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Mexico City Kings Press Conference


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6 hours ago, Thunder said:


Press Conference

Week ending 12/25/2022

(Answer Questions for 2 Capped TPE


1.  Playoffs are coming up.  Do you have a specific regiment to ready yourself for the playoffs?



2.  What superstition have you had, if any, that affects whether or not you play well or your team wins the game?



3.  Did you ask Santa Claus for any hockey gear for Christmas?  Follow up question, if you have kids, are your kids getting any hockey gear for Christmas?



4.  Playoffs are a busy time of the season.  Is the hype keeping you focused, and what are you going to do with TPE to help the team?



5.  Are you staying on Mexico City next season?  If not, what team are you going to?



6.  What Christmas song cheers you up?  (No food question this presser)

1 - Nope. I keep doing the same thing. If it ain't broke, Don't fix it!


2 - I walk up to Alexander Stroheim and wiggle his ears before every period. Seems to be working well for both of us so why stop now. 


3 - Oh did i ever lol. New pair of skates for sure. The old ones are worn out. Some sexy CCM Jetspeed FT4 Ice Hockey Skates 

for sure.


4 - The Hype Helps stay focused for sure. The Tpe is going to distributed in some defensive aspects. or offensive. We'll see what the GM wants to do.


5 - I would assume so. I have not been drafted yet so i'm pretty sure i'll be back. 


6 - White christmas. There are a lot of happy memories with my family tied to that song and whenever i hear it i remember them. All good things!!! Also @Thunder, Merry Christmas man!!!


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On 12/19/2022 at 9:16 AM, Thunder said:


Press Conference

Week ending 12/25/2022

(Answer Questions for 2 Capped TPE


1.  Playoffs are coming up.  Do you have a specific regiment to ready yourself for the playoffs?



2.  What superstition have you had, if any, that affects whether or not you play well or your team wins the game?



3.  Did you ask Santa Claus for any hockey gear for Christmas?  Follow up question, if you have kids, are your kids getting any hockey gear for Christmas?



4.  Playoffs are a busy time of the season.  Is the hype keeping you focused, and what are you going to do with TPE to help the team?



5.  Are you staying on Mexico City next season?  If not, what team are you going to?



6.  What Christmas song cheers you up?  (No food question this presser)

1. Well. I sit back watch TV, and wait. I mean it seems to work.

2. If I workout, I get fatigued and don't play good, so I always need to eat bad and get horrible sleep to win and play well.

3. No, not much of a fan of hockey anyways, but maybe I'll add it to the list.

4. Uh. I don't care much. I just score and assist. 

5. Cole is W. This is home, so for sure staying. 

6. None, their all so sad cause of Nostalgia.

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On 12/19/2022 at 4:16 PM, Thunder said:


Press Conference

Week ending 12/25/2022

(Answer Questions for 2 Capped TPE


1.  Playoffs are coming up.  Do you have a specific regiment to ready yourself for the playoffs?



2.  What superstition have you had, if any, that affects whether or not you play well or your team wins the game?



3.  Did you ask Santa Claus for any hockey gear for Christmas?  Follow up question, if you have kids, are your kids getting any hockey gear for Christmas?



4.  Playoffs are a busy time of the season.  Is the hype keeping you focused, and what are you going to do with TPE to help the team?



5.  Are you staying on Mexico City next season?  If not, what team are you going to?



6.  What Christmas song cheers you up?  (No food question this presser)

1. I make sure all my #blamecole are ready and warmed up. Just in case.

2. Pretty much all comes down to how many times I've chanted #blamecole in front of the statue of the Burger King outside the LR.

3. I did not, because all I want for Christmas is #blamecole.

4. Very hyped about the possibility of outcomes that allow for me to #blamecole. And I'm in banking mode for the rest of the career now.

5. I'm not, and I wholly #blamecole for this. Not that I've ever played for Mexico, but still. It seems only fair.

6. All I want for Christmas is #blamecole by the one and only Mariah Coley.

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Press Conference

Week ending 01/01/2023

(Answer Questions for 2 Capped TPE



1.  It took us 7 games to beat Miami, do you think we are going to toy with San Diego or should we just put them away in fewer games?



