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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Disgrace imo. We must let them know they can't silence the wave of Munk support no matter how hard they try
  2. We have sim league god Chris Fekete............................
  3. There is also a draft in the offseason, waiver claims are only until the end of the season!
  4. Draper told me in chat you could have 50 uncapped
  5. Daniel


    To Asher Donovan Theo Axelsson To S50 SSK 2nd Yukon accepts. Go forth and win a cup for my beloved Sask
  6. Yukon claims Theo Axelsson
  7. EURGH just read the doubles week thing, can I submit this for next week instead?
  8. Damn I had to work for that
  9. I'll for sure send you mine over later, probably not my best work but I'm happy to share
  10. I believe so, you'll definitely be in the S49 VHLM draft so you could be in both
  11. All three are v. nice, great job!
  12. All jokes aside how sick would it be for the Bahamas Pirates to be a thing
  13. That's the Dadonov we all know and love
  14. Meute Legion Americans Express
  15. don't forget kuzy too ref was dogshit the whole game imo
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