more players. But they told me I should gtfo since Greenland doesn't plays hockey. Jtqj3GI.png







Sweden-Flag-icon.png :dav: C - Otto Axelsson @Dangles13

Finland-Flag-icon.png :que:C - Rauno Palo @jRuutu

Iceland-Flag-icon.png :cal: C - Johannes Vilhjalmsson @MWHazard

Sweden-Flag-icon.png:tor: C - Mikhail Vega @iRockstar

Norway-Flag-icon.png :ott: RW - Vaydar Odinsson @BOOM™

Sweden-Flag-icon.png :tor: LW - Aksel McKnight @Kesler




Sweden-Flag-icon.png :cal: D - Mats Johnsson @Quik

Sweden-Flag-icon.png :tor: D - Sebastian Ironside @DollarAndADream

Finland-Flag-icon.png :dav: D - Alvaro Jokinen @Ahma

Finland-Flag-icon.png :cal: D - Jesper Stromberg @Tim




Norway-Flag-icon.png :rig:G - Arvid Aamo @Daniel



I hope yall not expecting us to crush all opponents 10:0 since we have this guy named Aamo who is only good for getting first OV picks. Wanted to replace Vega with Bo Axelsson (DT guy) but he's S64 smh.


Also, I see Scandinavia dudes like Canada.


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12 hours ago, Devise said:

and then we can let Mercenaries have their go. 


I also want to inform you that Bushito is gonna get nothing from us hehe.

Edited by hedgehog337
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