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Everything posted by Victor

  1. Excellent.
  2. it's OK, we all dream of Cleganebowl GET HYPE @JardyB10
  3. but it hasn't happened yet...
  4. you would have been backing up Jardy on Mercenaries lol
  5. bit too close
  6. Trump's right, this country needs saving.
  7. What even is von Braxton?
  8. It's all about filling the team with confidence in my ability to concede.
  9. @Draper you're just Higgins' lapdog
  10. I think it's time for @stevo to leave then
  11. haven't you noticed, Seattle has shifted their attention to Quebec? picking on the cripple for shame
  12. It's been a while since @StevenStamkos91 shared his views on Sean Blacker
  13. you put more effort into that than you did into considering the consequences of moving LRs to the top
  14. So I guess if Quebec and Riga try to sign a player you don't need but you bid anyway, the common denominator is... hmmm
  15. I mean by this logic, you're outbidding Riga because Toast is an asshole towards you.
  16. Devise often makes great points, I just wish he presented them in a way that people would read. He needs an assistant to follow him around and summarise his key points in a couple lines.
  17. lack of wingers? Zeptenbergs a winger? sounds like a match made in heaven
  18. It's VHL Civil War! Are you #TeamAdmin or #TeamCommish?
  19. CLEGANEBOWL adds infinite HYPE
  20. I mean it's been less than 2 years, a bit soon to clear him of all charges.
  21. I mean at the top, you see them straight away. At the bottom, you press the End button and you're there (seriously, did people not do this?). You're dumb.
  22. #MakeVHLGreatAgain

  23. I dunno lol, I'm just going off the roster forum.
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