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The Quest for the Triple Crown of Sim League Permabans


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Greetings VHLiens,


I'm fresh off of a permanent ban from VHL affiliate, the Simulation Basketball Association (SBA). I was permanently banned for responding to a post from a Board of Director member with an ableist slur, along with a vast history of behavioural issues (one official 2 week ban and a 2.5 day discord mute in ~5 years of activity) and an accusation of driving away numerous unnamed members from their website and sim league.


Of course, a lot of you may already be familiar with my permanent ban from VHL-rival hockey sim league, the SHL. I was banned from this sim league for similar vile behaviour and similar accusations of being responsible for "driving away" members with my anti-authoritative and politically incorrect online behaviour.


By sheer coincidence, it seems like I run into permanent bans when my heinous behaviour gets directed towards a league commissioner, director, or head office member. I'm certain that these permanent bans are truly the result of me being a despicable human being, and definitely not the seemingly common trait shared by a fairly alarming amount of sim leaguers in "positions of authority", of an unwillingness to be questioned, or disrespected, by a lowly run-of-the-mill sim league member. Obviously this can't be the case and I've come to terms with the fact that I am indeed unfit for online social interaction.


With that being said, I am using my VHL.com written article this week to announce my intention to complete the "Triple Crown" of sim league permabans, with the final and most important sim league, the VHL.


It may not be today, it may not be tomorrow, but I'm fairly certain that my attitude and behaviour are just not compatible with the current politically correct social climate. I'd like to forewarn @Beketov, @Will, @Quik, @Devise and the rest of the VHL's power structure that it's very possible my disgusting, offensive, and downright abusive e-behaviour should eventually send me to the place where boubabi at. This will fulfill the prophecy and secure my legacy as the only man permanently banned from the "big 3" sim leagues. Until that time comes, I plan to be quite active on VHL since it's the only sim league I'm not permanently banned from.


Thanks for reading!


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