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Updater Heroes


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This was in a way an easier task than last season's theme, as for that you really had to do your research. But this one was interesting because you actually had to sit down and think a bit on who these unsung heroes were. I have personally had so good interactions with the VHLM GM's (even teams I didn't play or work for) but I also felt some of the unsung heroes were our updaters.

Holy fuck guy, are you salaried? You possibly should be. You've approved, checked, told me I suck for not making life easy for you, thirty-five times now. You fucking rock.

Second place at 16 prompt updates and just an outstanding member.

Third place a 13 beautiful updates. I'm not sure what that name actually means, but it may have Latin base from "deliver".

And it's obviously not just about these three, anyone who checks their update history will see @Beaviss, @.sniffuM, @DollarAndADream, @Banackock, @TacticalHammer, @Tagger and more great people. But it is a really key ingredient to this league and I think it works pretty fucking well. Thank you guys!


Edited by Elmebeck
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