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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. So last night's S49 VHL Entry Draft was my first as GM of the Helsinki Titans. I don't know if I can really count it as my first because I was out last night enjoying copious amounts of liquor and other things that I won't get into. But anyway, the draft worked out exactly how I would've liked. I was admittedly really surprised with Calgary picking Doughty 2nd overall but I was delighted that the first name on my list, Thor Odinson was available to be picked with the 4th overall selection. It may have looked a little off the board to some people but from the contact I'd had with boom before the draft as well as the quality of his previous players it was a no brainer to me. Then it came to the 9th overall pick and we were able to add Shayne Gow to our roster. flyersfan is a member with a wealth of experience and it'll be great to have him on board with us as I take on my first season as GM. Although we didn't have the picks to add anyone after the first round, it was very pleasing to be able to add the two people I had singled out ahead of the day and really add two guys who will play a huge part in this team's future as we go through our retool.
  2. Missed it for reasons but got my two guys so I'm more than happy
  3. how are you going to do that against final form Helsinki GM???
  4. Actually stoked to see how this works out, I would say make me proud but I didn't really accomplish anything so just do better than me I guess
  5. This whole thing was just done to try and show who's really in charge and undermine the GMs imo
  6. Eaglesfan tryna swing his dick around ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  7. Obviously with me taking the job as Helsinki GM I can no longer continue to lead the Rush. It's been a fun couple seasons, and although I couldn't deliver a cup I felt like I learned a lot that'll hopefully stand me in good stead for the VHL. In happier news, @Victor will be taking over the GM job. I don't really feel the need to introduce him or why he'll do a great job. Good luck taking the team forward and winning a cup! #Yukon2Gud
  8. Thank you for the opportunity again man. You did an amazing job as a GM, it's going to be a tough act to follow but I'll do my best to at least replicate some of your success
  9. brovy got fleeced letting me go that cheap but for real thanks man, really enjoyed my time with QUE and planned on sticking around for a while but this is an exciting opportunity and I can't wait to get going with it
  10. As the VHLM playoffs draw to a close, it's natural that thoughts turn towards the offseason, and all the pageantry and fun that comes with it. Russian goaltender Dmitri Dadonov played his first VHLM game back in S46 as a waiver player for the Saskatoon Wild before spending S47 with the Yukon Rush and this most recent season with the Oslo Storm. Dadonov performed moderately well last year but ultimately couldn't deliver his team the cup they craved. This year was a different yet all too familiar story, as Dmitri tasted tragedy once again with another playoff failure, but his regular performances were certainly of a much higher quality. This season's "goalie of the year" race in the VHLM is incredibly tight. Dadonov will certainly be in the conversation, along with his three main rivals for the honour; AK47, Sven Wolf and Coca Cola. The only way we can really determine each player's chance at winning is if we compare them on an individual basis, statistic by statistic, to try and get to the bottom of who holds the best chance. Save Percentage - Winner: Coca Cola (0.923). Coca Cola, a career VHLMer has been a top performer for the Moscow Red Wolves over recent seasons. He delivered once again in S48, putting up a league leading, and extremely impressive, save percentage of 0.923, a full 0.010 ahead of his closest competitor. Goals Against Average - Winner: Sven Wolf (1.79) Wolf was a clear winner in the GAA category amongst VHLM goalies, however it's possible that his shortened season may stand against him in terms of awards voting, despite a very impressive year for the rookie. Wins - Winner: AK47 (51) AK47 certainly didn't hurt his draft stock this season as he managed to be the most successful goaltender in the VHLM in terms of games won. Dadonov followed closely behind with 48, but ultimately AK47 delivered the kind of consistent performances required to take his team to another Founder's Cup finals. Shutouts - Winner: AK47 (12) In addition to leading the league in wins, AK47 was also the man who delivered the most goose eggs to his rival teams, shutting out the opposition 12 times. Ottawa have enjoyed another strong season and it's arguable that without performances of the quality that AK47 delivered, they certainly would've fallen well short of their eventual success. CONCLUSION Ultimately, this award has several candidates who would all be worthy winners. It's hard to judge my own player's chances without being a little biased, but even though he didn't lead the league in any individual category, I think his consistency across the board may stand him in good stead when it ultimately comes to voting for the award. It certainly says a lot about the quality of the current crop of VHLM goaltenders that there are so many legitimate contenders for the award, and each and every one has done their bit to help keep the league both competitive and interesting. Whether or not Dadonov wins his first award in the VHL system remains to be seen, but whatever happens, it's been a season I've been proud of, and I'm looking forward to hopefully taking some of the momentum forward to the big leagues next time around.
  11. Finish this godforsaken series already
  12. Waves don't die

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Daniel


      I'm actually a math major but I've never really looked at that kind of physics so that's actually really interesting. I havent touched on stuff like that since high school I think so it's cool to kind of look at it again 

    3. Phil


      I should have known the tides were getting higher. 

    4. BOOM



  13. I fucked my knee up when I was wasted last week which has left me out of the gym for nine days. I'm finally back to normal again now so I'm going for my first sesh back tomorrow but it gives me a good excuse to skip a week of training legs
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