2.  How is your player doing in the playoff run?



3.  What was your favorite Christmas present you received?



4.  What was the best gift you gave to someone close to you?



5.  Do you think Cole should wear his Buffalo Sabre jersey to the Bruins game on Saturday?



6.  What food was served at your family Christmas supper?

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4 hours ago, Thunder said:


Press Conference

Week ending 01/01/2023

(Answer Questions for 2 Capped TPE



1.  It took us 7 games to beat Miami, do you think we are going to toy with San Diego or should we just put them away in fewer games?



2.  How is your player doing in the playoff run?



3.  What was your favorite Christmas present you received?



4.  What was the best gift you gave to someone close to you?



5.  Do you think Cole should wear his Buffalo Sabre jersey to the Bruins game on Saturday?



6.  What food was served at your family Christmas supper?

1. I think we’ll take them out in 6 games. SDM is a good team, but if anyones going to beat them, it’s us.

2. Well, my player in the VHL is currently 13P, so I’d say pretty well.

3. Tickets to the Blue Jackets Sabres game and then also a Sabres Jersey.

4. I ended up getting my mom a sweater, because she didn’t have one.

5. Yes, I plan on it!

6. Ham, Sweet Potatoes, Macaroni and Cheese, Green Beans, and Bread. All were very good!

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On 12/26/2022 at 8:10 AM, Thunder said:


Press Conference

Week ending 01/01/2023

(Answer Questions for 2 Capped TPE



1.  It took us 7 games to beat Miami, do you think we are going to toy with San Diego or should we just put them away in fewer games?



2.  How is your player doing in the playoff run?



3.  What was your favorite Christmas present you received?



4.  What was the best gift you gave to someone close to you?



5.  Do you think Cole should wear his Buffalo Sabre jersey to the Bruins game on Saturday?



6.  What food was served at your family Christmas supper?

1- We will give them a run for their money. No Doubt. We believe in us and our GM.


2- Riggins is doing ok. Wish he did a bit more but in time he'll be picking it up.


3- My annual Thick Christmas Socks. Get them every year, and always happy when i get them.


4- Got my Lady a Nespresso. She Loved it. Now she's happy and i get a good coffee.


5- HELL YES!!! Are you even a fan if you don't.


6- We had the Full Turkey Supper. ( I made the turkey) It was just as good as thanksgiving.

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Press Conference

Week ending 01/08/2023

(Answer Questions for 2 Capped TPE



1.  We fought the good fight.  I personally thought we had what it takes to win the cup.  Is there anything your player could have done differently to change the outcome?



2.  What is the next step for your player?  Are you staying at Mexico City, asking for a trade, or moving on to the the VHLE?



3.  GM Cole did an amazing job once again.  Do you have any words of wisdom for him?



4.  Did you make any New Year’s resolutions?  If so, what?



5.  Cole wore his Sabres jersey to the game and Buffalo beat Boston.  Is that jersey now a lucky jersey for future Sabres/Bruins games?



6.  What was the last thing you ate in 2022?

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1.  We fought the good fight.  I personally thought we had what it takes to win the cup.  Is there anything your player could have done differently to change the outcome?


- I think Riggins could have helped a little more on the offensive side of things. After 91 points in the Regular season, the 12 points in 14 games in the playoffs is just not enough. He needs to handle the playoff pressure better and produce. 


2.  What is the next step for your player?  Are you staying at Mexico City, asking for a trade, or moving on to the the VHLE?


- No idea what the future holds. I wouldn't mind staying with Mexico one more season but we will have to wait for the draft and see where things fall. 


3.  GM Cole did an amazing job once again.  Do you have any words of wisdom for him?


- Keep doing what your doing. We all knew defense was a weakness this season and he did what he could through FA. At this point take, inventory of what you have and fill the voids. Next season could be a high for Mexico City.


