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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Daniel

    TOR/HSK ; S49

    accepts. Thanks for everything @Tylar
  2. So with a lot of spare time in the post season expected for the Titans during this season and the next, I thought I'd check out the golf courses in the area and see if I can find somewhere to sneak in a quick 18 holes when other teams are fighting for a cup (lol who even wants to do that). A quick google search tells me the simply titled "Helsinki Golf Club" is my best option. It's website describes it as "a treasured green sporting oasis on the northwestern edge of Helsinki". I wasn't really expecting anything much but that sure sounds like something I can get behind. Looks like I'll have to put aside that $2,000,000 store credit for the recruitment drive and pick out a new driver eh?
  3. Celebrate one team being a legitimate candidate to make the playoffs and the other already being seven points out?
  4. Spent a good amount of time today reading all the 40 for 40 pieces and I feel educated. Great work everyone behind them!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Phil


      David and I did a podcast series where we read them all out loud, then discussed it. We shoulf get back to that!

    3. TheLastOlympian07


      Phil and his voice of gold did a really good job reading them. 

    4. Devise


      A new VHL history fan is born? :P Glad to hear this though, agree with the sentiments of ze Victor. There is some seriously great articles among them. 

  5. Stop winning you cowards
  6. You might've got drafted by Helsinki and stopped me getting the GM job. 10/10 would do again
  7. I'm in. @boom you are now my replacement goalie, good luck
  8. I'll be rooting for Davos this season, partly because I'd like a better pick but you seem like a good dude and with Europe the way it is anything can happen!
  9. Interesting outcome for a very possible finals matchup
  10. First, and hopefully not the last, shutout of Dadonov's career!
  11. Great job man! Your English has improved even from when we were on Portland together in the SHL, awesome to see
  12. After trading away several key players from their Continental Cup winning seasons in the last few days in Phil Hamilton, Wolfgang Strauss and Pablo Escabar, many thought the Helsinki Titans would see any chance of success this season gone as the team set in for the tank. However, due to the pathetic state of the European conference this year, with almost every team either rebuilding or coming out of a rebuild, the Titans find themselves sat in first place. While there isn't really the squad to put together a competitive season with hopes to winning another cup, the remaining players in Marcel Faux, Theo Matsikas, Souryuu Kaminogi and rookie goalie Dmitri Dadonov have played very respectably so far this season, and despite the team's losing record there's every chance that they'll become the "best of a bad bunch". However, with new GM Daniel Anderson expected to make further moves as the season progresses to build his team for the future, it remains unclear how things are going to pan out in the time ahead for the Titans, but for now, the team can reflect with a smile about how despite losing so much of their star power and ultimately losing more games than they've won, they still find themselves in the position of a first round playoff bye at this early stage of the season.
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