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Hmm, Coven didn't visit Barzal on n1 according to Spy. Weird shot in the dark by the PM, surprised he didn't use a heal potion. At least the two bad guys are killing each other :P


speaking of which, whatchu got for us @Spartan?

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55 minutes ago, jhatty8 said:

Hmm, Coven didn't visit Barzal on n1 according to Spy. Weird shot in the dark by the PM, surprised he didn't use a heal potion. At least the two bad guys are killing each other :P


speaking of which, whatchu got for us @Spartan?

we have a consort, I was role blocked

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5 minutes ago, jhatty8 said:


Ah ok. We have the mafia figured out. Was anyone RB'd on night 1?


It would have been either Eagles or Ricer. Neither claimed it. We assumed Eagles was visited by Ambusher but given that he was Exe being roleblocked would have stopped his gambit (and Mafia had no reason to out him since he was going after not them).

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No silly, if you assume Spartan's will is correct, one of us had to be roleblocked by the escort on night one. Escort died to the ambusher night one, and me and ricer were visited by maf, so one of us was visited by ambusher who killed the escort


Ricer is lying for some reason

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1 minute ago, chatfan036 said:

No silly, if you assume Spartan's will is correct, one of us had to be roleblocked by the escort on night one. Escort died to the ambusher night one, and me and ricer were visited by maf, so one of us was visited by ambusher who killed the escort


Ricer is lying for some reason


I thought the maf had 3 visits on n1. Lemme find that will

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22 hours ago, Spartan said:

I'm spy, bugged Devise.


Your target was ambushed by an Ambusher.


A member of the Mafia visited chatfan036 last night.

A member of the Mafia visited osens last night.

A member of the Mafia visited Ricer13 last night.


A member of the Coven visited chatfan036 last night.

A member of the Coven visited Doomsday last night.


Vote Caboose


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50 minutes ago, chatfan036 said:

Hatter was visited by MMFlex last night!


Vote MMFlex

You def doing a bad job of your fake LO claim. I was on Spartan last night.


You pushed a lynch against Caboose who turned up Vigi. Doom was obviously the guilty Vigi so that leads me to believe you are Coven and someone used a reveal potion N1 to figure out Caboose. Would make sense for evils to want a TK out.


I also agree that Ricer is bad tho.


Take your pick on Eagles or Ricer. I'm going Eagles for now tho.


Vote Eagles

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Just now, MMFLEX said:

You def doing a bad job of your fake LO claim. I was on Spartan last night.


You pushed a lynch against Caboose who turned up Vigi. Doom was obviously the guilty Vigi so that leads me to believe you are Coven and someone used a reveal potion N1 to figure out Caboose. Would make sense for evils to want a TK out.


I also agree that Ricer is bad tho.


Take your pick on Eagles or Ricer. I'm going Eagles for now tho.


Vote Eagles


Unless this is a MASSIVE big brain play by Eagles, where he lynches a townie and is like "haha I'm the exe" but he's actually not, I'm inclined to believe that he's Exe.

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If Mafia visited me the how could I be evil? Unless Ofcourse I were coven but what would the benefit be of me saying I was or was not roleblocked. 

I wasn’t role blocked either night. We could very well have an escort and the third mafia may not actually be consort. 

If I have to reveal I will but it’s to no benefit of the town to do so as it’ll put a giant target on my back. 

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1 minute ago, jhatty8 said:

Hm. I'm thinking Eagles was RB'd and is just fucking around to see if we lynch Ricer

Exactly this. I say we push someone who has been a bit quieter. It’s still very early in the day. 
I do believe that eagles is Exe which is unfortunate but he is an extra vote if he decides to side with town so I don’t think wasting a lynch on him is wise.

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