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Everything posted by Kendrick

  1. No more shit storm they got their wishes
  2. Cue the shitstorm...
  3. There go everyones predictions
  4. I'm surprised a team got double digits on the scoreboard. Even more surprised it was Columbus, and even more surprised it was against a good defensive team like the Canadiens. That was literally a huge shock!
  6. I can send you the info if you ever wanted to check back in and tweet as well. I've been steadily increasing the followers and trying to engage with people so they come here and at least check us out.
  7. If you haven't seen it or heard of it, we do have a Twitter account. It may not be the most effective way of recruiting (I think only 2 people have every claimed to have come from Twitter) but it is a free avenue and only requires minimal effort to keep chatter up. If you have Twitter or want to go create a free account and follow us, we'd love it! Greg had worked it for awhile and done a steady job but busy lives got in the way so I took the reigns over again to see if it helps us. Go Follow Us : https://twitter.com/Official_VHL
  8. So I forgot to post this but continuing from last week, here is our talking point. If NHL jerseys have ads in the future would you buy a jersey? Some individuals out there are not big on jerseys to begin with in regards to the purchasing of them. If you are though and own many, is this something that will limit your interest in future purchasing or do you just not care. There are several elements to take into account here. Are the jerseys going to be full European where you don't even know which one is their team logo or are they going to be tasteful like CFL jerseys. Let us hear your thoughts!
  9. The Rex Ryan thing is from last year, I know that for a fact.
  10. If VHL players could get injured, who would be the Crosby of the league? Who would be the Ironman? Compare all your VHL players to NHL players
  11. Some yes, some no. In Europe the teams were mostly decided on just covering ground everywhere and allowing new members to relate to a country they may be from. In the North American conference they are all over the map. Calgary, Seattle, Toronto and New York all make sense. Quebec is kind of iffy considering it hasn't resulted in a ton of excitement. We'd love to have a California or even team in Arizona but that would be expansion (unless the EU teams came over to NA).
  12. EPISODE 31 LINK Back on the old Podcast Grind Thanks to everyone who sent me questions! #MakeVHLGreatAgain Blades of Steel Game Online (It's a Real Thing) Note: 39 Minutes End Song: Frankie Sinatra - The Avalanches
  13. Who are these guys?
  14. No worries. It's for free TPE in the end of it anyways.
  15. 1. You shouldn't of had to request these questions, I should've been a good lad and got them to you regardless. How do you feel about your entire time in the VHL? 2. If I came back east, where would you take me to make my trip exciting? 3. Which one of your players do you like the most? Hate the most? 4. What season do you feel defines your time here in the VHL the best? (Don't say S1 because you are too harsh on yourself). 5. Are you as amazed as I am that after your S1 ordeal, that you are still in this league having fun? Any other noob would've packed up and left, but you have integrity. 6. What is one signature making skill on the top of your head that I should try out?
  16. This has been poorly run, I hate to say it. The times and things are all over the map. When do we send things in for Week 4?
  17. Gonna fire up the old podcast engine for tomorrow! Hit me up for questions @Beketov @der meister @Phil @eaglesfan036 @STZ @icedragon770 @scotty @Edgar @Retired MF @evrydayimbyfuglien @JardyB10 @jRuutu @tfong @Jericho @Da Trifecta @Lunaro @Mr. Power
  18. I was thinking of you while drinking my margarita in cabo at the same time.
  19. Yeah @McKelvie You better recreate!
  20. @Munk Glad you got home from your honeymoon with @icedragon770
  21. The standings are. Team Scoring doesn't appear to be
  22. Oh okay yes he was in the other league. Our site has been going strong for over 50+ Seasons and has a rich history so you are in the right place. We'll help you out as much as you want!
  23. You sure you are not related to old Adam Conway (aka Bombay) who used to frequent the board?
  24. Oh I was just wondering because I have seen renders with strokes already applied to them. I'll send you some resources
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