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GM Sales from Team USA Holds Press Conference


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It wasn't long ago that we saw the application video tape from Las Vegas Aces goaltender Thadius Sales. You can find that video by clicking here. Sales' video blew up the VHL organization. Leadership from within the league, whether in the VHL or VHLM took notice of Sales' video and many were impressed.


Players and fans banded together to support Sales after seeing the video. Pretty soon, threats came across the desks of WJC council members, all varying in severity. Some threatened the life and limbs of particular WJC council members such as @bigAL and @rjfryman while most threatened to riot of the eager young goaltender was not selected.

"I swear to God, if Sales isn't selected to be the Team USA GM I will learn how to hack websites, hack the VHL's website, and destroy it." - Zealous young fan
"If Sales isn't picked, I'm burning this whole place down to the ground." - A veteran VHL player...standing in his own home.


We aren't sure if it was because of the threats, or the video, but Sales was recently announced as Team USA's General Manager for the World Junior Championship. When we asked Sales about this he said,


It's amazing that I've only been in this league for a few months and here I am, taking on a GM position. It's bizarre. I never would have thought, sitting in my jail cell, that this is where I would end up after my time in the clink. It's truly amazing. I just wish I didn't get so nervous in front of the camera.


After speaking with us about his hiring, Sales announced that he would be asking @Banackock to step up as his AGM. We haven't heard back if he accepts. Maybe he will say something in the comments?


Anyways, Sales then moved quickly to hold a press-conference, which he says was "heavily attended. I couldn't stop people from pushing into the door." However, it seems that may not be the case. Watch, and judge for yourself.


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