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Patrik Laine Pre-Camp Interview


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MIAMI - We are only one day away from Marauders training camp here in Miami and there have been a number of players already out on the ice including a scrimmage played last week spearheaded by Patrik Laine and Andre LeBastard. We were able to catch up with Laine for this thoughts on training camp through a video call he did in his hotel in Miami.


Reporter: Thanks for joining us, Patrik.


Laine: It is my pleasure.


Reporter: So, how has the first week been in Miami for you?


Laine: It's been pretty good. I've been on the ice for 6 hours every day getting ready for the season. Even back home in Finland I had a lot of ice time so I can't wait for tomorrow.


Reporter: Are you going to stay in a hotel the entire season?


Laine: I'm not sure yet. I could always rent an apartment or I could move in with one of the guys like LeBastard or Lamb for the year.


Reporter: The lines for the Marauders were released this morning and they have you play on the second line. Do you have any comment about that? Any disappointment?


Laine: Well, I'm not upset at all. Sens is a good winger as well. If we win more with me being on the second line, then that is what it takes. I'm on the first power play unit so that okay. Lamb and Thornton are good guys to play with so I'm still pretty excited.


Reporter: We heard many reports about you possibly going VHL which scared teams off during the VHLM draft. What ultimately made you stay down?


Laine: After I went to Helsinki in the VHL draft, I had a talk with Jubo after the draft and he told me it would be best for my development, so I decided to stay down after talking with him and he knows what is best for me so those are my kind of comments.


Reporter: What do you think of Miami so far?


Laine: It is a nice city honestly. The people are nice and love the Marauders. Everywhere I go, kids are approaching me for autographs and of course I say yes. I sign sticks and gear for them. Nice hockey town.


Reporter: What do you think about the team and what do you expect?


Laine: I think we have a solid forward core with Lamb, Thorns, Sens, Andre and Willis. Defensively, we have a solid starter in net with Bacon and the top 4 of Socks, Grachev, Stansson and Byrne so I think we can be a contending team. We'll know when Tuesday comes?


Reporter: We heard whispers about other teams picking you up in the draft. Can you give us some comments about that?


Laine: Well in total, 8-9 teams had contact with me and Calgary's GM told me if I was still on the board at 11 they would have chose me so I knew a bit of where I was going and kept the talks between me and the GMs secret.


Reporter: How excited are you for training camp?


Laine: Really excited, ready to go out there with the boys and get to know the team.


Reporter: I seen a report that you will be bringing back you Mennonite beard from a few years ago. Are those reports true?


Laine: Yeah, I lost another bet with my cousin so I am growing it out again. It worked well last time so hopefully it works again.


Reporter: Last question here. If you were to share a hotel room with anyone on the team during road trips, who would you share it with?


Laine: Uh.....Probably Lamb. Me and him have become pretty good friends this past week. We have a lot in common so it would be fun.


Reporter: Kiitos.

Laine: Kiitos.



643 words, 3307 characters written by @PatrikLaine

Edited by PatrikLaine
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