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Everything posted by Dangles13

  1. The East doing their part to make sure Jumbo gets his Cup.
  2. One thing that a rookie on SHL recently brought up was having a side bar where you could store forums or pages that you access all the time. Not sure if such a thing is possible but it would be handy to access to something like that.
  3. User Name: Dangles13 EASTERN CONFERENCE (A2) Tampa Bay vs (M2) Pittsburgh Winner: Pittsburgh # of Games: 6 WESTERN CONFERENCE (C2) St. Louis vs (P3) San Jose Winner: San Jose # of Games: 7
  4. I think people are forgetting that correlation does not equal causation. I highly doubt that people only post in the LR because they see it, people post because they have something to say or people they want to talk to. If you want activity to increase then you need to give people a reason to be active, it could even be something like awarding a TPE bonus to someone who creates a media piece that generates the a lot of discussion.
  5. I'll be honest, this seems like a dumb argument. If you want to mostly stay in your LR then make that your bookmark. If you want to read all the other stuff then you're going to scroll through the whole site anyways. Everybody wins.
  6. She doesn't get to see it from your point of view otherwise she would totally appreciate it.
  7. Thank you, I did not realize that those were index links.
  8. Finally a draft I can get behind.
  9. Yeah we're moving forward now. New index, new commissioner and we're working on some other improvements to get people interested again. Imo the thing that should be on top is the index, that is the one thing we all look at over anything on this site.
  10. Hard to beat a super efficient Alaskan beast.
  11. So this is more of a fantasy league as opposed to a sim league?
  12. Stupid Ottawa not winning it all. Now we got knocked out by the best losers.
  13. EDIT: Never mind me, I'm not too bright.
  14. Yeah I'm a scrub, take the goalie first before someone else does.
  15. I once played 4 games for the Yukon....
  16. I was mildly disappointed to find out this article had nothing to do with a Salt-N-Pepa farewell tour.
  17. Will those members who posted it get back pay?
  18. I want one now, stop making such nice sigs.
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