4.  Did you make any New Year’s resolutions?  If so, what?


- Not really. Other than enjoy life as it comes to you.  You can't always stress over things in life so just enjoy it as it comes. 


5.  Cole wore his Sabres jersey to the game and Buffalo beat Boston.  Is that jersey now a lucky jersey for future Sabres/Bruins games?


- It is. Him not wearing it during our Game 7 loss is probably why we lost. I blame the elimination on him.


6.  What was the last thing you ate in 2022?


- Ohhhh , Tough one. There wa a lot of food. Might have been the belgian waffles, Maybe the shortbread cookies.  Or the lasagna. I don't really remember.

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Press Conference

Week ending 01/15/2023

(Answer Questions for 2 Capped TPE


  1. Its off season.  Are you in training mode or party mode?



2.  What attributes are you going to focus on this season to help the team bring home the cup?



3.  Are the Boston Bruins legit or are they an overrated hockey team?



4.  What VHL team drafted you?  If you havent been drafted yet, what team do you hope to go to?



5.  When Mexico wins the cup this season, how will you celebrate?



6.  What is your favorite donut shop?  What is your favorite donut?.

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Press Conference

Week ending 01/22/2023

(Answer Questions for 2 Capped TPE


1.  How excited are you to get the season underway?



2.  In what way does your player hope to contribute to the success of Mexico City this season?



3.  What company or product is your player sponsored by?



4.  How many hockey games do you typically watch each week?



5.  How many different video games to you actively play?



6.  What is your favorite candy bar?

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Press Conference

Week ending 01/29/2023

(Answer Questions for 2 Capped TPE


1.  Have you looked at the team roster yet?  Do you think we have the best forwards in the VHLM right now?



2.  In one word, how can you describe GM Cole’s decisions leading up to the new season?



3.  What preparations do you make before each game?



4.  Mexico City is 7000 ft above sea level, how does that affect the visitors who come to play us?



5.  How many points do you predict you will score this season?



6.  Are tacos meant to be eaten for breakfast?

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Press Conference

Week ending 02/05/2023

(Answer Questions for 2 Capped TPE


1.  What would you like to say about the team’s success after one week of games?



2.  With a goal differential of +28 thus far, where do you see Mexico City’s points at the end of week 2?



3.  GM Cole has done it again!!  He’s masterfully drafted a team that is in synch.  Is there anything stopping Cole?



4.  What is your favorite part of kicking every teams ass thus far?



5.  Have you started to grow your playoff beard yet?



6.  What is your favorite ice cream?  What toppings do you add to it?

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Press Conference

Week ending 02/12/2023

(Answer Questions for 2 Capped TPE


1.  This week Mexico City lost a few games.  Are you worried that losing 4 games in a week could be habit forming?



2.  Ross Glagau has been a stud in goal.  What do you think Ross does to prepare for games?



3.  Did you watch the NHL All Star game?  Was the outcome as you expected?



4.  GM Cole is constantly trying to improve the team.  What more can Cole do to guarantee a trophy?



5.  Who was your favorite coach?  You choose the sport, etc…



6.  Are Taco Bell burritos better than McDonalds chicken nuggets?

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On 2/6/2023 at 7:59 AM, Thunder said:


Press Conference

Week ending 02/12/2023

(Answer Questions for 2 Capped TPE


1.  This week Mexico City lost a few games.  Are you worried that losing 4 games in a week could be habit forming?



2.  Ross Glagau has been a stud in goal.  What do you think Ross does to prepare for games?



3.  Did you watch the NHL All Star game?  Was the outcome as you expected?



4.  GM Cole is constantly trying to improve the team.  What more can Cole do to guarantee a trophy?



5.  Who was your favorite coach?  You choose the sport, etc…



6.  Are Taco Bell burritos better than McDonalds chicken nuggets?

1- Nope, We trust GM Cole. If he fails us and we start losing, There may be a few trade requests...lol. Just kidding.


2- Oh i don't think. I know. I've seen what he does before games this season, He gets to the rink about 3 hours in advance, Hits the gym for 30 minutes, Sleeps for an hour and a half and then eats 3 packs of nerds candy. Works every time. 


