Brock Dragonslayer, a promising young player from from Season 53, has seemingly returned! His puzzling reemergence has the VHLM staff stumped, they know he can't legally play, but they don't know what they can do about it. For the first three games of the season, the refs just let him play, and you can bet the Yukon Rush didn't mind. Through the first three games Brock amassed 5 goals and 3 assists for a total of 8 points, to go along with a staggering 31 shots on goal. The league has filed a court injunction, holding Dragonslayer to the rules and barring him from playing, and even the Yukon Rush management have asked him not to return for their next game. We'll find out soon if this will be enough to keep him off the ice. In the meantime, one has to wonder what other retired players, who have to much experience for the minors are thinking? I'm guessing the steps the league has taken will be enough and we won't see anymore of Brock, but you have to wonder why the refs let him on the ice at all.