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S68 Referendum: Ban Higgins


Should Higgins be banned?  

37 members have voted

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@Higgins was indefinitely inactive since like 2018 from the VHL.


Should he be banned? Yes or no.

(won’t a dick and tag everyone like the other referendum).


Votes are public.

(this is NOT real lol..)

Edited by Banackock
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2 hours ago, Tate said:

Higgins is a guy chasing the past but he doesn't deserve to be banned for wanting the return of a friend. He just has to accept and respect the decision that has been made by the leadership core, end of story. 

If you have the time, I would love to explain to you what a JOKE is. Maybe you’ve heard of it before.

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9 minutes ago, Tate said:


When I responded Bana had not edited his post stating it wasn’t real. If you have time I’d like to explain to you what compassion is. Maybe you’ve heard of it before?

The other one isn’t real either so I kind of assumed you’d know this one is too. :P 

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42 minutes ago, Tate said:


When I responded Bana had not edited his post stating it wasn’t real. If you have time I’d like to explain to you what compassion is. Maybe you’ve heard of it before?

It wasn’t stated it was a joke when I posted either...


you shouldn’t have to have someone tel you it’s a joke to get it lol

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Hey everyone sarcasm is difficult to pick up on through text and a significant percentage of your reading group has no knowledge of league or personal histories involved.

It would be helpful to this group that everyone be clear when posting. Your friends on here that already know it's a joke will still get it. The rest of us in the dark need the clarification because to us yes the jokes go above our heads and that's fine if we aren't your intended audience but we read it nonetheless.

I think if everyone does so we can avoid the type of confusion that has occurred on this thread. Thank you for considering my request.

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