3- Oh my god. That boring excuse of a game.... I know we put on a better product than the NHL all-star game. They should have a better skills competition than they do now for starters, and make the game mean something instead of guys skating like they are on vacation. 


4- I think shoring up the D could be something we need to look at. The offense is scoring and Ross is lights out. Colton Heffelfinger has done just about all a d man can do. Some help would definitely lock us a cup. 


5- Patrick Roy with the Colorado Avalanche. I mean come on, anyone that insane is going to make his team play to their max, and also John Torts. Guys like that are a dying breed.


6- NO. This is not a question, this is asking us if we want to run to the washroom before having an embarrassing moment vs feeling very uncomfortable.  lol... Actually I think their both pretty much the same.

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1. I'm not worried one bit. It happens to every team at some point. I'm confident in our player's abilities and the staff that we have here in Mexico City.
2. I've actually never seen the man before games, he just kind of shows up when we are stepping on the ice with an XL soda in one hand and Big Mac in his other.
3. The fact that Connor McDaddy didn't win the accuracy shooting is ridiculous. It's not Fastest Shooting, it's ACCURACY. If a player goes 8/8 they should win. The game itself wasn't too bad, I love the 3v3 it just felt like nobody was really trying.
4. I mean there's a reason I ain't a GM. I trust the man with what he's doing and I can't see too much to improve upon seeing as basically all teams have like one or two defensemen.
5. Very basic answer here but I'm a Boston Bruins fan so I've gotta go with Monty even though it feels like the team is more coached by the core than the actual coach. I've heard a bunch of stories of Bergeron, Krejci, Foligno, and all these old guys pumping up the team.
6. Depends on what burrito you get. Their standard ones are kinda bad but the quesorito and grilled cheese burritos are fire. McDanks nuggies are just kinda mid, not bad but not great.

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1.  This week Mexico City lost a few games.  Are you worried that losing 4 games in a week could be habit forming?

Not when Im signed, 


2.  Ross Glagau has been a stud in goal.  What do you think Ross does to prepare for games?

I know Ross from Junior buddy pounds orange chicken pre game every game, gives him the shits tho


3.  Did you watch the NHL All Star game?  Was the outcome as you expected?

Would have been better with me there of course, Kinda weak sauce


4.  GM Cole is constantly trying to improve the team.  What more can Cole do to guarantee a trophy?



5.  Who was your favorite coach?  You choose the sport, etc…

Because Im an allstar


6.  Are Taco Bell burritos better than McDonalds chicken nuggets?


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Press Conference

Week ending 02/19/2023

(Answer Questions for 2 Capped TPE


1.  Its Theme Week, the theme is “Rivalries”.  What team is our biggest rival?



2.  Is there an opponent who is an adversary to your player?  If so, who is it and what team do they play for?



3.  Did you watch the Washington Capitals game yesterday or did you watch the superbowl?  Or both?



4.  What is your greatest hockey talent in real life?  If you’ve never played hockey, just guess.



5.  Mexico City continues to dominate the league.  Is there anyone you can point out who has been the dominating factor, other than GM Cole?



6.  Besides tarter sauce, what condiment is appropriate with fish?

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1. I think our team's biggest rival currently is the Houston Bulls. I would have said Ottawa but they're in the east and I wanted to say a team we play more often. Our games with Houston are always interesting though.
2. So far I haven't really developed any personal rivals but I would love to have one.
3. I only watched a little bit of the Superbowl and I'm not a capitals fan so I didn't watch that either. I was keeping up with the score of the Superbowl and I saw it was pretty hype.
4. I have a pretty good hockey IQ when I'm playing. I normally see my teammates and I'm able to make solid plays. I have hands made of bricks though so don't expect me to dangle anyone too much.
5. Our goalie has been pretty nuts this season. He's had a few weak games in the past few weeks but overall he's been consistently good.
6. With fried fish, like fish n chips, I sometimes use ketchup but that's really it. I guess you could say lemon juice maybe but that's not really a condiment.

