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Everything posted by Kendrick

  1. Some of you like myself love different covers. Here are covers for each NHL team for the NHL17 release! http://www2.tsn.ca/bardown/Story.aspx?Not%2Bsatisfied%2Bwith%2Bthe%2BNHL%2B17%2Bcover%3f%2BCheck%2Bout%2Bthese%2Bawesome%2Bcustom%2Bcovers%2Bfor%2Ball%2B30%2Bteams&id=586634
  2. Haha forgot to switch out the username, poor @Nero
  3. Before we begin and give you the presentation we want you to realize that fi you are a draftee who felt slighted by not being presented in this article, make us notice you. Too many floaters just sitting around doing nothing makes for a dull season of VHLSC rankings. Let's go out and actually improve and do the 5 second tasks that get you simple TPE and improve your player towards HOF!
  4. Gods have spoken
  5. Kendrick

    NYA/QUE ; S50

    But still claims they are the best in the league. #SameScript #SameStory
  6. Claimed
  7. If you asked Tyson Kohler want he wants in his VHL career he will give you a straight forward answer. "I want to get 30 goals a year and win cups, that's pretty much it." It's obvious Tyson Kohler won't win any awards in the Victory Hockey League; those are won by only a select few of individuals in the league. The way the voting is in the VHL it somewhat restricts the best to be voted, but rather who the General Managers feel they like or dislike. The reason for the negative realization behind it is the fact some GM's dislike when a free agent doesn't sign with them in the off-season, thus they vote against him come awards time. It may seem like a far fetched thought, but let's be honest the same members will win awards year after year. Most of the time they deserve these awards as they put the work into getting them. If there is a toss up or two candidates worthy, the one more liked (i.e. popularity) will get the nod over the other. Just calling a spade a spade, don't shoot the messenger for being honest. Bring on the hate and people who think it's untrue....
  8. Gotta give them some hope as well
  9. Gotta give them some hope
  10. A dick? No I was debating criteria, if you can't sort through all that and figure it out it's not my issue mate. I simply stated (and stated well before you returned) the issue with not having any criteria. I have no problems with who specifically put their name in, but when certain members do it raises questions over it.
  11. I assume your desperate attempts with horrible jokes are to fit in in real life as well.
  12. Love me some Elias!
  13. On then off? Okay well disagree there. I never said you didn't have a right. But when you are making assumptions about me, you better have been here the entire time to make sure they are accurate.
  14. Current situation? I have haha. You re-joined yesterday or what not so it would be entirely unfair for you to say I haven't brought it up. You have been here since Season 3 "off and on", let's not at least acknowledge that. I never once said you shouldn't sign up. I'm all for doing exactly what an individual can do under certain rules and regulations. Because I didn't get picked? No. I was pissed off well before the draw, but I guess you didn't see that and all....being inactive. You are making assumptions and thats not great considering the time you missed.
  15. Here is my offer since my last one apparently "wasn't offering anything". The criteria for entering that you have been active for more than 1 month before inputting your name. Also to go with that, you have surpassed 50 TPE with the last player you had (or current one). This makes sure that anyone who is joining the list has been here to at least see the league's strength/weaknesses in the past month. It also helps to weed out anyone looking to input after a long hiatus (which during that time didn't contribute at all).
  16. You're right i haven't offered anything up hahahaha. You've been here so long you'd know if I have or not, right? Come on now.
  17. Children, haha okay Alex. Yes for debating the criteria that makes me a child, when in reality it's a topic worth discussing. Something I pride myself on doing on this board is the time I've been here.
  18. No, no and no. We don't want to make Welfare something people are striving off of regardless of how much they donate. We need discussion, not claims.
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