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Status Updates posted by CoachReilly

  1. Go get em Komarov @Gooningitup

    1. Phil


      I actually have a theory... which involves Davos winning this season... so make me proud Gooooon

  2. think i'm out after mcj. good times :cheers: 

  3. Man I really fucked shit up in Davos didn't I?

    1. Gooningitup


      i got this :) gunna be a threat soon

  4. It's goooooood to be Jason Eugene Terryyyyyyy

  5. davos clearly needed a change in the front office. go on AHMA!!! yeah boy!

  6. zero response from draper as to why he didn't notify Ahma / Kendrick I would be out.. stay tuned

    1. Phil


      wai wouldn't the GM notify his own players doe? I want story time!!

    2. sterling


      How about we ban Phil and call it a day?

    3. eaglesfan036


      Perhaps you could communicate with your own players?

  7. @Victor want to be GM of Davos again? 

  8. hope i can tamper with some other non-Davos players to find a new GM.  #blessed

  9. Davos has no GM! my responsibilities have been removed, but no one else owns Davos' locker room. 

  10. "MUST SIM ON DEC 25 AND JAN 1" - Draper

  11. Told Draper I was going to be fucked from Dec 26 - Jan 5. And he decided to hold the entire off-season during that window. Good stuff. At least he didn't sign my best forward during that time.

  12. still tuned @Draper ....... JETTTTTTTT

  13. welcome back @boomer!!!! now davos goes.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BOOM


      What career? I ruined that a couple of seasons back.

    3. Da Trifecta

      Da Trifecta

      How dare you talk bad about you while I do. This isn't a tag team. Now you are supposed to return the favor and talk about me being a welfare whore.

    4. BOOM


      Whores. Sluts. Watch out or we'll be in trouble for violating the leagues new sexual conduct policy!

  14. work sucks, vhl rules lol ;)

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