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On 2/13/2023 at 11:52 AM, Thunder said:


Press Conference

Week ending 02/19/2023

(Answer Questions for 2 Capped TPE


1.  Its Theme Week, the theme is “Rivalries”.  What team is our biggest rival?


2.  Is there an opponent who is an adversary to your player?  If so, who is it and what team do they play for?


3.  Did you watch the Washington Capitals game yesterday or did you watch the superbowl?  Or both?


4.  What is your greatest hockey talent in real life?  If you’ve never played hockey, just guess.


5.  Mexico City continues to dominate the league.  Is there anyone you can point out who has been the dominating factor, other than GM Cole?


6.  Besides tarter sauce, what condiment is appropriate with fish?

1- I've been told it's Las Vegas, But to me, it would have to be San Diego or Houston. San Diego was our roadblock last season, keeping us from a championship. and Houston always seems to give us a really hard fight. For me, it's got to be one of those two. 

2-Yeah, Gregger McKeggegger. He plays for Ottawa and we are in a serious dogfight in Goals and Points. It looks like we are going to be fighting this out for the rest of the season. 

3- I watched the Superbowl, it was great. I know controversy but such is sports

4- It was reflexes for me. I played goalie and while a lot of guys had the technical part down. I was heavily reliant on my reflexes, and they carried me well. 

5- You have to look at our big 3 again, No wait, it's a lot more than that this season. Riggins, Nugget, Tazzo, Heffelfinger, Glagau, I mean there is not one spot or position that is not solid. The team is deep and we are doing it by committee for sure. You may see the same 3 names at the top of the stats but the team is different this season. There is a lot more depth and at the moment we are enjoying it. 

6- There is a special condiment that I love to use with fish. Around here we call it the garbage can. 

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2 hours ago, Jayhawk said:

There is a special condiment that I love to use with fish. Around here we call it the garbage can. 

Classic!!!  I happened to have been watching deadly catch when i did the questions!

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Press Conference

Week ending 02/26/2023

(Answer Questions for 2 Capped TPE



1.  Mexico City is showing the fans some serious hockey fun with a 10.7% team average in goals/shot percentage.  What do you have to say to the hockey fans of Mexico City?



2.  Another question about GM Cole.  With all the success he has had at Mexico City, do you think Cole should elevate his GM experience to a VHL team or VHLE team?



3.  Captain Nugget continues to dominate the stats, is there any reason why Captain Nugget shouldn’t be the league MVP?



4.  Five Mexico City players dominate the skating leaderboard.  Does this display of dominance show hockey fans that this is a team to be reckoned with, and is it safe to say that every player on the team contributes to the leaderboard somehow?



5.  And then there is Ross Glagau, who leads VHLM goalies.  Is there any weakness on Mexico City?



6.  Keeping with the Mexico City theme, what is your favorite Mexican meal?

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1. All I want is to give them a good show and hopefully bring home a cup for the city. We thank them for their support and I'm honored to put on that jersey every game.
2. I mean he's been successful so far so I don't see why not.
3. Oh he should get it hands down. I think the only person giving him a run for his money is Rigs.
4. For sure. Our offense is insanely talented and potent. There are very few teams that can outright match our offensive firepower. I think some players are obviously more important than others but everyone has a role to play and right now everyone is playing it well.
5. The only real weakness that I see with our team is that we only have two defensemen but Ross is making sure we don't get punished for that.
6. My girlfriend introduced me to this local Mexican place and they have the best fried burritos. We go every time we visit her grandparents.

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1. The fans of Mexico should be excited for the upcoming games in part because of the way we play the game of the hockey

2. GM Cole should not because that would mean he would be a VHL GM and i wouldnt wish that to my worst enemy

3. I told the captain that he was eating my family so he stopped

4. All Mexico players are the ones on the bench that are winning in most categories

5. The weakness of the Mexico City team is the fact that our arena is in a desert and the AC breaks sometimes

6. the ones that are made in Mexico

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